EVACUATION PROCEDURES. FIU retains the right to use the residence hall facilities for emergency shelter purposes. If a residence hall is evacuated because of an emergency, only those students deemed eligible by FIU policy will be permitted to occupy space in a FIU designated shelter.
EVACUATION PROCEDURES. All Hirers and patrons must follow evacuation directions from MPAC staff at all times. Ushers supplied by the Hirer, as part of their briefing, will be informed of the evacuation procedures and will be asked to assist if an event occurs. A copy of the MPAC Evacuation Policy will be made available prior to the event.
EVACUATION PROCEDURES. The University retains the right to use the residence hall facilities for emergency shelter purposes. In the event a residence hall is evacuated because of an emergency, only those students deemed eligible by University policy will be permitted to occupy space in an on-campus shelter. Students will not be permitted to re-enter the residence halls until the emergency has passed and the facilities are deemed safe. The re-opening of residence halls may or may not coincide with the re-opening of campus.
EVACUATION PROCEDURES. The University retains the right to use the residence hall facilities for emergency shelter purposes. In the event a residence hall is evacuated because of an emergency, only those students deemed eligible by University policy will be permitted to occupy space in an on-campus shelter. Students will not be permitted to re-enter the residence halls until the emergency has passed and the facilities are deemed safe. The re-opening of residence halls may or may not coincide with the re-opening of campus. No refunds of rental fees shall be issued for the time residence halls are closed due to a natural disaster or act of God.
EVACUATION PROCEDURES. Identification of critical incidents;
EVACUATION PROCEDURES. The location of the fire or any other hazardous situation is reported to the Head of School and Administrative Officers. The Administrative Officers or front gate security coordinator will call the fire and police departments. Teachers should ensure that classroom lights are turned off and that all windows and doors are closed as students evacuate the classrooms in a quiet and orderly manner. When evacuating the classrooms, students should not bring their personal belongings with them. Teachers are required to take their attendance lists. Teachers will accompany their classes in a specified evacuation route. Guests and visitors are expected to evacuate to any of the areas. Silence must be maintained during the evacuation. Teachers are responsible for reminding students to be quiet. Students should stand quietly in a single line facing the school with their teacher or advisor in front. The teacher takes attendance. The Principal checks the master attendance list. The teacher or advisor reports any students unaccounted for to the Principal, who will circulate to all teachers to get this verbal report. Specified Facilities personnel will circulate throughout the school to ensure complete evacuation as well as securing all dangerous utilities outlets; for example, disconnect gas, turn off electricity and water. The Head of School will announce "all clear" which will indicate when students and teachers can return to their classes. This will be done by whistle or verbal notification from the Principal. If it is necessary to remain off campus, the Head of School will move students and staff to a secure location and initiate the In-School Emergency Telephone Chain to notify parents of early dismissal.
EVACUATION PROCEDURES. Procedures and training for terrorist threat or attack.
EVACUATION PROCEDURES. Hirers are responsible for familiarising themselves with the fire or other emergency evacuation procedure and ensuring that their entire group have evacuated safely in the event of an emergency. Fire exit points must remain unobstructed throughout the Hirer’s event. In the case of the Church, there are four exit points from the Church which can be used in an emergency (see plan in Hirers/Users folder). Stewards should be appointed to be responsible for each of them and stationed close by throughout the event. The doors must be left unlocked during the Hirer’s event.
EVACUATION PROCEDURES. The Employer will provide evacuation procedures for all employees including procedures for evacuating employees with physical disabilities. These procedures will be provided in an accessible format for persons with disabilities. The Union will be afforded the opportunity to bargain any changes in evacuation procedures in accordance with applicable law.
EVACUATION PROCEDURES. Your first responsibility is personal. The evacuation guidelines below should be followed with that in mind. As you leave the building, follow the guidelines below, be helpful and do not try to be a hero.