Historic Structures. There are no historic structures on the Property.
Historic Structures. With the exception of catastrophic loss, the District agrees to take steps to maintain and not move or demolish the Historic Structures for a period of twenty five (25) years from the date the Property was acquired by the District, save as set forth below. This shall be referred to in this Agreement as the “Restriction Period.” Throughout the Restriction Period, the District shall maintain and make necessary improvements to the structures to maintain their weatherproof exterior and make other improvements as may be required to comply with applicable laws and regulations. The District shall periodically paint the structures and perform necessary maintenance and cleaning.
Historic Structures. Architectural historian, Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, evaluated all structure1s 0i7d6entified by MHT that are or were located on or in close proximity to the Property to determ1in0e77whether any significant historic structures existed, and, if so, whether the preservation, resto1ra0t7io8n and/or maintenance of such structures are economically reasonable and feasible. Specific1a0ll7y9, the sites and any remaining structures of the Xxxx Paris Telescope House, Xxxxxxxx’x F1o0r8tu0ne and Xxxxxxxxxx (Xxxxxx Xxxxx Farm) were evaluated and Determination of Elig1ib0i8l1ity Forms were filed with the MHT, collectively referred to as the “Historical Properties 1R0e8p2orts.” None of these structures are located on the Property or eligible for listing in the Natio1n0a8l 3Register. Based on this work and other information, MHT confirmed that “[t]he project will10h8av4e no adverse effects on historic buildings or landscapes.”1 SHS has sufficiently addressed 1a0n8y5issues related to historic structures, and SHS is satisfied that it has complied with MHT r1e0q8u6irements for historical investigation sufficient to permit Development of the Property as a Regional Medical Center.
Historic Structures. At the discretion of the Agency Official, the Region 9 Architectural Historian (USDA FS), who meets the SOI professional qualifications and is trained in the SOI’s rehabilitation standards, will review all historic structures (above ground resources) before excluding the following list of actions from “case-by-case” review. If an undertaking does not meet the SOI standards, the project will follow the process outlined in Stipulation IV.
Historic Structures. No specific terms relating to historic structures are pertinent to this Agreement. No historic structures exist on the Mall Tract.
Historic Structures. No specific terms relating to historic structures are pertinent to this Amended and Restated Development Agreement. No historic structures exist on the Mall Tract. F:\Home\CLIENT FILES ACTIVE\Shelter Cove 8727.001\Development Agreement - Modifications - 2014\Amended and Restated Development Agreement - REDLINE - 6 5 14 - 2 pm.docx
Historic Structures. The Property area is not listed formally in the National Register of Historic Places or the Xxxxxxxxx County Register of Historic Properties.
Historic Structures. There are no known Historic Structures on the Property, according to the City’s Historic Sites Inventory.
Historic Structures. Two late nineteenth century era structures are located on the Subject Properties and will be evaluated to determine their historic significance. These structures will be documented before removal in the manner described in condition No. in the Phase I PUD Rezoning Ordinance No. in rezoning case No. R-12-01. There is a significant archeological resource on the Indian Caves section of the Subject Properties. Indian Caves, a rock formation near Xxxxxx Mill Road, has been documented as a shelter for early American Indians. The Indian Caves site will be preserved and not developed. An eight acre open space outlot incorporating the Indian Caves site will be recorded among the Xxxxxxxxx County Land Records and conveyed to the LLA concurrent with the approval and platting of adjacent lots.
Historic Structures variances may be issued for the repair or rehabilitation of historic structures upon a determination that the proposed repair or rehabilitation will not preclude the structure's continued designation as a historic structure and the variance is the minimum relief necessary to preserve the historic character and design of the structure. If the historic nature of the building has been designated as a preliminary or historic structure by U.S. Secretary of Interior or an approved state or local government historic preservation program.