Agency Official Sample Clauses

Agency OfficialAgency officials are given decision making authority under the NHPA. They include Regional Foresters, Deputy Regional Foresters, Forest Supervisors, Deputy Forest Supervisors, District Rangers, Deputy District Rangers, and the Chief. The agency official shall: 1. Ensure that Heritage Professionals are engaged in the planning process at the beginning of project development so that historic properties are considered in project planning and design. 2. Invite Tribes, SHPO, and others to participate in group meetings that the Forest Service has already established. If no group is convened, ensure that the SHPO, tribes and other parties are informed and invited to consult as required under 36CFR 800.3.
Agency Official. FS Agency Officials have the authority to make decisions related to Section 106 processes under their jurisdiction. For the purposes of this NPA, the Agency Official is a District Ranger, Forest or Grassland Supervisor, Regional Forester, or any equivalent unit leader. The Agency Official who is at minimum, a Forest Supervisor or equivalent unit leader, must sign the HIP to finalize or issue it. The Agency Official for the Project shall: 1) Make decisions regarding the use of the NPA, considering recommendations made by the FS Heritage Professional. 2) Ensure that FS Heritage Professionals are engaged in the planning process at the beginning of Project consideration and development so that historic properties are considered in Project planning and design. This includes inviting Heritage Professionals to participate in the Project or planning Inter Disciplinary Team (IDT) at the earliest stages of Project consideration. 3) Seek input from HIP consulting parties and FS Heritage Professionals as early as possible in Project development to identify potential CRSOs that the Agency Official may opt to include in the Project design. This includes inviting Heritage Professionals to participate in the Project or planning IDT at the earliest stages of Project consideration. The Agency Official retains sole discretion on whether or not to include CRSOs in a Project design.
Agency Official. 1. The ANC Executive Director, as defined by Department of the Army Directive 2010-04, has designated the Chief Engineer of ANC the Agency Official for Section 106 in accordance with 36 C.F.R. § 800.2(a). 2. The Chief Engineer shall ensure that: a) A staff person designated as the Cultural Resources Manager (hereinafter CRM) who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards (Archeology and Historic Preservation: Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines [As Amended and Annotated], 48 Fed. Reg. 44716, Sept. 1983 [hereinafter SOI Professional Qualifications]) shall be assigned responsibility for administering the process outlined in this Agreement. b) all prudent and feasible efforts to conduct undertakings are in accordance with the preservation and maintenance guidelines for historic buildings, landscapes, monuments and memorials in the Sourcebook and be consistent with the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring, and Reconstructing Historic Buildings (36 C.F.R. Part 68; hereinafter Standards). c) the Standards are referenced in all scopes of work for undertakings so that contractors seeking to undertake work on historic architectural properties at ANC shall show past performance in the successful application of the Standards for the treatments required in statements of qualifications for bids and proposals and be pre-qualified based on demonstrated experience in the successful application of the Standards. d) The provisions of Stipulation VII are included in all ANC operations and contracts involving ground disturbance.
Agency OfficialAs specified in 36 CFR 800.2(a), the Agency Official shall be the Louisville District Commander. The District Commander has approval authority for proposed undertakings and can commit the Federal agency to take appropriate action for a specific undertaking as a result of Section 106 compliance under this PA. The District Commander may delegate the authority to make these commitments to another member of their staff at the District Commander’s discretion.
Agency OfficialAs specified in 36 CFR 800.2(a), the Agency Official shall be the Albuquerque District Commander. The District Commander has approval authority for proposed undertakings and can commit the Federal agency to take appropriate action for a specific undertaking as a result of section 106 compliance under this PA. The District Commander may delegate the authority to make these commitments to another member of his or her staff at his or her discretion.
Agency OfficialThe line officer responsible for legal compliance and land management decisions. In practice, the Agency Official is often the same person as the Responsible Official under NEPA, the agency employee who has the authority to make and implement a decision under NEPA on a proposed action. Refer to section 2360.4, exhibit 01 for the Agency Official responsible for specific Heritage Program activities (FSM 2360.5). Area of Potential Effects (APE). The geographic area or areas within which an undertaking may directly or indirectly cause alterations in the character or use of historic properties, if any such properties exist. The area of potential effects is influenced by the scale and nature of an undertaking and may be different for different kinds of effects caused by the undertaking (36 CFR 800.16(d)).
Agency OfficialThe Line Officer (see Forest Supervisors and District Rangers) who has the authority to commit the agency to action and assumes the responsibilities defined in 36 § CFR Part 800.2(a). The Agency Official is responsible for meeting the requirements of this PA or for complying with Section 106 of the NHPA. The geographic area or areas within which an undertaking may directly or indirectly cause alterations in the character or use of historic properties, if any such properties exist. The area of potential effects is influenced by the scale and nature of an undertaking and may be different for different kinds of effects caused by the undertaking (36 CFR § 800.16(d) and 800.4(a)).

Related to Agency Official

  • School Official For the purposes of this DPA and pursuant to 34 CFR § 99.31(b), a School Official is a contractor that: (1) Performs an institutional service or function for which the agency or institution would otherwise use employees; (2) Is under the direct control of the agency or institution with respect to the use and maintenance of Student Data including Education Records; and (3) Is subject to 34 CFR § 99.33

  • Agency Neither Party is, nor will be deemed to be, an employee, agent or representative of the other Party for any purpose. Each Party is an independent contractor, not an employee or partner of the other Party. Neither Party shall have the authority to speak for, represent or obligate the other Party in any way without prior written authority from the other Party.

  • KEY OFFICIALS A. The technical representatives for the Federal Agencies are as follows:

  • Corporate Trust Office 3 Corporation.....................................................................................

  • Trust Administration The Adviser shall give the Trust the benefit of its best judgment, efforts and facilities in rendering its services. The Adviser shall at all times conform to: (i) all applicable provisions of the Act and any rules and regulations adopted thereunder; (ii) the provisions of the Registration Statement of the Trust under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Act as amended from time to time; (iii) the provisions of the Agreement and Declaration of Trust and the By-Laws of the Trust; and (iv) any other applicable provisions of state and federal law. Subject to the direction and control of the Trust, the Adviser shall supervise the Fund’s business affairs. In addition, to the extent not otherwise provided by other parties under agreements with the Trust, the Adviser shall supply: (i) non-investment related statistical and research data; (ii) the services of a Chief Compliance Officer for the Trust with respect to the Fund and (iii) executive and administrative services. The Adviser shall also assist with and/or supervise the preparation by the Trust’s administrator, transfer agent, and/or auditors of: (i) tax returns; (ii) reports to shareholders of the Fund; (iii) reports to, and filings with, the Securities and Exchange Commission, state securities commissions and Blue Sky authorities including preliminary and definitive proxy materials and post-effective amendments to the Trust’s registration statement; and (iv) necessary materials for meetings of the Trust’s Board of Trustees. The Adviser shall provide personnel to serve as officers of the Trust if so elected by the Board of Trustees. Executive and administrative services include, but are not limited to, the coordination of all third parties furnishing services to the Fund, review of the books and records of the Fund maintained by such third parties, and the review and submission to the officers of the Fund for their approval, of invoices or other requests for payment of Fund expenses; and such other action with respect to the Fund as may be necessary in the opinion of the Adviser to perform its duties hereunder.

  • Consider Operator as School Official The Parties agree that Operator is a “school official” under FERPA and has a legitimate educational interest in personally identifiable information from education records. For purposes of the Service Agreement and this DPA, Operator: (1) provides a service or function for which the LEA would otherwise use employees; (2) is under the direct control of the LEA with respect to the use and maintenance of education records; and

  • Official Language The official language of this Agreement is the English language only, which language shall be controlling in all respects, and all versions of this Agreement in any other language shall not be binding on the parties hereto or nor shall such other versions be admissible in any legal proceeding, including arbitration, brought under this Agreement. All communications and notices to be made or given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in the English language.

  • Agency Shop Section A. Current Association members and all new employees hired after July 1, 1994 to a position covered by this agreement shall within thirty (30) calendar days of their hire by the Employer become members of the Association, or in the alternative, shall pay to the Association each month a service fee, in accordance with its policies and procedures. Section B. Bargaining unit members in accordance with Section A, not joining the Association shall pay a Service Fee to the Association as determined in accordance with the MEA Policy and Procedures Regarding Objections to the Political/Ideological Expenditures. The remedies set forth in this policy shall be exclusive, and unless and until the procedures set forth therein have been availed of and exhausted, all other administrative and judicial procedures shall be barred. Section C. Upon written authorization by a bargaining unit member, the employer will deduct the appropriate amount of the dues or service fees from the bargaining unit member’s wages. The deductions will be made in equal amounts from the paychecks of the bargaining unit member beginning with the first pay following receipt of the written authorization from the bargaining unit member or the Association and continuing through the last pay period in June of Each year. Moneys so deducted will be transmitted to the Association, or its designee, no later than the twenty (20) days following each deduction. Section D. If any bargaining unit member fails to authorize or remit dues or the service fee, the Association may request the Board to make such deduction pursuant to Section A, above. At the next meeting of the Board following receipt of such a request, the Board will provide the teacher with opportunity for a due process hearing limited to the question of whether or not the teacher has remitted the service fee to the Association or authorized payroll deduction for same. Section E. Should it be determined as a result of this hearing that the service fee has not been remitted to the Association or has not been authorized for payroll deduction, the fee will be deducted in equal installments from the bargaining unit member’s remaining paychecks, with the final deduction being made in June. Section F. In exchange for the Board’s cooperation with the Association and its counsel, and the Association’s right to compromise and settle any dispute involving an involuntary deduction under this Article, the Association will indemnify and hold the Board harmless against and from any and all claims, demands, suits, or other forms of liability that may arise out of or by reason of action taken by the Board for the purpose of complying with this Article. Section G. If any provision of this Article is deemed invalid under Federal or State Law, said provision shall be modified to comply with the requirements of said Federal or State Law.

  • City CITY’s DIRECTOR, or his or her designee, shall be the CITY official responsible for the Program and shall render overall supervision of the progress and performance of this AGREEMENT by CITY. All services agreed to be performed by CITY shall be under the overall direction of the DIRECTOR.

  • School Official Designation Pursuant to Article I, Paragraph 1 of the DPA Standard Clauses, and in accordance with FERPA, ISSRA and SOPPA, in performing its obligations under the DPA, the Provider is acting as a school official with legitimate educational interest; is performing an institutional service or function for which the LEA would otherwise use its own employees; is under the direct control of the LEA with respect to the use and maintenance of Student Data; and is using Student Data only for an authorized purpose and in furtherance of such legitimate educational interest.