HUMIDEX READINGS. To alleviate the uncomfortable working conditions in the plant that cause excessive Humidex Readings on any shift, the following will apply: (a) The Company will maintain the Tenneco Automotive-Cambridge Hot Weather Plan (version 5), subject to modification from time to time in accordance with the reasonable recommendations of the Joint Safety and Health Committee. (b) From May 1st to September 30th, a Humidex Reading will be secured using appropriate equipment. If Environment Canada (or equivalent) forecasts a humidex reading of 34oC or greater in the Cambridge area, readings will commence at 8:50am. (c) Once Humidex Readings commence, further readings will be secured within ten (10) minutes before the hour and will continue until the inside Humidex reading is below 34ºC. Should the reading drop below 34oC the next reading will be at 8:50am the following day, if required. The readings will be taken in one location in the plant in accordance with the reasonable directions of the Joint Safety and Health Committee. (d) After reaching a reading of 36ºC a fifteen (15) minute heat stress break will commence every hour for every employee in the plant until the reading is below 36ºC. If the temperature reaches 40ºC, then a thirty (30) minute heat stress break will replace the fifteen (15) minute heat stress break until the reading is below 40ºC. After working a minimum of 2 hours in the shift, if the temperature reaches 43ºC then an employee who does not feel well enough to continue working will have the option of going home without affecting their attendance record. (e) A representative of both the Company and the Union will take the Humidex Reading together.
HUMIDEX READINGS. To alleviate the uncomfortable working conditions in the plant that cause excessive Humidex Readings on any shift, the following will apply:
HUMIDEX READINGS. To alleviate the uncomfortable working conditions in the plant that cause excessive Humidex Readings on any shift, the following will apply: (a) The Company will maintain the Tenneco Automotive-Cambridge Hot Weather Plan (version 5), subject to modification from time to time in accordance with the reasonable recommendations of the Joint Safety and Health Committee. (b) From May 1st to September 30th, a Humidex Reading will be secured using appropriate equipment at 6 am daily inclusive of weekends. (c) Once Humidex Readings commence, further readings will be secured within ten (10) minutes before the hour and will continue until the inside Humidex reading is below 34ºC. The readings will be taken in one location in the plant in accordance with the reasonable directions of the Joint Safety and Health Committee. (d) After reaching a reading of 36ºC a fifteen (15) minute heat stress break will commence every hour for every employee in the plant until the reading is below 36ºC. If the temperature reaches 40ºC, then a Thirty (30) minute heat stress break will replace the fifteen (15) minute heat stress break until the reading is below 40ºC. If the temperature reaches 43ºC, then an employee who does not feel well enough to continue working will have the option of going home without affecting his or her attendance record. (e) A representative of both the Company and the Union will take the Humidex Reading together.


  • Scratches appliance malfunctions and any resultant leak there from; (R) any stain, soiling or damage resulting from everyday use or which has built up over time, e.g. hair, body or suntan oils and/or lotions; (S) signs of soiling include darkened areas where the body comes into contact with the furniture (these darkened areas are signs of soil build-up, which is not covered); (T) general maintenance and overall cleaning of the furniture is the consumer’s responsibility; (U) damage due to harsh or corrosive chemicals; (V) acids, including without limitation, dyes and inks (except ballpoint), plant food and fertilizer and bleach, gum; (W) any non-operating part or decorative parts such as hinges, knobs, handles, or shelves; (X) coverage under another insurance program; (Y) delivery and/or redelivery and/or loss or damage to the Covered Product while in the course of transit; (Z) design deficiency; (AA) fabrics with “X” cleaning codes and non-colorfast fabrics and leathers; (AB) odors; (AC) variation of the color, or graining of wood or wood products, marble or leather; (AD) split leathers used in seat cushions, back cushions or top or inside arm areas; (AE) natural markings on leather, such as, healed scars, insect bites, brand marks or wrinkles, or suede, and leathers with embossed patterns other than those stimulating natural cowhide; (AF) non- bovine leathers, and other buffed leathers; (AG) stains, color loss or damage resulting from cleaning methods or products (detergents, abrasives or other harsh cleaning agents) other than those recommended by the furniture manufacturer; (AH) stone or sand abrasion; (AI) loss or damage resulting from: pre-existing conditions known to You; (AJ) wear related issues, such as but not limited to, fading, wear, seam separation, stress tears, loss of foam resiliency, pilling or fraying of any fabric on all types of furniture; (AK) color loss or cracking and peeling on any leather or vinyl; (AL) splits or bi-cast leather; (AM) furniture that is used for commercial, institutional, outdoor or rental purposes; (AN) Customer’s Own Material furniture; (AO) wicker, rattan, and teakwood furniture; (AP) massage chairs; (AQ) stains or damage to suede, split-grain leather hide or exotic leathers; (AR) manufacturer quality issues such as stress tears, fabric flaws, fading, color loss or change, loss of foam or resiliency, cracking and peeling of leather or vinyl, natural leather markings, and defects in design and workmanship; (AS) Stains or damage that occur during assembly, delivery, installation, before furniture is delivered to your residence, while the furniture is located outside of your residence, while the furniture is in storage or being moved to or from storage or between residences; (AT) Wear & Tear caused by repeated use such as scuffing, soiling, hair/body oil, perspiration, surface abrasions, pilling or fraying of fabric, loose joints; (AU) Stains or damage covered under any manufacturer warranty, recall, homeowner, renter or other insurance policy; (AV) Stains or damage caused by structural problems, appliance malfunctions, Acts of God or natural disasters, theft, vandalism or illegal activity (AW) Stains or damage caused by independent contractors

  • Fuel The Vehicle must be returned with the amount of fuel equal to that at the time of the commencement of the rental. If the Vehicle is returned with less fuel, the difference will be charged to You at a rate of $5.00 per litre (which includes a service component).

  • Landings After landings have served Purchaser’s purpose, Purchaser shall ditch and slope them to permit water to drain or spread. Unless agreed otherwise, cut and fill banks around landings shall be sloped to remove overhangs and otherwise minimize ero- sion.

  • Toilets Papers, dust, cobwebs, peels, cans/bottles, cigarette butts, excrement on floor, bad smells, water pools, leaking sewage, rodents, animals (dead or alive), overflowing sanitary bins. 0 = NOT APPLICABLE 1 = UNACCEPTABLE (Toilets out of order. Toilets not cleaned on daily basis.) 2 = POOR (Toilets cleaned, but still visible signs of dirt, e.g. dust, cobwebs.) 3 = GOOD (Obvious sign that toilets are cleaned daily.) 4 = EXCELLENT (Extra effort is put in to ensure cleanliness, e.g. using detergents.)

  • Loop Makeup Response Time - Electronic Exclusions Business Rules

  • Rubric The rubrics are a scoring tool used for the Educator’s self-assessment, the formative assessment, the formative evaluation and the summative evaluation. The districts may use either the rubrics provided by ESE or comparably rigorous and comprehensive rubrics developed or adopted by the district and reviewed by ESE.

  • Generators Temporary installation of generators, and permanent installation of generators that are placed inside existing buildings or that occupy an area under 50 square feet behind the building they serve.

  • Smoke Detectors At Owner's expense, smoke detectors will be installed on the Property in working condition in accordance with the law prior to the tenant's occupancy. During the occupancy, it shall be the tenant's responsibility to maintain all smoke detectors. Owner will replace smoke detector equipment as needed.

  • Meters (a) You must allow safe and unhindered access to your premises for the purposes of reading and maintaining the meters (where relevant). (b) We will use our best endeavours to ensure that a meter reading is carried out as frequently as is needed to prepare your bills, consistently with the metering rules and in any event at least once every 12 months.

  • Lavatories Cleaning and janitorial services to be provided in the common area lavatories of the building shall include: 1. Dusting, damp mopping of resilient floors, trash removal, sanitizing of basins, bowls and urinals as well as cleaning of mirrors and bright work. 2. Refilling of soap, towel, tissue and sanitary dispensers to be rendered as necessary. 3. High dusting to be rendered as needed.