Joint Safety and Health Committee Sample Clauses
Joint Safety and Health Committee. (a) The Employer and the Union agree that policies and guidelines relating to safety and health will be recommended by the Committee. The Committee will meet at least once per month or, to deal with urgent situations, at the call of either party to make recommendations on hazardous, dangerous or unsafe conditions including workload and ergonomic requirements with the aim of preventing and reducing risk of occupational injury and illness including related training. Where warranted, and where an Employer has locations in more than one geographic area, a separate Joint Safety and Health Committee may be established for each of those geographic areas (see definition below)2.
(b) The Committee will be notified of each accident or injury and will investigate and report to the Union and Employer on the nature and cause of the accident or injury.
(c) Committee membership will be as follows:
(1) the Committee will be comprised of a minimum of two members appointed by the Union and two members appointed by the Employer. In no case will the Employer's members outnumber those of the Union.
(2) a chairperson and secretary will be elected from and by the members of the Committee. Where the Chairperson is an employer member, the secretary will be an employee member, and vice versa.
(d) Worker Representatives who attend meetings of the Committee will be without loss of pay for the time spent on this Committee. Time spent to prepare for meetings and fulfill other duties and functions of the committee, as outlined in section(s) 130 - 140 (Functions of Committee and Participation of Members) and 174 (Investigation Process) of the Workers Compensation Act, will be compensated as prescribed by section 134 of the Act. Where the meeting or required duties are conducted outside the committee members' regular working hours, committee members will receive straight-time pay.
(e) All minutes of the Committee will be recorded in a mutually agreed format and copies will be forwarded to the union representatives of the Committee.
(f) A worker appointed by the Union as a workplace health and safety representative will be granted leave without pay to attend a union sponsored Workplace Health and Safety Training course.
(g) Each union committee member is entitled to an annual educational leave as prescribed by section 135 of the Workers Compensation Act, without loss of pay or benefits for the purposes of attending occupational health and safety training courses conducted by or with the ap...
Joint Safety and Health Committee. (a) The Employer and the Union agree that policies and guidelines relating to safety and health will be recommended by the Committee. The Committee will meet at least once per month or, to deal with urgent situations, at the call of either party to make recommendations on hazardous, dangerous or unsafe conditions including workload and ergonomic requirements with the aim of preventing and reducing risk of occupational injury and illness including related training. Where warranted, and where an Employer has locations in more than one geographic area, a separate Joint Safety and Health Committee may be established for each of those geographic areas (see definition below)2.
(b) The Committee will be notified of each accident or injury and will investigate and report to the Union and Employer on the nature and cause of the accident or injury.
(c) Committee membership will be as follows:
Joint Safety and Health Committee. A safety and health committee shall be established by the Union. The Union shall appoint at least two (2) members for such committee. This committee shall meet twice yearly with the Superintendent to discuss health and safety conditions.
Joint Safety and Health Committee. (a) The Employer and the Union agree that policies and guidelines relating to safety and health shall be recommended by the Committee. The Committee will meet at least once per month or, to deal with urgent situations, at the call of either party to make recommendations on hazardous, dangerous or unsafe conditions including workload and ergonomic requirements with the aim of preventing and reducing risk of occupational injury and illness including related training.
(b) The Committee shall be notified of each accident or injury and shall investigate and report to the Union and Employer on the nature and cause of the accident or injury.
(c) Committee membership shall be as follows:
(1) the Committee shall be comprised of a minimum of two members appointed by the Union and two members appointed by the Employer. In no case will the Employer's members outnumber those of the Union.
(2) a chairperson and secretary shall be elected from and by the members of the Committee. Where the Chairperson is an employer member, the Secretary shall be an employee member, and vice versa.
(d) Employees who attend meetings of the Committee as representatives of the Union shall be without loss of pay for the time spent on this committee.
(e) All minutes of the Committee shall be recorded in a mutually agreed format and copies shall be forwarded to the union representatives of the Committee.
(f) A worker appointed by the Union as a Workplace Health and Safety representative will be granted leave without pay to attend a union sponsored Workplace Health and Safety training course.
(g) Each union committee member is entitled to an annual educational leave totalling eight hours, or a longer period if prescribed by regulation, without loss of pay or benefits for the purposes of attending occupational health and safety training courses conducted by or with the approval of the Workers' Compensation Board (WCB).
Joint Safety and Health Committee a) The Joint Safety and Health Committee, hereinafter for this Article 19 called the "JSHC", will be comprised of members as prescribed in the Canada Labour Code. The number of members elected or appointed may be varied through con- sultation between the Company and the Union. The JSHC shall be Co-Chaired by one Union member and one Company member. The Union President, the Health and Safety Assistant and the Union W.S.I.B. Representative shall be considered appointed members of the JSHC.
b) The JSHC shall hold meetings at least once per month, on a regularly scheduled day of the month, or more frequently if requested by the Union and the Compa- ny.
c) The Company shall post and keep posted the names and work locations of the JSHC members in a conspicuous place or places where it is most likely to come to the attention of the workforce.
d) A person may be selected as a member of the JSHC for more than one (1) term, although the parties agree it is preferable that the term for each member be stag- gered to ensure continuity. The JSHC shall:
i) receive, consider and expeditiously dispose of complaints relating to the health and safety of the employees and maintain records pertaining to those disposi- tions.
ii) participate in the establishment and promotion of health and safety programs for the education of the employees.
iii) participate in the development, establishment and maintenance of programs, measures and procedures for the protection or improvement of the safety and health of the employees.
iv) participate in all inquiries and investigations pertaining to occupational health and safety.
v) request from the Company such information as the JSHC considers necessary to identify existing or potential hazards with respect to materials, processes or equipment in the workplace and shall have access to all government and the Company reports relating to the safety and health of the employees.
vi) maintain and keep minutes and records of its proceedings and make them availa- ble for examination by an inspector appointed under the Canada Labour Code or similar legislation.
vii) send copies of minutes, recommendations, etc., to, among others, the Manager, EOHS and the Union and post such minutes on the Safety Bulletin Board(s).
viii) conduct a pre start Health and Safety review and document recommended im- provements prior to starting production on any new piece of equipment or any existing equipment that has undergone a significant change. In the event of a disa...
Joint Safety and Health Committee. There will be joint safety and health committee composed of equal number of Employer and Union representatives. Each party will appoint and designate representatives to formulate the committee. The Employer will be limited to appointment of management representatives who may or may not be in the Union, for equitable balance of said committee. The committee will be comprised of no more than three (3) members by appointed by management and three (3) members appointed by the union. The joint committee will:
1) Meet on mutually agreeable dates.
2) Keep minutes of all committee meetings.
3) Make recommendations for the corrections of hazardous or unsafe work conditions, which come to its attention.
4) Review and analyze all reports of accidents, deaths, injuries and illnesses that are due to or happen while the Employee is performing their duties while working. Make investigations of each accident, death, injury or illness to try to determine its cause and make recommendations to take care of the cause.
5) Keep abreast of compliance standards which affect health and safety issues.
Joint Safety and Health Committee. 7 The Joint Safety and Health Committee, which may be a joint meeting with Rail Division, 8 shall meet once a month or more frequently when requested by either the UNION or METRO. The 9 committee shall consist of three members appointed by METRO and three members appointed by the 10 UNION. Duties of the committee shall be restricted to discussing safety goals and making 11 recommendations to help METRO improve safety standards for all METRO job classifications. 12 METRO and the UNION are committed to providing a safe workplace and wish to increase 13 communication about safety concerns to Employees through their UNION. The commitment will 14 xxxxxx a voluntary, cooperative, safe environment for the reporting of employee safety concerns. This 15 information will be used to create recommendations to solve safety issues in a reasonably timely 16 manner. METRO and the UNION shall convene a special work group to assess the UNION’s 17 concerns about METRO’s compliance with safety laws and regulations, when a need is established 18 by mutual agreement. The special work group shall consist of two members appointed by METRO 19 and two members appointed by the UNION. The work group shall: 1) review METRO’s compliance 20 with safety laws and regulations; 2) make recommendations, as appropriate, for changing workplace 21 processes and procedures; 3) assess what training may be required by law; 4) assess whether 22 METRO’s staff is conducting sufficient investigations into workplace accidents and assess what 23 training may be required relating to investigations; and 5) make recommendations about how to 24 enforce safety rules in the workplace.
Joint Safety and Health Committee. The International Union and the Company shall each designate 3 representatives to a joint Company-level committee on safety and health which shall meet at least annually to review the operation of this Article with a view to achieving maximum understanding as to how the Company and the Union can most effectively cooperate in achieving the objective set forth in Section 1 of this Article. The Union and Company members of the Committee shall jointly formulate an agenda of safety and health topics to be discussed in the event of an annual meeting of Company and Union representatives. If in the event of special circumstances, the Director of the International Union's Health, Safety and Environment Department or a member of his staff desires access to a Plant, such access
Joint Safety and Health Committee. A. A Joint Safety and Health Committee consisting of not less than 3 nor more than 10 Employees designated by the Union and an equal number of Management members, if Management so desires, designated by the Company shall be established in the plant. By mutual agreement the committee may be increased. The Union and the Company shall designate their respective Co-Chairman and shall certify to each other in writing such Co-Chairmen and committee members. The committee shall hold monthly meetings at times determined by the Co-Chairmen who may also agree to hold special meetings. Each Co-Chairman shall submit a proposed agenda to the other Co-Chairman at least 5 days prior to the monthly meeting. The Company Co-Chairman shall provide the Union Co-Chairman with minutes of the monthly meeting. Prior to such monthly meeting the Co-Chairmen or their designees shall engage in an inspection of mutually selected areas of the plant. At the conclusion of the inspection, a written report shall be prepared by the Company setting forth their findings. One copy of the report shall be furnished to the Union Co-Chairman. Time consumed on committee work by committee members designated by the Union shall not be considered hours worked to be compensated by the Company. The function of the committee shall be to advise with Plant Management concerning safety and health and to discuss legitimate safety and health matters, but not to handle complaints or grievances. In the discharge of its function, the committee shall; consider existing practices and rules relating to safety and health, formulate suggested changes in existing practices and rules, recommend adoption of new practices and rules, review proposed new safety and health programs developed by Management and review accident statistics, including OSHA Form 200, and trends and disabling injuries which have occurred in the plant and make appropriate recommendations. The Union Co-Chairman or his designee will be afforded time off without pay as may be required to visit departments at all reasonable times for the purpose of transacting the legitimate business of the committee, after notice to the head of the department to be visited or his designated representative and, if the committee member is then at work, permission (which shall not be unreasonably withheld) from his own department head or his designated representative. If the Union Co-Chairman or his designee is not at work, he shall be granted access to the plant at all r...
Joint Safety and Health Committee. The parties acknowledge the importance of the health and safety of the employees of the City of Lancaster Fire Department and the City of Lancaster. In order to proceed with the aspiration of providing a safe and healthy work environment, there shall be a joint safety and health committee composed of an equal number of Employer and Union representatives. The Union representatives shall be selected by the Union. The Employer's representatives shall be the following: Chief of the City of Lancaster Fire Department or his/ her designee, at least one (1) member of the Safety Committee of the City of Lancaster Council, and the Service Safety Director of the City of Lancaster. Minutes of the meetings, including an attendance roster, of the Joint Safety and Health Committee shall be kept of all committee meetings. A written report shall be prepared for review and adoption at the next committee meeting and once approved shall be provided to the Mayor with the purpose to reflect compliance with this Article and the continued effort of working towards a safe and healthy work environment.