IMRF. All employees, except as otherwise specified, shall come under the provisions of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund as provided by state statute.
IMRF. All IMRF Employees opting to take this early retirement incentive must deliver an irrevocable written notice to the Superintendent by February 1st of the year when first expected to be eligible. Notice shall be given at least 1 full year, but no more than 3 full years prior to the effective date of retirement. This notice must be signed and cite the employee’s intention to retire at the end of the first, second, or third subsequent school year(s) under the early retirement incentive program. In the event of a life changing event, IMRF Employees may request that the superintendent rescind their resignation if done so by April 1st of the final year of employment. At the superintendent’s discretion the resignation may be rescinded and the Employee may become re-eligible for the Early Retirement Incentive. The District shall recover the difference between the total received through the ERI and the amount the Employee would have received without ERI.
IMRF. Staff members who participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund will be granted an increase in gross earnings according to the following schedule: Years of District Experience Percentage 17 0.5% 18 1.0% 19 1.5% 20 2.0% 21 2.5% 22 3.0% 23 3.5% 24 4.0% 25 4.5% Those having more than 17 years of experience will start at the beginning of the schedule for the 2012-2013 school year.
IMRF. All custodial and maintenance personnel are under the provision of the I.M.R.F. Employee contributions to this fund are on a payroll deduction basis. Complete information regarding I.M.R.F. benefits may be secured from the District’s Business Office.
IMRF. All eligible custodial and maintenance employees must participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. Complete information regarding this fund may be secured from the business office.
IMRF. The Board shall pick up and pay out of the employee’s earned compensation his/her contribution to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF). Contributions so picked up shall be treated as employer contributions in determining tax treatment under Section 414(h) of the Internal Revenue Code.
IMRF. The City will contribute the Employers required percentage of an employee’s wages for each employee to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.
IMRF. The Employer and the Employee shall be participants in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund as per State Statues.
IMRF. The employer will pay one-hundred percent (100%) of the cost of IMRF contributions for the duration of this Agreement.