Infectious Diseases The Employer and the Union desire to arrest the spread of infectious diseases in the nursing home. To achieve this objective, the Joint Health and Safety Committee may review and offer input into infection control programs and protocols including surveillance, outbreak control, isolation, precautions, worker education and training, and personal protective equipment. The Employer will provide training and ongoing education in communicable disease recognition, use of personal protective equipment, decontamination of equipment, and disposal of hazardous waste.
Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences The Hirer must report all accidents involving injury to the public to a member of the Village Hall management committee as soon as possible and complete the relevant section in the Village Hall’s accident book. Any failure of equipment belonging to the Village Hall or brought in by the Hirer must also be reported as soon as possible. Certain types of accident or injury must be reported on a special form to the local authority. The Hall Secretary will give assistance in completing this form. This is in accordance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).
Dangerous Materials Tenant shall not keep or have on the Premises any article or thing of a dangerous, flammable, or explosive character that might substantially increase the danger of fire on the Premises, or that might be considered hazardous by a responsible insurance company, unless the prior written consent of Landlord is obtained and proof of adequate insurance protection is provided by Tenant to Landlord.
Waste and Nuisance (a) Tenant shall not commit or permit any waste, including waste as it is defined in the Waste Management Act, S.B.C. 1979 c.41, as amended from time to time, to be brought upon, kept, or used in or about the Premises, the Building, or the Project by Tenant, its agents, employees, contractors or invitees, without the prior written consent of Landlord. (b) Tenant shall not commit or permit any damage to the Premises, the Building, or the Project, including the Leasehold improvements and trade fixtures therein. (c) Tenant shall not commit or permit any nuisance in or around the Premises, the Building, or the Project or any use or manner of use causing annoyance to other persons. (d) Except only as may be otherwise permitted under Subsection 1.9(h) below, Tenant shall not use or permit to be used any part of the Premises, the Building, or the Project for any trade or business which is, in the reasonable opinion of Landlord, dangerous, noxious or offensive. (e) Except only as may be otherwise permitted under Subsection 1.9(h) below, Tenant shall not cause or suffer or permit any waste, oil or grease or any harmful, objectionable, dangerous, poisonous or explosive matter or substance to be discharged into the Premises, the Building, or the Project. (f) Tenant shall not place any objects on or otherwise howsoever obstruct the heating or air conditioning vents within the Premises or the Building. (g) Tenant shall keep the Premises free of debris, anything which could create a fire hazard (through undue load on electrical circuits or otherwise) or cause undue vibration, heat or noise. (h) Except as necessary to the ordinary operation of Tenant’s business conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, Tenant shall keep the Premises free of rodents, vermin and anything of a dangerous, noxious or offensive nature. Tenant shall at all times keep Landlord informed of the presence in the Premises of any rodents or vermin or anything of a dangerous, noxious or offensive nature necessary to the ordinary operation of Tenant’s business conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and Tenant shall ensure that they are at all times confined within the Premises, stored and used in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and do not cause any nuisance or annoyance to other persons.
Mold The Contractor shall take steps to prevent mold from developing on the Site, or being released into the air and shall promptly decontaminate any areas of mold that develop.
Behavioral Health Services – Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Inpatient - Unlimited days at a general hospital or a specialty hospital including detoxification or residential/rehabilitation per plan year. Preauthorization may be required for services received from a non-network provider. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient or intermediate careservices* - See Covered Healthcare Services: Behavioral Health Section for details about partial hospital program, intensive outpatient program, adult intensive services, and child and family intensive treatment. Preauthorization may be required for services received from a non-network provider. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Office visits - See Office Visits section below for Behavioral Health services provided by a PCP or specialist. Psychological Testing 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Medication-assisted treatment - whenrenderedby a mental health or substance use disorder provider. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Methadone maintenance treatment - one copayment per seven-day period of treatment. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient - Benefit is limited to 18 weeks or 36 visits (whichever occurs first) per coveredepisode. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible In a physician's office - limited to 12 visits per plan year. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Emergency room - When services are due to accidental injury to sound natural teeth. 0% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. In a physician’s/dentist’s office - When services are due to accidental injury to sound natural teeth. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Services connected to dental care when performed in an outpatient facility * 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Inpatient/outpatient/in your home 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible (*) Preauthorization may be required for this service. Please see Preauthorization in Section 5 for more information. You Pay You Pay Outpatient durable medical equipment* - Must be provided by a licensed medical supply provider. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient medical supplies* - Must be provided by a licensed medical supply provider. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient diabetic supplies/equipment purchasedat licensed medical supply provider (other than a pharmacy). See the Summary of Pharmacy Benefits for supplies purchased at a pharmacy. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient prosthesis* - Must be provided by a licensed medical supply provider. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Enteral formula delivered through a feeding tube. Must be sole source of nutrition. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Enteral formula or food taken orally * 20% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. Hair prosthesis (wigs) - The benefit limit is $350 per hair prosthesis (wig) when worn for hair loss suffered as a result of cancer treatment. 20% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. Coverage provided for members from birth to 36 months. The provider must be certified as an EIS provider by the Rhode Island Department of Human Services. 0% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. Asthma management 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Hospital emergency room 0% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider.
Remedial Measures Upon becoming aware of an alleged security breach, Contractor’s Contract Manager must set up a conference call with the Department’s and the Customer’s Contract Manager. The conference call invitation must contain a brief description of the nature of the event. When possible, a thirty (30)- minute notice will be given to allow Department personnel to be available for the call. If the designated time is not practical for the Customer, an alternate time for the call will be scheduled. Contractor must share all available information on the call. The Contractor must answer all questions based on the information known at that time and answer additional questions as additional information becomes known. The Contractor must provide the Department and Customer with final documentation of the incident including all actions that took place. If the Contractor becomes aware of a security breach or security incident outside of normal business hours, the Contractor must notify the Department’s and the Customer’s Contract Manager and in all events, within one business day.
Animals The Hirer shall ensure that no animals (including birds) except guide dogs are brought into the premises, other than for a special event agreed to by the Village Hall. No animals whatsoever are to enter the kitchen at any time.
Waste or Nuisance Tenant shall not commit, or suffer to be committed, any waste upon the Leased Premises, or any nuisance, or other act or thing which may disturb the quiet enjoyment of any other tenant or occupant of the Complex in which the Leased Premises are located.
Controlled Substances The use or possession of any controlled substance will result in immediate cancellation of the use agreement.