Insufficient Notice. Should the Employer change the shift schedule and not give at least ten (10) calendar days’ notice in advance to the affected employee of the change in the schedule, then the employee so affected shall be paid at the applicable overtime rate for all time worked on the first day of the shift posting change. (Reference Article 39.04(D) - Changes in Schedule with Insufficient Notice.)
Insufficient Notice. A notice of disciplinary action shall contain a statement in ordinary and concise language of the specific acts and omissions upon which the disciplinary action is based and a statement of the cause for the action taken. If it is claimed that a Unit Member has violated a rule or regulation of the County Superintendent of Schools, such rule or regulation shall be set forth in said notice. If the identified items are omitted, this shall constitute an insufficient notice and a proceeding may be brought on behalf of the employee to discontinue the action.
Insufficient Notice. A notice of disciplinary action stating one or more causes or grounds for disciplinary action established by any rule, regulation, or statute in the language of the rule, regulation, or statute, is insufficient for any purpose.
Insufficient Notice. If Employees do not give Xxxxxx enough notice, they will only be paid up until the time they last attended for work. Employees will not be paid for the period of notice they do not work. Xxxxxx can deduct from an employee’s final pay an amount equal to the ordinary wages they would have earned during the period of notice the employee failed to give.
Insufficient Notice. In order to meet attendance requirements, it is necessary for the student to be in full attendance during the period that notice of his/her withdrawal has been given. Parent/guardian/s agree to the conditions of enrolment at the College and that in the event of withdrawal of the student, parent/guardian/s agree they shall be liable for a penalty for insufficient notice, equal to 1 TERM’s fees and levies, should they not communicate their intention to withdraw the student, in writing directly to the College Business Office, no less than 1 TERM (excluding school and Christmas holidays) prior to the student’s last day of attendance at the College. Parents/Guardians understand that if insufficient notice (1 TERM’s fees and levies) applies it will be IN ADDITION to (any fees levied up to and including) the student’s last day of attendance at the College.
Insufficient Notice. When Department personnel cannot be scheduled, facility prepared, other conditions relating to such use cannot be completed in the time between the date of the request and the date of the proposed event.