Recall Period Sample Clauses
Recall Period. Post probationary employees who are laid-off beyond a one year period of time shall be deemed to be terminated. Probationary employees who are laid-off beyond a three month period of time shall be deemed to be terminated.
Recall Period. Employees who are laid off are subject to recall from lay off for a period of two (2) years.
Recall Period. The Parties agree to increase the time an employee can be on the on the recall list to twenty-four (24) months (Article 44, Section 9. (A)(3)(b)) for employees who have been laid off since May 1, 2020.
Recall Period. Employees who are laid off shall be placed on a recall list for a period of twelve (12) months. In the event of a recall, employees shall be recalled in the inverse order of layoff. The Employer shall not hire new employees in the bargaining unit positions as long as there are still employees on the recall list who are presently qualified to perform the work. An employee who declines recall shall be deemed to have voluntarily separated from employment. Reinstatement rights shall automatically cease twelve (12) months from the date of layoff and no further rights to reinstatement shall exist.
Recall Period.
(a) Employees with seniority who are laid off will be recalled to positions of similar Full- Time Equivalency within their job classification and department, in order of seniority, for up to twelve (12) months from the date of layoff, providing they possess the required qualifications and abilities.
(b) Recall will be made by email and by written notice of recall delivered by registered mail or courier to the employee’s current mailing address. Employees will be responsible for notifying their department heads of their current email and mailing addresses. If employees fail, within five (5) working days of receipt of the notice of recall, to agree to return to work to an appropriate vacancy, on a specified or mutually agreed upon date, they cease to be employees unless such failure is owing to illness, injury or other exceptional circumstances beyond the employee’s control.
(c) Employees who have not been recalled to employment upon the expiration of the twelve (12) month recall period will be terminated from employment.
Recall Period. (Refer to MOU #19) The laid off regular employee's name shall be placed on a recall list for 2 years and considered for any regular vacancy of an equal or lower job group in accordance with Clause 9.13 below. Notice of recall for placement interview purposes shall be made personally or by double registered mail. Should the employee fail to respond to the registered mail notice within 5 working days, unless such time is extended by the Employer, the employee's name shall be dropped from the recall list. A copy of such notice shall be sent to the Union. The laid off employee is responsible for providing the appropriate Human Resources contact with his/her current mailing address and telephone number. The Employer will maintain an up-to-date recall list and provide a copy to the Union upon request. Any grievance filed with respect to not being recalled shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of this Agreement.
Recall Period. In determining length of service, an absence due to lay-off not exceeding twelve (12) months’ duration shall be considered continuous employment. Should a bumped regular employee serve in a posted temporary position during the lay-off, his/her seniority will be extended beyond the final day of the temporary position by the number of days worked during the lay-off period.
Recall Period. A regular employee will be kept on the recall list up to twenty-four (24) months after the layoff if no position has been offered.
Section 13. Other Rights: Employees will have all other rights prescribed by PELRA.
Recall Period. A regular employee will be kept on the recall list up to twelve (12) months after the layoff if no position has been offered.
Section 12. Job Elimination – Licensed Practical Nurses II:
1. In the event of job elimination requiring layoff, employees will be terminated at the discretion of the program supervisor.
Recall Period. (a) Regular employees who are laid off/displaced and who do not bump, shall be placed on the recall list, in seniority order for twelve (12) consecutive calendar months from the date of their layoff.
(b) Laid-off/displaced employees who are recalled within their twelve (12) month recall period shall be credited with their previous seniority and service for purposes of vacations and other benefits based upon length of service.