Internet Etiquette. A. Users will be polite in all communication with others using the Youth Program equipment. Users will not use sexual, violent, or abusive language of any kind in messages to others.
B. Users will use courteous, respectful language. Users will not swear, use vulgarities, sexual, harsh, racist, or disrespectful language of any kind.
C. Users understand any transmission, including electronic mail, is not private and that their communications and access will be monitored.
D. Users will evaluate information carefully. As with any research material, users must review it for accuracy and bias.
E. Users will not use the network or the Internet in such a way as to disrupt the use of the network by other users. Users will not send “chain letters,” or “broadcast” messages to lists or individuals.
Internet Etiquette. 1. The Customer may not use servers for the purpose of Mass Electronic Junk mail. The Customer may not use servers for excessive computation time inappropriate for Internet Web servers. The Customer may not install in her/his account any program which presents a security problem on that server. reserves the right to immediately cancel any service account which is causing a disruption of services for other customers. Electronic forums such as mail distribution lists and Usenet news groups all have expectations regarding subject area and appropriate etiquette for posting. Users of these forums should be considerate of the expectations and sensitivities of others on the network when posting material for electronic distribution. The network resources of may not be used to impersonate another person or misrepresent authorization to act on behalf of others or All messages transmitted via should correctly identify the sender; users may not alter the attribution of origin in electronic mail messages or posting. Users must not attempt to undermine the security or integrity of computing systems or networks and must not attempt to gain unauthorized access.
Internet Etiquette. Be polite. Never send or encourage others to send abusive messages. Use appropriate language. Do not swear or use any other inappropriate language. Do not use the Internet in such a way that you would disrupt the use of the network users. All communication and information accessible via the Internet should be assumed to be the private property of those who put it on the Internet. Users should not reveal their home address or personal phone number or that of other users.
Internet Etiquette. Electronic forums such as mail distribution lists all have expectations regarding subject area and appropriate etiquette for posting. Users of these forums should be considerate of the expectations and sensitivities of others on the network when posting material for electronic distribution. The network resources of ACSB may not be used to impersonate another person or misrepresent authorization to act on behalf of others or ACSB. All messages transmitted via ACSB should correctly identify the sender; users may not alter the attribution of origin in electronic mail messages or posting. Users must not attempt to undermine the security or integrity of computing systems or networks and must not attempt to gain unauthorized access. • ACSB does not permit the transmission of unsolicited e-mail. Complaints or allegations regarding the abuse of e-mail will be investigated. If it is found that the client has engaged in the intentional transmission of unsolicited e-mail, a warning to cease and desist will be issued. Subsequent violations will result in suspension and/or termination of the account. • Software items that result in denial of service are not fit for use. ACSB reserves the right to delete those files. • Clients may not use the account as storage facility or as a download site for MP3, softwares, offer free emails, free websites, free banner exchange services or any large scale free services. Customer may also not run any kind of chat script or create any kind of chatting site using the hosting service.
Internet Etiquette. Electronic forums such as mail distribution lists and Use Net news groups all have expectations regarding subject area and appropriate etiquette for posting. Users of these forums should be considerate. Of the expectations and sensitivities of others on the network when posting material for electronic distribution. The network resources of NETAccess Dot Com may not be used to impersonate another person or misrepresent authorization to act on behalf of others or NETAccess Dot Com. All messages transmitted via NETAccess Dot Com should correctly identify the sender; users may not alter the attribution of origin in electronic mail messages or posting. Users must not attempt to undermine the security or integrity of computing systems or networks and must not attempt to gain unauthorized access. NO SPAMMING, PROVEN SPAM WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE TERMINATION OF SERVICE WITH NO REFUNDS.
Internet Etiquette. Electronic forums such as mail distribution lists and UseNet news groups all have expectations regarding subject area and appropriate etiquette for posting. Users of these forums should be considerate of the expectations and sensitivities of others on the network when posting material for electronic distribution. The network resources of WWM may not be used to impersonate another person or misrepresent authorization to act on behalf of others or TIS. All messages transmitted via TIS should correctly identify the sender; users may not alter the attribution of origin in electronic mail messages or posting. Users must not attempt to undermine the security or integrity of computing systems or networks and must not attempt to gain unauthorized access.
Internet Etiquette. Users are encouraged to follow all Internet etiquette and to be responsible Internet citizens. A User may not use mass e-mailings (except to those on “opt-in” lists) or e-mail spamming to promote the CFX service or product. Users are required to comply with the Laws and Rules promulgated thereunder at which establish universal standards for electronic mail whose primary purpose is commercial, such as requiring that consumers be given the opportunity to opt-out of receiving future solicitations, and any other laws governing the electronic distribution of materials. CASH FOREX GROUP
Internet Etiquette. The customer is expected to be familiar with and to practice good Internet etiquette (Netiquette). The customer will comply with the rules appropriate to any network to which Foxtrot Media, Inc. may provide access. The customer should not post, transmit, or permit Internet access to information the customer desires to keep confidential. The customer is not permitted to post any material that is illegal, libelous, tortuous, indecently depicts children or is likely to result in retaliation against Foxtrot Media, Inc. by offended users. Foxtrot Media, Inc. reserves the right to refuse or terminate service at any time for violation of this section. This includes advertising services or sites via IRC or USENET in clear violation of the policies of the IRC channel or USENET group.
Internet Etiquette. Due to the public nature of the Internet, all information should be considered publicly accessible, and important or private information should be treated carefully. ZWN is not liable for protection or privacy of electronic mail or other information transferred through the Internet or any other network ZWN or its customers may utilize. Use of distribution list via unsolicited electronic mail or other electronic mailings is strictly prohibited. ZWN reserves the right to deactivate the Client's Web Hosting account(s) upon an indication of such activity. Client hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless ZWN from any claim resulting from the Client's or another party's use of electronic mail service(s) on the Client's Web Hosting account(s). TERMINATION /CANCELLATION OF SERVICES This Agreement may be terminated by either party. Outstanding invoices are not affected by termination. ZWN may terminate service under this Agreement at any time, without penalty, if Client fails to comply with the terms of this Agreement The Subscriber is bound to a 12 month hosting agreement with ZWN. The Subscriber is bound to a 12 month hosting agreement with ZWN if the Subscriber has a dedicated server using ZWN software or hardware. The Subscriber shall provide one calendar month's termination notice when cancelling dedicated server hosting with ZWN. The Subscriber shall be subject to a call-out fee, on all maintenance needed at server room that does not fall under the agreed maintenance provided to dedicated server clients. The subscriber shall provide one calendar month's notice in writing to terminate any service's with ZWN. Cancellations are not deemed valid unless client is possession of a valid cancellation document provided by ZWN acknowledging cancellation. INDEMNIFICATION: CLIENT HEREBY AGREES THAT ANY MATERIAL SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION ON ZWN THROUGH CLIENT'S ACCOUNT(S) WILL NOT CONTAIN ANYTHING LEADING TO AN ABUSIVE OR UNETHICAL USE OF THE WEB HOSTING PRODUCT(S) OR THE HOST SERVER(S). ABUSIVE AND UNETHICAL MATERIALS AND USES INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, PORNOGRAPHY, OBSCENITY, NUDITY, VIOLATIONS OF PRIVACY, COMPUTER VIRUSES, ANY HARASSING AND HARMFUL MATERIAL OR USES, ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, OR MATERIAL ADVOCATING ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, AND ANY INFRINGEMENT OF PRIVACY OR LIBEL. Client agrees that it shall defend, indemnify, save and hold ZWN harmless from any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including reasonable attorneys' fees, (Liabilities) ass...
Internet Etiquette. Electronic forums such as mail distribution lists and UseNet news groups all have expectations regarding subject area and appropriate etiquette for posting. Users of these forums should be considerate of the expectations and sensitivities of others on the network when posting material for electronic distribution.