Internship Hours Sample Clauses

Internship Hours. The internship is ______ days per week, ______ hours per day. The total hours during the internship: ________________ (the minimum requirement is 180 hours; the maximum is 240 hours)
Internship Hours. 丙方每日正常實習時間不得超過8小時,每週不得超過40小時,但得依實習課程之需求必要時延長丙方實習時數,其延長工時之相關費用或補休方式等事宜,如為僱傭關係應遵循實習地點之勞動相關法令規定辦理。 The daily internship hours of Party C cannot exceed 8 hours and weekly hours cannot exceed 40 hours. Party C's internship hours may be extended if necessary in accordance with the needs of the internship course. Related expenses of the extended working hours or compensatory leave should be handled in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the internship location. 甲方不得讓丙方留置夜間時段(晚間10點至翌日清晨6點) Party A shall not allow Party C to stay during nighttime hours (10:00 pm to 6:00 am the next day).
Internship Hours. (1) 乙方實習學生每日正常實習時間不得超過 8 小時,每週不得超過 40 小時,但得依實習課程之需求必要時延長乙方實習學生實習時數,其延長工時之相關費用或補休方式等事宜,如為僱傭關係需依勞基法等相關規定辦理。 The daily internship hours of Party B’s student intern cannot exceed 8 hours and weekly hours cannot exceed 40 hours. Party B's internship hours may be extended if necessary in accordance with the needs of the internship course. Related expenses of the extended working hours or compensatory leave should be handled in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the internship location. (2) 甲方不得讓乙方實習學生留置夜間時段(晚間 10 點至翌日清晨 6 點) Party A shall not allow Party B’s student intern to stay during nighttime hours (10:00 pm to 6:00 am the next day).
Internship Hours. Interns maintain a log of their internship hours throughout the year. The logging of internship hours serves several purposes. First, it helps to document that the intern will accumulate total internship hours that are the equivalent of a 12 month full time training experience. The log also serves to verify that the distribution of the intern’s experiences are consistent with expectations. The log also serves to identify whether an intern is being overburdened by work. Finally, the logging of internship hours helps to insure that interns are accumulating sufficient experience to meet the minimum standards for achievement in the core competency areas.
Internship Hours. 22.2.1 Paramedic Interns shall perform minimum number of hours and have a minimum number of contacts, consistent with all other paramedic Interns not associated with a fire agency or as currently directed by Title

Related to Internship Hours

  • Shift Hours All shifts assigned by the Employer must conform with the following guidelines: (a) Four (4) hour shifts will be the minimum shift permitted in any one (1) day. (b) Shifts of 4, 6 or 8 hours may be assigned, subject to the provisions of Article 9.05.

  • Extra Hours For the purpose of Clause 20.13, extra hours means any hours available to be worked in excess of an employee’s regular schedule. The Corporation shall determine the extra hours it requires in each circumstance, and offer such hours to employees working in that Post Office in accordance with the provisions of this Clause. (a) On each occasion that extra hours are to be worked, opportunities to work the extra hours are to be offered to employees who notify the Postmaster beforehand of their availability, on the basis of the first opportunity to the employee who works the greatest number of regularly scheduled hours per week, last opportunity to the employee who works the least number of regularly scheduled hours per week. (b) Where two (2) or more employees are working the same number of hours per week, the opportunity shall be first offered to the employee with the longest continuous employment in that Post Office save that an employee who was formerly full-time and whose hours were reduced in accordance with Clause 12.05(a)(i) shall have priority. (i) In the application of this Clause, it is understood that a Part-Time Assistant shall be granted an opportunity to work extra hours provided that the extra hours do not conflict with her regular schedule, and provided she does not work more than eight (8) hours per day, or forty (40) hours per week. (ii) Subject to Clause 20.13(c)(i) the Part-Time Assistant who is granted the first opportunity to work extra hours should, while the opportunity lasts, end up working a total number of hours that is not less than the total number of hours worked by the Part-Time Assistant who accepts the second opportunity, and so on for each subsequent opportunity granted. (d) Where all the extra hours to be worked cannot be covered by application of the principle expressed in (a), employees may be assigned to work the extra hours that cannot be covered, and/or those hours may be covered by other means. (e) Application of this Clause entails no obligation on the part of the Corporation for equal distribution of extra hours.

  • Summer Hours It is agreed by both parties that the following hours of work and working conditions shall apply to Field employees working outside of the reporting location as per Clause 11.02

  • Service Hours The services shall be provided during the working hours and days as defined by the Contractor.

  • Office Hours (1) Full-time instructional academic employees shall maintain a posted five (5)-hour minimum office schedule each week. The specific office hours and office hours location shall be determined by the academic employee’s teaching schedule and shall receive the concurrence of the appropriate unit administrator. (2) Full-time academic employees whose teaching load is twenty (20) or more contact hours per week may, with the approval of the unit administrator, arrange an alternate schedule of office hours.

  • Hours For the purposes of an unpaid 7.5-hour shift, the deduction from pay shall equate to 9.375 hours. (f) Tour Exchange

  • Overtime Hours Except as otherwise provided in this section, all hours worked in excess of the established work day, before or after an employee's regular scheduled shift, or on any regularly scheduled day off, shall be considered overtime. All paid vacation time, paid holidays, paid sick leave, compensatory time off, and paid leaves of absence shall be considered as "time worked" for purposes of this Article. Part-time employees whose established work day is less than eight (8) hours shall not be considered to be working overtime until having completed eight (8) hours of work.

  • TEACHING HOURS 1. A grade PPI-12 teacher's workday shall consist of not more than seven (7) hours and ten (10) minutes of formal responsibility. Hall duty may be included in the teacher's workday. Every effort will be made mutually by the Administration and the Association to deal with these duties in a most positive manner. The student day may be increased if necessary to meet the State time requirements for instructional hours. Within said time of formal responsibility, a teacher shall be entitled to the following: (a) A duty free lunch period no less than twenty-five (25) minutes to a maximum of thirty-five (35) minutes. (b) For a grade ECSE-5 grade teacher: a minimum of 250 minutes per week of time for preparation. Each preparation period to consist of a minimum of twenty-five (25) duty-free minutes. For a grade 6-12 teacher: a minimum of one preparation per day that shall be equivalent to a normal teaching period or an average of five normal teaching periods per week. (c) Cafeteria duty may be included in the teacher's workday. Every effort will be made to obtain volunteers for this duty, which will be in lieu of a class period. If no volunteer is available who can be scheduled, the administration may assign a teacher to such duties. No teacher may be involuntarily assigned these duties for more than one consecutive year. Every effort will be made mutually by the Administration and the Association to deal with these duties in a most positive manner. (d) Attendance at 6th grade camp shall be voluntary. 2. Before and/or after school, a grade ECSE-12 teacher shall be attending to his/her teaching duties in his/her building for up to thirty (30) minutes but not to exceed the workday of seven (7) hours and ten (10) minutes. At the beginning of each year, the administration at each level shall determine what portion of the above times will be used before and after school. Teacher input will be encouraged. It is expressly understood that an individual teacher's day may be adjusted to facilitate the administration of the individual building. Early leave may be granted at the discretion of the Administration. 3. The daily preparation period will first be used for such things as thorough preparations, conferences with parents, teachers, and administrators, I.E.P.T.'s, and special assistance to students. 4. Activities involving teachers beyond the scope of the formal teaching day shall be determined cooperatively between a faculty selected committee and the administration at that level. Teachers shall be given forty-eight (48) hour notice of such activities and shall be encouraged and expected by the Association to attend. Special teachers shall be encouraged to attend as their time and schedules allow. 5. In the event that it becomes necessary to determine a new building schedule, a committee will be formed, comprised of an equal number of administrators and teachers to examine alternative scheduling. A recommendation on the study will be presented to the superintendent. No recommendation will be made that would jeopardize accreditation. 6. A teacher’s building assignment shall be determined by where he/she is assigned for over half of his/her schedule. A teacher who has a split building assignment will have their workday schedule determined by the building administrators. A teacher who has a split building assignment will have a minimum of 30 minutes for travel. If the travel time encumbers the teacher’s preparation period or duty free lunch, or extends the teacher’s day beyond the contractual limits, then the teacher shall be paid for a minimum of thirty (30) minutes at the teacher’s per diem rate (unless this time is recouped through other minutes during the day).

  • Minimum Hours All employees shall be paid their regular hourly rate for each hour worked except where employed for less than four (4) consecutive hours per day, in which event they shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours pay. An employee who is called for work and upon reporting finds that his or her services are not required shall receive two (2) hours pay.

  • Support Hours Subscription to support is optional and detailed in the Statement of Works and Order Form. If you subscribe to support Email support will be provided primarily by the bookinglab support team via the bookinglab Online Support Platform. bookinglab will provide support according to the table below: Priority Level Time Description All levels Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays in the UK) 9:00am to 5:00pm (GMT) Email support will be provided by bookinglab Customer Support Helpdesk, for all Priority Levels.