INTRODUCING BROKERS. 18.1 The Client may have been referred to Tickmill Ltd by an Introducing Broker. If so, Tickmill Ltd shall not be responsible for any agreement made between the Client and the Client's Introducing Broker. The Client acknowledges that any such Introducing Broker will either be acting as an independent intermediary or an Agent for the Client and that no such Introducing Broker shall be authorised to make any representations concerning Tickmill Ltd or Tickmill Ltd’s Services.
18.2 The Client is specifically made aware that the Client's agreement with its Introducing Broker may result in additional costs as Tickmill Ltd may pay fees or commission to such person.
18.3 The Client is also specifically made aware that the Client's agreement with its Introducing Broker may result in additional costs for the client because the Introducing Broker can deduct commissions and fees as well as price or interest/financing rate adjustments for any trade conducted on or allocated to the Clients account either by the Introducing Broker or the Client.
18.4 If the Introducing Broker undertakes any deductions from the Client's Trading Account according to any agreement between the Client and the Introducing Broker, Tickmill Ltd has no responsibility as to the existence or validity of such an agreement.
18.5 Tickmill Ltd shall have no responsibility or liability to the Client in following the instructions given by the Introducing Broker. Tickmill Ltd is under no obligation to supervise or otherwise know or review the payment instructions or any other acts, including but not limited to the trading, of the Introducing Broker.
18.6 The client acknowledges and accepts that frequent transactions may result in a sum total of commissions, fees, price or interest/financing rate adjustments for trades conducted that may be substantial and not necessarily be offset by the net profits, if any, achieved from the relevant trades. The responsibility for correctly assessing whether the size of the total commissions, fees, price or interest/financing rate adjustments for trades conducted paid from the Client's account makes trading commercially viable, is the combined responsibility of the Client and the Introducing Broker. Tickmill Ltd only acts as the custodian and principal broker, and therefore is not responsible for the size of the commissions and fees as well as price or interest rate paid by the Client.
18.7 Any commissions, fees, price or interest/financing rate adjustments for trades co...
INTRODUCING BROKERS. In the situation where you have been introduced to us by an introducing broker, you consent to us exchanging information with that introducing broker for the purposes of this clause 28. You may withdraw your consent by advising us accordingly in writing.
INTRODUCING BROKERS. If Customer’s account has been introduced to by an Introducing Broker (“IB”), Customer understands and acknowledges that may compensate Introducing Broker for introducing Customer to and that such compensation may be on a per trade or other basis.
INTRODUCING BROKERS. 26.4.1 In the situation where you have been introduced to us by an introducing broker, you consent to us exchanging information with that introducing broker for the purposes of this clause. You may withdraw your consent by advising us accordingly in writing.
INTRODUCING BROKERS. If Customer's account has been introduced to Direct Trading Technologies Ltd by an Introducing Broker ("IB"), Customer understands and acknowledges that Direct Trading Technologies Ltd may compensate Introducing Broker for introducing Customer and that such compensation may be on a per trade or other basis. The following is an allocation of responsibilities for each entity. It is intended to be a general disclosure and not a definitive enumeration of each and every responsibility. The Introducing Broker shall have the following responsibilities with respect to Customer's account: • Contacting, soliciting and/or communicating with Customer regarding investment opportunities and objectives. • Complying with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to any arrangement or understanding that IB and Customer may have. Including and not limited to all legal documents posted at including this agreement. • Determining any commissions and fees, whether on a per trade basis or other basis, to be charged for Customer's transactions, in addition to Direct Trading Technologies Ltd's standard commissions and fees. As the clearing firm for Customer's account, Direct Trading Technologies Ltd shall have responsibility for performing the following services: • Opening, approving, servicing and monitoring Customer's account(s), including obtaining and verifying new account information as required by law and regulation. • Maintaining account records on Customer's behalf. • Accepting and executing transactions in Customer's account(s). • Determining margin, paying and charging interest, rolling over of open positions, liquidating under-margin positions, and supervising rehypothecation of any funds in Customer's Account(s). • Debiting from Customer's account any commissions or fees owed to IB or other third party. • Preparing and transmitting to Customer monthly or, if appropriate, quarterly account statements, by mail or electronically. • Responding to inquiries or complaints regarding Customer's account. Customer shall request an officially stamped/legalized receipt for his payment upon making a deposit to his local Introducing Broker. Direct Trading Technologies Ltd shall bear no responsibility in regards to such deposits until they are received from the Introducing Broker and cleared in Direct Trading Technologies Ltd Inc. bank account. If a Customer requests a withdrawal of his funds held with Direct Trading Technologies Ltd though a local agent or Introd...
INTRODUCING BROKERS. 24.1. The Client may have been referred to the Company by an Introducing Broker. If so, the Company shall not be responsible for any agreement whether oral or in writing made between the Client and the Client's Introducing Broker.
24.2. Based on a written agreement with the Company, the Company will pay a fee or commission to the Introducing Broker. This fee/commission is related to the frequency/volume of transactions performed by and the number of referred Clients to the Company.
24.3. The Company shall not be liable for any type of agreement that may exist between the Client and the Introducing Broker or for any additional costs that may arise as a result of this Agreement.
24.4. The Client acknowledges that the Introducing Broker is not a representative of the Company nor is he authorized to provide any guarantees or any promises with respect to the Company or its services.
24.5. In its written agreement with Introducing Brokers, the Company prohibits Introducing Brokers from providing investment advice to Clients.
INTRODUCING BROKERS. 45.1 The Company and Introducing Broker are wholly separate from one another. The Client Agreement with the Company and the Introducing Broker does not establish a joint venture or partnership and the Introducing Broker in not an agent or an employee of the Company.
45.2 The Client may have been referred to the Company by an Introducing Broker. If so, the Company shall not be responsible for any agreement made between the Client and the Client’s Introducing Broker. The Client acknowledges that any such Introducing Broker will be acting solely as an independent intermediary and that no such Introducing Broker will be authorized to make any representations concerning the Company or the Company’s services nor shall it be authorized to take any obligations in the name of the Company.
45.3 The Company does not endorse or vouch for the services provided by the Introducing Broker, nor does it imply that the Introducing Broker holds any license for his services, if such license is required. Since the Introducing Broker is not an employee or an agent of the Company, it is the Client’s responsibility to perform necessary due diligence on the Introducing Agent prior to using any of their services.
45.4 The Company does not control and cannot endorse or vouch for the accuracy or completeness of any information or advice Client may have received or may receive in the future from Introducing Broker or from any third party not employed by the Company regarding foreign currency or exchange trading or other services provided by the company or the risks involved in such trading or in such services.
45.5 The Company provides risk disclosure information to all new Clients when they open an account. Client should read that information carefully and should not rely on any on information to the contrary from any other source, including Introducing Brokers. If Introducing Broker or any other third party provides Client with information or advice regarding foreign exchange trading or any of the services provided by the Company (including, without limitations, by courses, programs, research or written or oral recommendations), the Company shall not be responsible for any loss to Client resulting from Clients use of such information or advice.
45.6 Client understands and agrees that if an Account with the Company is introduced by Introducing Broker that Introducing Broker may be provided access to certain personal information about the Client as well as certain information concernin...
INTRODUCING BROKERS. 26.1. THE COMPANY AND INTRODUCING BROKER ARE WHOLLY SEPARATE AND دونب نم دنب يأ ذيفنتو قيبطتل قوقح يأ ةيقافتلاا هذه في ز اً فرط سيل صخش يلأ نوكي لا ل صاوتلاو فيرعتلا ءاطسو ةيقافتا .رخلآا نع اًدحاو اً مامت نلاقتسمو نلاصفنم لصاوتلاو فيرعتلا ءاطسوو ةكشر لا INDEPENDENT FROM ONE ANOTHER. THE CLIENT AGREEMENT WITH THE COMPANY AND THE INTRODUCING BROKER DOES NOT ESTABLISH A JOINT VENTURE OR PARTNERSHIP AND THE INTRODUCING BROKER IS NOT AN AGENT OR AN EMPLOYEE OF THE COMPANY. ع يراشم وأ ةكاش ةقلاع سسؤت لا لصاوتلاو فيرعتلا ءاطسو عمو ةكشر لا عم ليمعلا .ةكشر لا في ز فظوم وأ ليكو سيل لصاوتلاو فراعتلا طيسوو ةكي شم
26.2. The Client may have been referred to the Company by an Introducing Broker. If so, the Company shall not be responsible for any agreement made between the Client and the Client’s Introducing Broker. The Client acknowledges that any such Introducing Broker will be acting solely as an independent intermediary and that no such Introducing Broker will be authorized to make any representations concerning the Company or the Company’s services nor shall it be authorized to take any obligations in the name of the Company.
26.3. The Company does not endorse or vouch for the services provided by the Introducing Broker, nor does it imply that the Introducing Broker holds any license for his services, if such license is required. Since the Introducing Broker is not an employee or an agent of the Company, it is the Client’s responsibility to perform necessary due diligence on the Introducing Agent prior to using any of their services. ،كلذكرملأا ناك اذإ .لصاوتو فيرعت طيسو لبق نم ةكشر لا لىإ ليحأُ دق ليمعلا نوكي دق يأ نأب ليمعلا رقي . .طيسولا اذهو ليمعلا يز ر ب قافتا يأ نع ةلوؤسم نوكت نل ةكشر لا نإف نوكي نل هنأو لقتسم طيسوك طقف فصرتي فوس ليبقلا اذه نم فيرعتو لصاوت طيسو لاو ةكشر لا تامدخب وأ ةكشر لاب قلعتت تاحيصرت ةيأ ميدقتل هب في عم طيسو يأ كانه .ةكش مساب تامايز لا يأ ذخأي نأ هل زوجي لا اهنأ امك ،لصاوتلاو فيرعتلا طيسو نم ةمدقملا تامدخلا نمضت وا قداصت لا ةكشر لا صيخي لا اذه ناك اذإ هتامدخل صيخرت يأ لمحي لصاوتلاو فيرعتلا طيسو نأ لع لدت ةيلوؤسم نمف ،ةكشر لل لايكو وأ اً فظوم سيل لصاوتلاو فيرعتلا طيسو نأ امب .اً بولطم .26.2 .26.3 26.4. The Company does not control and cannot endorse or vouch for the accuracy or completeness of any information or advice Client may have received or may receive in the future from Introducing Broker or from any third party not employed by the Company regarding foreign currency or exchange trading or other services provided by the company or th...
INTRODUCING BROKERS. The Client may have been referred to FXC by an Introducing Broker. If so, FXC shall not be responsible for any agreement made between the Client and the Client's Introducing Broker. The Client acknowledges that no such Introducing Broker shall be authorised to make any representations concerning FXC or FXC’s Services.
INTRODUCING BROKERS. If Customer’s account has been introduced to GAIN Capital by an Introducing Broker (“IB”), Customer understands and acknowledges that GAIN Capital may compensate Introducing Broker for introducing Customer to GAIN Capital and that such compensation may be on a per trade or other basis.