LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. All landscaping and buffer requirements shall be in accordance with the LDC and as illustrated on the Conceptual Land Use Plan with the exception of the following:
1. All buffer, street, and canopy trees planted at the Project will be a minimum of a 2” caliper;
2. the Owner shall require homebuilders to plant at least one canopy tree for each single-family lot of at least 3” DBH; and
3. the developer will replace the equivalent of 30% of total tree-inches removed. All trees planted at the Project shall adhere to the current guidelines established by the Florida Grades and Standards for nursery-grown trees and must be Florida grade #1 or better. Developer must install street trees along the roadway where common areas abuts the road as required by the LDC.
LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. Landscaping shall be provided consistent with the Land Development Code, except as modified herein. Landscaping materials shall meet the required materials for buffer types as set forth in the LDC. Clustering of landscape requirements shall be permitted so long as the net total landscape material as required herein is still met. The following landscape buffers shall be required for the Property's overall periphery:
(1) Champions Drive: 30 feet
(2) Abutting existing Golf Clubhouse: 25 feet
LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. Landscaping shall be provided consistent with the Conceptual Landscape Plan, attached hereto as page PD3 of Exhibit B (the "Landscape Plan"). Clustering of typical landscape requirements shall be permitted. In addition to landscape buffers, clustering may be utilized for requirements related to interior parking lot and parking lot islands. Coordination of landscaping shall be addressed at Site Plan. Although some landscape areas may not meet the provisions of the LDC, the overall quantity of the landscaping material required by the LDC will be maintained on the overall project property.
LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. Landscaping shall be provided consistent with the Land Development Code, except as modified herein. Clustering of landscape requirements shall be permitted so long as the net total landscape material as required herein is still met. The following landscape buffers shall be required for the Property's overall periphery:
LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. The tree mitigation requirements in this Agreement are in addition to all other landscaping requirements set forth in Garden City Code. Notwithstanding the provisions in this Agreement, DEVELOPER is still required to adhere to codified standards for landscaping and additional tree calipers. SECTION IV:
LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. The Developer shall meet or exceed the following minimum landscaping requirements:
1. The street tree requirement for the Developmentthis project will be based on the property frontage along Little Dam Street which is 360.36’ long. A minimum of six (6) Spruce Trees and eighteen (18) deciduous trees shall be planted to meet the street tree requirement, or a minimum total of twenty-four (24) trees.
2. The parking lot tree requirement for the Developmentthis project will require eight (8) additional trees, two (2) of which shall be spruce trees.
3. Trees shall be planted at the sizes and species as required in Section 16-6- 60 of the Code, as in effect at the time of issuance of the building permit, shall govern and control.
4. Interior parking lot islands are not required.
LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. Landscaping shall be provided in the event of redevelopment of components of the property to be in accordance with the City of Daytona Beach Land Development Code. Developer shall utilize landscaping to soften hard lines of structures abutting public areas. Development shall utilize street trees and landscaped plazas. Coordination of landscaping shall be addressed during the Site Plan approval process. Clustering of landscaping shall be allowed to preserve view corridors within the development, where unnecessary to screen public view. The following minimum perimeter landscaping
LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. Landscaping shall be provided consistent with the Recreational/Parks & Landscape Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit D. Any landscape issue not addressed by Exhibit D shall be compliant with the LDC landscape provisions. Landscape buffer widths may vary as long as landscape material and total area does not materially decrease from City requirements. Clustering of typical landscape requirements shall be permitted so long as the required net total landscape material is still met. Spacing between clusters shall not exceed 200 feet in length. In addition to landscape buffers, clustering may be utilized for requirements related to interior parking lot and parking lot islands. If the applicable provisions of the LDC relating to landscaping conflict with the provisions of this Section, this Section shall control. Coordination of landscaping for private amenity uses shall be addressed at Site Plan review; however, the following landscape buffers shall be required for the Property's overall periphery:
(a) Planned Development Perimeters abutting existing or potential
(b) Planned Development Perimeters abutting preserve: 0 ft.
LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. Landscaping within the Project should be designed for predominantly low-or moderate- water use.
LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. Xxxxxxxxx agrees to provide a landscaping plan(s) to District for approval by District prior to commencement of the Project (“Plan”). Said approved Plan shall be kept on file by District for the Project. Developer shall obtain written agreement, with original kept by District, with Homeowner’s Association requiring compliance with the landscaping rules of District in accordance with District’s standard policies, as modified from time to time. The basis for approval by District of the Plan is that the Development has a landscape design goal for irrigation water use of less than 10,000 gals/month/connection for each building, including multi-family buildings, achieved by design elements as follows: