ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL. 6.01. No building or other improvement of any character shall be erected or placed, or the erection or placing thereof commenced, or changes made in the design thereof or any addition made thereto or exterior alteration made therein after original construction plans and approval (as hereinafter provided) of the construction plans and specifications and a plat showing the location of such building or other improvements. Approval shall be granted or withheld based on matters of compliance with the provisions of this instrument, quality of materials, harmony of the external design with existing and proposed structures and location with respect to topography and finished grade elevation. (a) The authority to grant or withhold architectural control approval as referred to above is vested in the Grantor; except, however, that such authority of the Grantor shall cease and terminate upon the election of the Tahitian Village Architectural Control Committee, in which event such authority shall be vested in and exercised by the Tahitian Village Architectural Control Committee (as provided in “(b)” below), hereinafter referred to, except as to plans and specifications and plats theretofore submitted to the Grantor which shall continue to exercise such authority over all such plans, specifications and plats. (b) At such time as 75% of the lots in the Subdivision and in all others sections of Tahitian Village (as platted, from time to time, hereafter) shall have been sold by the Grantor, the Grantor shall cause a statement of such circumstances to be placed of record in the Deed Records of Bastrop County Texas. Thereupon, the owners in Tahitian Village may by vote as hereinafter provided, elect a committee of five (5) members to be known as the Tahitian Village Architectural Control Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”). Each member of the Committee must be an owner of property in some section of Tahitian Village. Each lot owner shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each whole lot of building site composed of more than one (1) whole lot; such building site owner shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each whole lot contained within such building site. The Grantor shall be obligated to arrange for the holding of such election within sixty (60) days following the filing of the aforesaid statement by the Grantor in the Deed Records of Bastrop County, Texas, and give notice of the time and place of such election (which shall be in Bastrop County, Texas) not ...
ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL. The following provisions shall govern architectural control of all Improvements with the exception of New Construction (which must be approved by the New Construction Committee rather than the Architectural Committee): (A) No excavating or grading work shall be performed on any Lot for the purpose of constructing Improvements by any Owner other than Declarant without the prior approval of the Architectural Committee Each Owner altering any grading or drainage on a Lot shall ensure that such alterations comply with all requirements of any grading or drainage plan approved by any governmental entity having jurisdiction over the Property and that such alterations do not alter or impede the flow of storm water from the manner existing prior to such alterations; approval of plans or proposed Improvements by the Architectural Committee shall not constitute a waiver of this requirement or a warranty that such plans or Improvements are consistent with this requirement or any other requirement of this Declaration, the Association Rules, any governmental requirement or construction industry standard. (B) No Improvements shall be constructed or installed on any Lot without the prior written approval of the Architectural Committee. (C) No addition, alteration, repair, change or other work which in any way alters the exterior appearance, including but without limitation, the exterior color scheme, of any Lot, or the Improvements located thereon, shall be made or done without the prior written approval of the Architectural Committee. (D) Any Owner desiring approval of the Architectural Committee for the construction, installation, addition, alteration, repair, change or replacement of any Improvement which would alter the exterior appearance of the Improvement, shall submit to the Architectural Committee a written request for approval specifying in detail the nature and extent of the construction, installation, addition, alteration, repair, change or replacement of any Improvement which the Owner desires to perform, including, but not limited to, the shape, height, materials, floor plans, color scheme and location of such proposed Improvement. Any Owner requesting the approval of the Architectural Committee shall also submit to the Architectural Committee any additional information, plans and specifications which the Architectural Committee may request. If the Architectural Committee fails to approve or disapprove an application for approval within sixty (60) days after...
ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL. “Purchasers are advised that this community is subject to Architectural Control. Models available for sale have to be pre-approved by the Control Architect and certain models may not be available for some of the lots. Check with your builder regarding the particular situation for the model and lot you intend to purchase.”
ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL. (a) No building or other improvement of a structural nature shall be erected, converted, or rebuilt on any lot, nor shall an exterior alteration or addition be made on any building on any lot, until the plans and specifications for the same have been submitted to said Trustees for examination and approval, and have been approved in writing by the Trustees pursuant to subparagraph (b) of this paragraph. No building or other improvement shall be erected, converted, rebuilt, altered or added to on any lot except strictly in accordance with such approved plans and specifications. (b) With respect to any plans, specifications, or other document required to be submitted to the Trustees for approval under subparagraph (a) above, said Trustees are given express power to approve or reject the same, in their discretion, for any reason deemed by them in good faith to be in the best interests of the owners of lots subject to this Restrictive Agreement, including without limitation upon the foregoing, architectural design, location of improvement or lot boundary, or type of roofing or other building material to be used or the manner of using same, to the end that there may be prevented any improvement of a design, appearance, location, height, type or character which may be unsafe, inartistic, odd, grotesque, or inconsistent with or a hindrance to a generally pleasing, attractive and rational development of Xxxxxxxxx Lake as a whole, or a hazard to persons or property. In the event of a disapproval of any such plans by the Trustees, the reason(s) for such disapproval shall be stated, in writing, to the property owners submitting such plans. If the Trustees shall fail to act upon any plans, specifications, or other document within thirty (30) days after the same is submitted to the Trustees, such documents shall be deemed approved in the form submitted.
ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL. 0l No building, structure, wall, fence, or addition or exterior alteration to any building, structure, wall or fence shall be commenced, erected or maintained unless and until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, floor plans, location and approximate cost of the same shall have been submitted to the Committee for its consideration and approval or disapproval in writing.
ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL. No building, fence, wall, hedge, or other Improvement shall be commenced, erected or maintained upon any Site, nor shall any exterior addition to or change or alteration therein be made until the plans and specifications ("Plans") showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, location, and costs of the same have been submitted to and approved in writing as to harmony of external design and location in relation to the surrounding structures and topography by the Declarant until Declarant no longer owns any Site whereupon such approval shall be by the Board, provided such approval by Declarant and the Board shall not be unreasonably withheld. In the event the Declarant or Board (as applicable as having the authority to approve same) fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within 30 days after such Plans are submitted to it, then approval shall be deemed granted and this article shall be deemed to have been fully complied with. Approval of the Plans by the Declarant or the Board (as applicable as having the authority to approve same) shall not obviate the requirement that all such Improvements comply with all applicable governmental and quasi-governmental requirements. Further, the Board does not have the right to approve of Plans that are in violation of any local ordinances and/or regulations and/or the applicable building code. Further, should said municipalities, county, and/or the applicable building code require as a condition precedent, approval of a municipality, county, and/or a regional commission, said shall be a condition precedent to submission to the Board.
ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL. No building shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot, tract or parcel, until the construction plans and specifications and a plan showing the location of the structure have been approved by the Architectural Control Committee as to workmanship and materials, harmony of external design with existing structures and to location with respect to topography and finish grade elevation. No fence, wall, home addition, or other exterior improvement shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot, tract or parcel unless similarly approved. Approval shall be reasonably given in accordance with the restrictions hereinafter provided.
ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL. No building or other improvements of any character shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot until two (2) copies of the building plans and specifications and a site plan showing the location of the structures shall have been submitted to and approved by the Architectural Control Committee as hereinafter provided for, as to compliance with these Restrictive Covenants and as to use, quality of workmanship and materials, harmony or exterior design with existing structures, and location erected, placed or altered on any lot nearer to the street than the minimum building setback line unless similarly approved. Approval shall be as provided in this Paragraph 27 hereof. The term “improvements” as used herein shall include, but not be limited to, any structure, the addition or alteration to any structure, including the dwelling storage buildings, tool sheds, greenhouses and/or other buildings. The plans and specifications and site plan herein provided to be submitted to the Architectural Control Committee shall be submitted for approval not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the commencement of construction or alteration of any such improvements. All construction shall be in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. The Architectural Control Committee shall retain one copy of the said building plans and specifications and the site plan until such time as the said Committee ceases to exist as provided for in this paragraph, and if approved, said Committee shall mail a letter of approval to the owner of the lot. In the event said Architectural Control Committee fails to approve or disapprove such plans within fourteen
ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL. 1. No building, fence, wall or other structure shall be commenced, erected, or maintained upon any portion of the Property, theretofore submitted to this Declaration pursuant to Article II, Section 1, nor shall any exterior addition to or change or alteration kind, shape, height, materials, and locations of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing as to harmony of external design and location in relation to surrounding structures and architectural committee composed of three or more representatives appointed by the Board. In the event said Board, or it designated committee fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within forty-five days after said plans and specifications have been submitted to it, approval will not be required and this Article will be deemed to have been fully complied with.
ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL. A. Approval of Plans and Architectural Committee. 1. No construction, reconstruction, remodeling alteration or addition to any structure, building, fence, wall, driveway, path or other improvement of any nature on any lot shall be constructed or undertaken without obtaining the prior written approval of the Architectural Committee appointed by the Declarant as to the intended location of same and as to its plans and specifications showing the nature, shape, height, materials and such other specifics as may be required including its architectural style. As a prerequisite to consideration for such approval, and prior to the beginning of the contemplated work, the applicant must submit a set of plans and specifications with a written request for their approval. The Architectural Committee shall be the sole arbiter of same and may with- hold approval for any reason including purely esthetic considerations. In the event the Board, or its designated Architectural Committee fails to approve or disapprove the plans for design and location within thirty (30) days after they have been submitted, approval will not be required and this section will be deemed to have been fully complied with. Upon approval being given, construction shall commence within ninety (90) days there- after, and shall be processed to completion promptly and in strict compliance with the approved plans; otherwise the approval shall be void. Each Owner acknowledges that the decor, color scheme, landscaping, and design of the property has been selected in such a manner as to be consistent and harmonious with other lots and residences in the subdivi- sion and agrees to maintain and perpetuate the visual harmony of the properties. 2. Prior to the formation of the Architectural Committee, the declarant or his successors and assigns shall constitute or may appoint a person or persons to act as the Architectural Committee.