Dental specific medications for dental purposes, including fluoride medications (except for children less than five years of age with a non-fluorinated water supply);
Vision The Employer agrees to offer group vision insurance to bargaining unit employees and their dependents, at employee cost.
Health Overcoming or managing one’s disease(s) as well as living in a physically and emotionally healthy way;
Health Care Coverage The Company shall continue to provide Executive with medical, dental, vision and mental health care coverage at or equivalent to the level of coverage that the Executive had at the time of the termination of employment (including coverage for the Executive’s dependents to the extent such dependents were covered immediately prior to such termination of employment) for the remainder of the Term of Employment, provided, however that in the event such coverage may no longer be extended to Executive following termination of Executive’s employment either by the terms of the Company’s health care plans or under then applicable law, the Company shall instead reimburse Executive for the amount equivalent to the Company’s cost of substantially equivalent health care coverage to Executive under ERISA Section 601 and thereafter and Section 4980B of the Internal Revenue Code (i.e., COBRA coverage) for a period not to exceed the lesser of (A) 18 months after the termination of Executive’s employment or (B) the remainder of the Term of Employment, and provided further that (1) any such health care coverage or reimbursement for health care coverage shall cease at such time that Executive becomes eligible for health care coverage through another employer and (2) any such reimbursement shall be made no later than the last day of the calendar year following the end of the calendar year with respect to which such coverage or reimbursement is provided. The Company shall have no further obligations to the Executive as a result of termination of employment described in this Section 8(a) except as set forth in Section 12.
Care If you will be traveling and know that you will require follow‐up care for an exist ing condition, contact 1‐800‐810‐BLUE. You will be given the names and addresses of nearby participating Physicians that you can contact to arrange the necessary follow‐up care. (Examples of follow‐up care include removal of stitches, removal of a cast, Physical Therapy, monitoring blood tests, and kidney dialysis.)
Long term relievers employed for one year or less shall be entitled to the provisions of this Agreement as specified.
Life Coverage Paragraph 1: The Board shall provide a group term life coverage in the sum of
When Your Coverage Begins Your coverage will begin on the first day of the month following your eligibility date as long as we receive required enrollment information within the first thirty (30) days following your eligibility date and the premium is paid. If you or your dependents fail to enroll at this time, you cannot enroll in the plan unless you do so through an Open Enrollment Period or a Special Enrollment Period.
Coverage If any of the aforementioned liability insurance is arranged on a "claims made" basis, "tail" coverage will be required at the completion of this contract for a duration of 24 months or the maximum time period the PURCHASER's insurer will provide such if less than 24 months. PURCHASER will be responsible for furnishing certification of "tail" coverage as described or continuous "claims made" liability coverage for 24 months following contract completion. Continuous "claims made" coverage will be acceptable in lieu of "tail" coverage, provided its retroactive date is on or before the effective date of this contract.
COBRA Premiums If Executive timely elects continued coverage under COBRA, the Company will pay Executive’s COBRA premiums to continue Executive’s coverage (including coverage for Executive’s eligible dependents, if applicable) (“COBRA Premiums”) through the period starting on the termination date and ending twelve (12) months after the termination date (the “COBRA Premium Period”); provided, however, that the Company’s provision of such COBRA Premium benefits will immediately cease if during the COBRA Premium Period Executive becomes eligible for group health insurance coverage through a new employer or Executive ceases to be eligible for COBRA continuation coverage for any reason, including plan termination. In the event Executive becomes covered under another employer’s group health plan or otherwise ceases to be eligible for COBRA during the COBRA Premium Period, Executive must immediately notify the Company of such event.