Late Trips Sample Clauses

Late Trips. The number of trips where the vehicle arrives beyond the 20- minute window. No more than 10% of trips scheduled.
Late Trips. Trips received too late to be posted seven (7) days prior to 43 the trip and to be assigned four (4) days before the trip will be considered 1 late trips and will be assigned following the appropriate rotational 2 seniority list. The rotation will change with the new assignment. Late trips 3 will be posted for as long as possible between two (2) days and one route 4 period (5:00 am to 10:00 am or 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm). Trips will be 5 awarded 24 hours before the trip according to the seniority rotation. 6
Late Trips. Late Trips are those trip requests that become available during the 28 same seven-day period, but after the Friday morning assignment process is 29 completed. Assignment of Late Trips will be conducted as follows: 30 1. The late trip will be offered to the most senior driver, provided the trip will 31 not cause the employee to go into overtime status for that week with the 32 exception of the Trip Board going into overtime. If this happens, the late 33 trip will be offered to drivers based on seniority until drilled. 34 2. If the senior drivers (based on seniority) are already scheduled for a trip at 35 the same time, they may switch to the Late Trip if the Late Trip adds at 36 least two (2) hours of additional time. 37 3. Any trip left vacant due to a senior driver switching to a Late Trip will be 38 assigned to the next available driver on the seniority list, starting with the 39 most senior driver without a trip. 40 4. This does not include “Emergency Trips” which have a leave time four (4) 41 hours or less from the time they become known to the Transportation 42 Supervisor., These trips are described in “F” below. 43 5. This does not apply to “placeholder” trips for anticipated playoff games or 44 contests. Such trips are not subject to switches or overtime limitations 45 because of the difficulty predicting sites, hours, and length of these trips.
Late Trips. An assessment of $100.00 dollars per trip shall be made whenever trips are late to the first scheduled pick-up location. The penalty amount will be deducted from the Carrier’s invoice. An assessment of $100.00 dollars per trip shall be made whenever participation at the destination is denied because the bus was late to the first scheduled pick-up location. Also, all costs, including cancellation fees, caused by the tardiness will not be paid for by OUHSD.
Late TripsIn the event a trip is scheduled after the posting of extra trips by regular drivers, the Transportation Office will first offer the late trip to the next driver in rotation from the late trip roster sheet.

Related to Late Trips

  • Extra Trips All trips other than regular runs or supplemental runs shall be awarded to drivers according to the following procedures: 9.7.1 All extra trips shall be assigned in compliance with the following section of this Agreement; provided, however, that no driver shall be eligible to work more than forty (40) hours in any workweek, exclusive of hours worked on Saturday or Sunday, when another eligible driver is available and would not be put into overtime. 9.7.2 Assignment of extra trips shall be made on the basis of a “Trip Board.” The most senior driver who signs up for the extra trip shall be awarded the trip. No driver may give up any extra trip or supplemental run or regular run previously awarded in order to take an extra trip, if Section 9.7.1 above would be violated. There shall be no pre-empting of regular runs by drivers who wish to take extra trips. 9.7.3 Trips are to be dated as they are received by the Transportation Office. All extra trips shall be awarded to the most senior appropriate driver signing the “Trip Board.” If the extra trip is posted before a driver’s regular run clock-out time, the driver has until the driver’s next regular run clock-in time to reply. If there is no reply, the dispatcher shall assign the extra trip to the next senior driver on the sign-up sheet. 9.7.4 Drivers shall not be eligible for extra trips during periods of absence due to illness. Drivers absent for personal illness on the last working day before a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday trip shall not be eligible to drive such trip and will lose his/her turn on the list until the process begins anew. Drivers absent for other reasons will be able to drive such trips provided they contact the Transportation Office by 3:30 p.m. on the last working day prior to the scheduled trip to verify their availability and confirm the start time of the trip. 9.7.5 The dispatch book shall be made available for driver viewing by the Transportation Office.

  • Underutilization Underutilization of Local Only Trunk Groups, Local Interconnection Trunk Groups, Third Party Trunk Group and Meet Point Trunk Groups exists when provisioned capacity is greater than the current need. Those situations where more capacity exists than actual usage requires will be handled in the following manner: If a Local Only Trunk Group, Local Interconnection Trunk Group, Third Party Trunk Group or a Meet Point Trunk Group is under sixty-five percent (65%) of CCS capacity on a monthly average basis for AT&T- 12STATE or under eighty percent (80%) for AT&T SOUTHEAST REGION 9-STATE, for each month of any three (3) consecutive months period, either Party may request the issuance of an order to resize the Local Only Trunk Group, Local Interconnection Trunk Group, Third Party Trunk Group or the Meet Point Trunk Group, which shall be left with not less than twenty-five percent (25%) excess capacity for AT&T-12STATE or not less than fifteen percent (15%) for AT&T SOUTHEAST REGION 9-STATE. In all cases, grade of service objectives shall be maintained. Either Party may send a TGSR to the other Party to trigger changes to the Local Only Trunk Groups, Local Interconnection Trunk Groups, Third Party Trunk Groups or Meet Point Trunk Groups based on capacity assessment. Upon receipt of a TGSR, the receiving Party will issue an ASR to the other Party within twenty (20) business days after receipt of the TGSR. Upon review of the TGSR, if a Party does not agree with the resizing, the Parties will schedule a joint planning discussion within the twenty

  • Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee (a) If the ICANN accredited registrars (accounting, in the aggregate, for payment of two-­‐thirds of all registrar-­‐level fees (or such portion of ICANN accredited registrars necessary to approve variable accreditation fees under the then-­‐current registrar accreditation agreement), do not approve, pursuant to the terms of their registrar accreditation agreements with ICANN, the variable accreditation fees established by the ICANN Board of Directors for any ICANN fiscal year, upon delivery of notice from ICANN, Registry Operator shall pay to ICANN a variable registry-­‐level fee, which shall be paid on a fiscal quarter basis, and shall accrue as of the beginning of the first fiscal quarter of such ICANN fiscal year (the “Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee”). The fee will be calculated and invoiced by ICANN on a quarterly basis, and shall be paid by Registry Operator within sixty (60) calendar days with respect to the first quarter of such ICANN fiscal year and within twenty (20) calendar days with respect to each remaining quarter of such ICANN fiscal year, of receipt of the invoiced amount by ICANN. The Registry Operator may invoice and collect the Variable Registry-­‐Level Fees from the registrars that are party to a registry-­‐ registrar agreement with Registry Operator (which agreement may specifically provide for the reimbursement of Variable Registry-­‐Level Fees paid by Registry Operator pursuant to this Section 6.3); provided, that the fees shall be invoiced to all ICANN accredited registrars if invoiced to any. The Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee, if collectible by ICANN, shall be an obligation of Registry Operator and shall be due and payable as provided in this Section 6.3 irrespective of Registry Operator’s ability to seek and obtain reimbursement of such fee from registrars. In the event ICANN later collects variable accreditation fees for which Registry Operator has paid ICANN a Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee, ICANN shall reimburse the Registry Operator an appropriate amount of the Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee, as reasonably determined by ICANN. If the ICANN accredited registrars (as a group) do approve, pursuant to the terms of their registrar accreditation agreements with ICANN, the variable accreditation fees established by the ICANN Board of Directors for a fiscal year, ICANN shall not be entitled to a Variable-­‐Level Fee hereunder for such fiscal year, irrespective of whether the ICANN accredited registrars comply with their payment obligations to ICANN during such fiscal year. (b) The amount of the Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee will be specified for each registrar, and may include both a per-­‐registrar component and a transactional component. The per-­‐registrar component of the Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee shall be specified by ICANN in accordance with the budget adopted by the ICANN Board of Directors for each ICANN fiscal year. The transactional component of the Variable Registry-­‐Level Fee shall be specified by ICANN in accordance with the budget adopted by the ICANN Board of Directors for each ICANN fiscal year but shall not exceed US$0.25 per domain name registration (including renewals associated with transfers from one ICANN accredited registrar to another) per year.

  • Multiple Bedroom Spaces If this Housing Agreement expressly identifies more than one bedroom space in a multi-bedroom apartment as assigned to Resident on page 1, then: (a) references to a “space” or “spaces” will be deemed to refer to all of the spaces assigned to Resident, or to the entire apartment if all of the bedrooms in an apartment are assigned to Resident; and (b) if Resident is assigned fewer than all of the bedroom spaces in an apartment, use of common areas will continue to be shared with other residents of the apartment and any calculation of Resident’s share of any charges assessed pro rata to all residents of an apartment will be made by dividing the number of bedroom spaces assigned to Resident by the total number of occupied bedroom spaces within the apartment.

  • Overcharging (a) Where you have been overcharged by less than $50, and you have already paid the overcharged amount, we must credit that amount to your next bill. (b) Where you have been overcharged by $50 or more, we must inform you within 10 business days of our becoming aware of the overcharge and, if you have already paid that amount, we must credit that amount to your next bill. However, if you request otherwise, we will comply with that request. (c) If you have stopped buying energy from us, we will use our best endeavours to pay the overcharged amount to you within 10 business days. (d) If you have been overcharged as a result of your own fault or unlawful act or omission, we may limit the amount we credit or pay you to the amount you were overcharged in the last 12 months.

  • Community Based Adult Intensive Service (AIS) and Child and Family Intensive Treatment (CFIT) – AIS/CFIT programs offer services primarily based in the home and community for qualifying adults and children with moderate- to-severe mental health conditions. These programs consist at a minimum of ongoing emergency/crisis evaluations, psychiatric assessment, medication evaluation and management, case management, psychiatric nursing services, and individual, group, and family therapy. This plan covers individual psychotherapy, group psychotherapy, and family therapy when rendered by: • Psychiatrists; • Licensed Clinical Psychologists; • Licensed Independent Clinical Social Workers; • Advance Practice Registered Nurses (Clinical Nurse Specialists/Nurse Practitioners- Behavioral Health); • Licensed Mental Health Counselors; and • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists. This plan covers psychological testing as a behavioral health benefit when rendered by: • neuropsychologists; • psychologists; or • pediatric neurodevelopmental specialists. This plan covers neuropsychological testing as described in the Tests, Labs and Imaging section.

  • Undercharging (a) If we have undercharged you, we may recover the undercharged amount from you. If we recover an undercharged amount from you: (i) we will not charge interest on the undercharged amount; and (ii) we will offer you time to pay the undercharged amount in instalments over the same period of time during which you were undercharged (if less than 12 months), or otherwise over 12 months. (b) The maximum amount we can recover from you is limited to the amount that has been undercharged in the 9 months immediately before we notify you, unless the undercharge is your fault, or results from your unlawful act or omission.

  • Mileage Measurement Where required, the mileage measurement for LIS rate elements is determined in the same manner as the mileage measurement for V&H methodology as outlined in NECA Tariff No. 4.

  • MULTIPLE BUILDINGS If the Premises are part of a group of buildings controlled by Lessor, Lessee agrees that it will abide by, keep and observe all reasonable rules and regulations which Lessor may make from time to time for the management, safety, care, and cleanliness of the grounds, the parking and unloading of vehicles and the preservation of good order, as well as for the convenience of other occupants or tenants of such other buildings and their invitees, and that Lessee will pay its fair share of common expenses incurred in connection therewith.

  • Workloads The parties agree to the following provisions relating to faculty members' workload. (a) The registration limits for all courses currently offered by the Employer in the academic, career and technology areas are 35 unless established by practice as lower, excepting multiple sections where the limit is the correct multiple of the number of sections involved. (b) The registration limits for English are as follows: (i) Writing and Composition Courses - 25 (ii) Writing Skills -17 (iii) Creative Writing - 22