Leave for a full month Sample Clauses

Leave for a full month. If the salaried employee is on leave of absence for a full calendar month, the whole monthly salary is deducted. The same applies if the company has another pay period of the same length instead of calendar month.
Leave for a full month. If the employee takes leave of absence for an entire calendar month, the entire monthly salary is deducted. The same applies if the compa- ny applies another pay period of equal length instead of the calendar month.

Related to Leave for a full month

  • PERIOD OF SERVICE The Grant Services will commence on the Start Date and shall expire on the End Date as set forth in the SUMMARY PAGE.

  • Unbroken Vacation Period An Employee shall receive an unbroken period of vacation unless mutually agreed upon between the Employee and the Employer.

  • Sick Leave During Leave of Absence (F/T) When an Employee is given leave of absence without pay for any reason, or is laid off on account of lack of work, he/she shall not continue to accumulate sick leave and shall not be entitled to receive pay for sickness for the period of such absence, but shall retain his/her cumulative credit, if any, existing at the time of such leave or lay-off.

  • Vacation Period ‌ The choice of vacation periods shall be granted to employees on the basis of seniority with the Employer except where the period requested would be detrimental to the operation of the Employer.

  • Payment for period of leave 30.9.1. Each employee before going on leave shall be paid the amount of wage he/she would have received in respect of the ordinary time which he/she would have worked had he/she not been on leave during the relevant periods. For the purpose of this clause and 29.1 wages shall be at the rate prescribed by the relevant part of Schedule 3 for the classification in which the employee was ordinarily employed immediately prior to the commencement of his/her leave.

  • Payment for Unused Sick Leave (a) An employee with less than ten (10) years of FIU service who separates from FIU shall not be paid for any unused sick leave. (b) An employee who has completed ten (10) or more years of FIU service, has not been found guilty or has not admitted to being guilty of committing, aiding, or abetting any embezzlement, theft, or bribery in connection with State government, or has not been found guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction of having violated any State law against or prohibiting strikes by public employees, and separates from FIU because of retirement for other than disability reasons, termination, or death, shall be compensated at the employee's current regular hourly rate of pay for one-eighth of all unused sick leave accrued prior to October 1, 1973, plus one- fourth of all unused sick leave accrued on or after October 1, 1973; provided that one-fourth of the unused sick leave since 1973 does not exceed 480 hours. The compensation in this paragraph 8(4)(b) shall not be given to an employee who starts employment at FIU on or after July 1, 2006. (c) Upon layoff, an employee with ten (10) or more years of FIU service shall be paid for unused sick leave as described in paragraph b., above, unless the employee requests in writing that unused sick leave be retained pending re-employment. For an employee who is re-employed by the University within twelve (12) calendar months following layoff, all unused sick leave shall be restored to the employee, provided the employee requests such action in writing and repays the full amount of any lump sum leave payments received at the time of layoff. An employee who is not re- employed within twelve (12) calendar months following layoff shall be paid for sick leave in accordance with this Policy. (d) All payments for unused sick leave shall be made in lump sum and shall not be used in determining the average final compensation of an employee in any State administered retirement system. An employee shall not be carried on the payroll beyond the last official day of employment, except that an employee who is unable to perform duties because of a disability may be continued on the payroll until all sick leave is exhausted. (e) If an employee has received a lump sum payment for accrued sick leave, the employee may elect in writing, upon re-employment within 100 days, to restore the employee's accrued sick leave. Restoration will be effective upon the repayment of the full lump sum leave payment. (f) In the event of the death of an employee, payment for unused sick leave at the time of death shall be made to the employee's beneficiary, estate, or as provided by law.

  • Sick Leave Usage 1. Sick leave may be used by an employee when sick, injured, or quarantined. Also sick leave may be used on the occasion of an illness in the employee's family, where a need can be shown. 2. In computing compensation payable for sick leave, the compensation paid shall be the amount the employee would earn during the sick leave period if working at their current rate of pay and work schedule without the inclusion of overtime earnings.

  • Leave Days 1. Each full-time teacher employed under regular contract shall be entitled to an annual allotment of thirteen (13) leave days. Such allotment shall be credited the first day of each school year and unused days shall be accumulated as sick leave to a total of one hundred eighty-two and one half (182.5) days. The teacher’s accumulated sick days may be used following use of 13 days and a doctor’s note with approval by Superintendent. Certificated staff with an accumulation of 182.5 days of accumulated sick leave shall be compensated at the end of each school year at the rate of the current daily certified substitute pay per each unused day above the 182.5 day accumulation. Such payments shall be made in July of each year. This money shall be placed in the teacher’s 403(b). If school corporation revenue in the Education Fund exceeds expenditures in the calendar year by an amount between $6,000 and $24,000, then the amount of that excess (minus compensation pay), not to exceed $18,000, shall be made available to fund a buyback of unused accumulated sick leave days on the following terms: Teachers shall have the option of selling up to ten (10) days, per round, of unused accumulated sick leave back to the school corporation at the daily rate of pay for a certified substitute teacher. This option will be offered to teachers in accordance with their seniority (total years of continuous service at Western Xxxxx) in the school corporation, with the teacher with the most seniority having priority to exercise the option, and it shall be available only to the extent of the total amount of money available as set forth above. Payment for these days shall be deposited in the individual teacher’s 403(b) plan, and upon payment those sick leave days shall no longer be available to the selling teacher. Said days must have been earned while the teacher has been employed in the school corporation. To participate in the program a teacher must maintain at all times a minimum balance of one hundred (100) days of accumulated sick leave. This method shall continue in successive rounds until the available money remaining less than daily rate of pay for a certified substitute teacher. If more money is available to the school corporation than is needed to fund the buy-backs exercised under this program, the school corporation may retain such money in its Education Fund. After selling a cumulative amount of eighty (80) days, teachers will receive a guaranteed buyback of any leave days over one hundred (100) remaining at the end of each school year. 2. A teacher employed under regular contract for only a portion of the school year shall be entitled to a proportional number of days (beginning the day they return to full-time status), and unused days shall be accumulative as specified herein. 3. Teachers shall be permitted to take one-half (1/2) day of paid leave which shall be recorded as one-half (1/2) day of paid leave. 4. Certificated staff may, in any academic year, utilize up to five (5) accumulated sick days for emergency family illness or injury (providing a written doctor’s note). The staff member must first use all 13 leave days and submit the request to the superintendent. These five days may be used for the medical emergency of only a spouse, children, mother, father, mother-in-law or father-in-law.

  • Meal Period A Contractor shall schedule an unpaid period of not more than 1/2 hour duration at the work location between the 3rd and 5th hour of the scheduled shift. A Contractor may, for efficiency of operation, establish a schedule which coordinates the meal periods of two or more crafts. If an employee is required to work through the meal period, the employee shall be compensated in a manner established in the applicable Schedule A.

  • Unused Sick Leave The accrual of unused sick leave hours is unlimited. The City and the Union commit to the evaluation and establishment of a mutually beneficial non-use of sick leave incentive and pay-out policy. Until such time that a policy is established, accumulated sick leave shall be compensated as follows: Upon retirement from the City service, an employee shall be paid sixty percent (60%) of his accumulated sick leave, with the rate of payment based upon his regular pay at the time he retires. Upon the death of an employee, his beneficiary shall be paid sixty percent (60%) of his accumulated unused sick leave, with the payment based upon his regular pay at the date of his death.