Payment for period of leave. (a) Payment to an Employee in respect of long service leave shall be made in one of the following ways:
Payment for period of leave. 32.7.1 Each employee, before going on leave, shall be paid in advance the wages which would ordinarily accrue to him/her during the currency of the leave.
Payment for period of leave. 30.9.1. Each employee before going on leave shall be paid the amount of wage he/she would have received in respect of the ordinary time which he/she would have worked had he/she not been on leave during the relevant periods. For the purpose of this clause and 29.1 wages shall be at the rate prescribed by the relevant part of Schedule 3 for the classification in which the employee was ordinarily employed immediately prior to the commencement of his/her leave.
Payment for period of leave. 24.6.1 The employer of an employee who is entitled to and takes leave pursuant to this clause shall pay such leave at the employee’s rate of salary current during that period of leave. Provided that where by agreement between an employer and the employee the taking of the leave due to the employee or any portion of it is postponed to meet the convenience of the employee the rate of payment therefore shall be that operative at the time of accrual to the employee of the leave entitlement concerned.
Payment for period of leave. 7.1 Subject to the provisions of subclause 7.3 hereof, the rate of payment to which an employee on leave shall be entitled shall be in the case of a full-time weekly time worker his/her actual rate of pay. The actual rate of pay is the total amount an employee would receive if he/she were performing his/her ordinary hours of work and shall not include overtime, penalty rates, disability allowances, shift allowances, special rates, fares and travelling time allowances and any other extraneous payment of a like nature. In cases where the actual rate of pay varies from week to week as a result of a system of payment by results or other piece work or bonus systems the rate of payment shall be calculated by averaging the actual rates of pay, as defined above, for each week over the previous three monthly period.
Payment for period of leave. (i) Each employee before going on leave shall be paid the amount of wages he/she would have received in respect of the ordinary time which he/she would have worked had he/she not been on leave during the relevant period.
Payment for period of leave. Each employee before going on leave shall be paid for the period of leave at the applicable rate of pay for the occupation in which the employee was ordinarily employed immediately prior to the commencement of his or her leave or the termination of his or her employment, as the case may be.
Payment for period of leave. 7.2.10 A team member going on Annual Leave shall be paid in addition to their ordinary time earnings for the period of leave a loading of 17.5% prior to the commencement of such leave.
Payment for period of leave. (a) Each employee will in respect of the period of leave, be paid their ordinary pay as if they had worked instead of taking leave.
Payment for period of leave. 4.1 Payment to a Practitioner in respect of long service leave will be made in one of the following ways: