Leaves and Selection of Schedule. 1. Each Bus Driver must have passed his/her annual physical examination and turned in the paperwork by June 30th in order to select a schedule. However, if a Bus Driver has not passed his/her annual physical examination and has not turned in the paperwork by June 30th but is on either sick leave, assault leave, FMLA leave (for illness reasons), or Worker’s Compensation leave, he/she may select a schedule and a substitute will have the schedule until the Bus Driver passes the annual physical examination. If this Bus Driver is unable to pass the physical examination by June 30th after the first year, he/she will not be permitted to select a schedule for the second year. If this Bus Driver passes the physical examination by June 30th after the second year, he/she will be permitted to select a schedule the third year.
Leaves and Selection of Schedule. 1. If a Bus Aide is on any Board-approved leave other than sick leave, assault leave, FMLA leave (for illness reasons), or Worker’s Compensation leave for an entire year, that Bus Aide will not be permitted to select a schedule for the entire school year or select a schedule for the following year if he/she will be on that same Board-approved leave the following year.