LEAVES OF ABSENCE FOR PERSONAL ILLNESS OR PROFESSIONAL STUDY. A leave of absence is defined as a period of extended absence from duty by a member of the bargaining unit for which a written request was submitted and approval given by the local Superintendent and the Board. By law, section 3319.13, the Board of Education may grant a leave of absence for a period of not more than two (2) years for educational, professional or other purposes and shall grant such leave where illness or other disability is the reason for the request. Upon return to service of a bargaining unit member at the expiration of the leave of absence, he/she shall resume the contract status held prior to such leave. No leave of absence shall be granted for employment in another business or occupation. No leave of absence shall count as a year of experience on the salary schedule. The local Superintendent is authorized to fix a date upon which a bargaining unit member on leave of absence must indicate his/her intention to return to duty. The leave of absence becomes a resignation if the bargaining unit member fails to comply with the local Superintendent's request. Bargaining unit members who have served in the Madison-Plains Schools for not less than two (2) years may be granted leave of absence for not more than one (1) year for the purpose of approved study.
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  • Personal Leaves of Absence SRD includes the time an employee is on "leave", if the employee is on a: • personal leave of absence with pay; or • personal leave of absence without pay which is less than 15 working days; or • personal leave of absence without pay which is more than 15 working days and which was started on or after April 15, 1993 -- only that portion which was taken during the period from April 15, 1993 to August 31, 1997. • prepaid leave of absence, under the enhanced leaves of absence policy dated April 16, 1993, greater than eight (8) weeks.

  • Unpaid Personal Leave of Absence 1. Any employee may apply for an unpaid personal leave of absence for good and sufficient reason. Leave pursuant to this provision may be for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months in any fourteen (14) consecutive months. Such leave may be granted at the discretion of the appointing authority and shall not be unreasonably denied. Employees are encouraged to consult with their agency/department Personnel Officer to determine if they are eligible for benefits available under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act. All requests for such leave and responses shall be in writing. The application for leave must specifically state the reasons for such application and the length of time requested. After completion of a period of personal leave of absence, the employee shall be entitled to return to the organizational unit, status and position held immediately prior to the beginning of the leave of absence. If the employee's position is abolished during any such leave, he/she shall be notified and allowed to exercise his/her rights under the Seniority Article of this Agreement.

  • Medical Leaves of Absence When recommended by an employee's personal physician in writing, a medical leave of absence for a three (3) month period will be granted by the Sheriff. Such leave may be extended for a like three (3) month period or shorter period, within the sole discretion of the Sheriff, up to a maximum of one (1) year. Such extension, if granted, shall be based upon the written certification by the employee's physician that the continued illness or disability precludes the employee from working and the continuation of the leave of absence is necessary. Such leave, up to a maximum of three (3) months, if granted, will be allowed and credited as continuous county service, i.e. seniority continues for the three (3) months only. The employee shall be entitled to his former position or a position for which he is able and capable of performing upon return to work. A medical leave of absence shall be without pay and other fringe benefits, except an employee may use his accumulated sick leave time and accumulated vacation time to avoid loss of wages during such leave.

  • PRIVATE BUSINESS/GENERAL/PERSONAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE 12.1 Teachers shall be allowed personal leave up to and including five (5) days in any one school year with the loss of substitutes’ pay only, and shall be deducted full salary for days absent for personal reasons in excess of five

  • Leaves and Absences A. 1) Ten (10) days of sick leave shall be credited annually to each teacher in accordance with Section 1154A of the School Code. The total unused portion of the annual sick leave allowance shall be permitted to accumulate indefinitely. Xxxx leave accumulated prior to a leave of absence shall be credited to the teacher upon return from the leave.

  • Leave of Absence for College Committees An employee whose assigned work schedule would prevent her/him from attending meetings of a college committee to which s/he has been elected or appointed, will be granted a leave of absence from her/his regular duties without loss of pay or other entitlements to attend such meeting(s). Where such leave is granted, the employer will replace the employee as necessary. Costs arising from this provision will not be charged against the program area of the participating employee.

  • Other Leaves of Absence In the event that you are on a bona fide leave of absence, not otherwise described in this definition, from which you have not returned to employment with the Company or an Affiliate, your Separation from Service has occurred on the first day on which your leave of absence period exceeds six months or, if earlier, upon your termination of employment (provided that such termination of employment constitutes a Separation from Service in accordance with the last sentence of the first paragraph of this definition).

  • Educational Leave of Absence Leaves of absence may be granted up to six (6) months under the above provisions only if the course would be beneficial to both the University and the employee.

  • Personal Leave of Absence The Administrator may grant a request for leave of absence for personal reasons without pay provided that he receives at least one (1) month's clear notice, in writing, unless impossible, and provided that such leave may be arranged without undue inconvenience to the normal operations of the Nursing Home. Employees when applying for such leave shall indicate the proposed date of departure and return. Such leave shall not be unreasonably withheld.

  • Leave of Absence for Union Business (a) The Employer shall grant leaves of absence to employees to attend Union Conventions, negotiations of the Collective Agreement with the Employer and other Union business. The Union agrees that such leave will not unduly affect the proper operations or be detrimental to the proficient operations of the Employer.

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