Letter of Interest. Any personnel interested in a promotional position as indicated in the definition, should make his/her interest known to the Office of the Superintendent through a written application. This may be done in advance of an announced vacancy. An application shall be carried in the active file of applicants and be considered in filling the vacancy.
Letter of Interest. Letter of Interest (1 per set) - Limited to four (4) pages on two (2) sheets of paper Indicate the following: • An understanding of the anticipated assignments, services required, and approach to providing the services required • Identify who the proposed project manager will be and what office location they will be working from • The location, size, and description of the firm • Availability of personnel for immediate placement • Subcontractor usage if anticipated. Indicate the percentage of work estimated to be performed by the firm vs. subcontractor(s). Also, indicate if the prime firm has previously worked with the proposed subcontractor and give a brief example of the previous relationship(s).
Letter of Interest. This information will be used for consideration of program proposals. Use one form per program Name of Program: Participant Ages: Day/s of the week program is offered: Time of Program: to Program Dates: to Program Fee: Program Enrollment: Minimum Maximum Materials to be supplied by participants: Materials to be supplied by PROVIDER: Materials to be supplied by CITY: Additional Program Requirements: PROVIDER (‘s) Name: Address: City/State/Zip Code: Phone Number: (Day) (Evening) (E-mail): (Fax)
Letter of Interest. A paraprofessional may provide written notice to their Program Coordinator of a specific program of interest and/or building of interest for placement and/or transfer, if vacancies should occur in that program and/or building. Administration will take all letters of interest into consideration; however, Administration will fill vacancies based on program and/or student need. If a placement request from a Letter of Interest is denied, the paraprofessional shall be notified in writing no later than ten (10) days after the vacancy is filled. If a paraprofessional is denied a transfer, the employee, upon request, may meet with the Director to discuss the reason for the denial of the transfer. Letters of interest shall remain active for a period of six (6) months from the letter submission date, unless rescinded by the paraprofessional.
Letter of Interest. The Letter of Interest shall contain the following information:
a) RFP Title;
b) Consultant's name, mailing address, contact person, telephone number; and
c) Complete list of proposed sub-consultants.
Letter of Interest a letter expressing an interest to change grade level, site or subject.
Letter of Interest. Each applicant must submit a Letter of Interest (“Letter of Interest”) of no more than two (2) pages. This letter must be signed by the applicant’s authorized signatory. The Letter of Interest should provide a narrative outlining why the applicant is interested in designing, planning, and facilitating regional community engagement and professional development meetings focusing on education finance, school budgeting, and the BEP in Tennessee. The Letter of Interest should also provide a brief narrative outlining why the applicant is well- qualified to engage a wide variety of stakeholders in each of the Tennessee CORE regions in which they intend to design and facilitate community engagement and professional development meetings.
Letter of Interest. To initiate the BRIC application process, the Client will need to submit to the North Carolina Hazard Mitigation a Letter of Interest (LOI) by October 1, 2021. VHB will provide the Client with a project description narrative, vicinity map, concept plans, construction cost estimate, benefit/cost assessment, and other supporting information for inclusion in the LOI to be completed by the Client and submitted by the Client on Town letterhead. A state-level decision on the LOI will be made by October 15. Should the Town’s project be included in the state- level effort moving forward, VHB will undertake the following tasks.
C: Users\skane\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\0XBQ6PDV\BRIC application.docx
Letter of Interest. 29 1) Unit Members will submit a letter of interest indicating grade levels 30 taught, interest in having one or two inductees to coach, site and 31 grade level assignment for coming year, and other necessary 32 information as designated in posting.
33 2) Coaches whose one or two-year term is expiring and want to 34 continue as a coach in the following school year must submit a letter 35 of interest.
Letter of Interest. Provide a letter of interest describing your interest for this project (I page minimum).