LICENSE FEES AND PAYMENTS. Licensee agrees to the terms and conditions of Software purchase published on Licensor’s website at Licensor may charge Licensee interest for any payment that is more than thirty (30) days past due at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month or the highest amount allowed by law, whichever is lower.X
LICENSE FEES AND PAYMENTS. Licensee agrees to the terms and conditions of Software purchase published on Licensor's website at Licensee will pay to Licensor the license fee and other charges and expenses as set forth in an appropriate invoice or other purchase documentation. Licensor may charge Licensee interest for any payment that is more than thirty
LICENSE FEES AND PAYMENTSLicensee will pay to Licensor the license fee and other charges and expenses as set forth in an appropriate invoice or other purchase documentation. Licensor may charge Licensee interest for any payment that is more than thirty (30) days past due at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month or the highest amount allowed by law, whichever is lower.
LICENSE FEES AND PAYMENTS. (a) In consideration of the license granted herein, LICENSEE agrees to pay ASCAP the applicable license fee set forth in the Rate Schedule and Statement of Operating Policy annexed hereto and made a part hereof. LICENSEE represents and warrants that the Statement of Operating Policy is true and correct as of the date hereof. (b) License fees due under this Agreement shall be paid pursuant to either subparagraph 3(b)(i) or 3(b)(ii).
LICENSE FEES AND PAYMENTS. (a) In consideration of the license granted herein, LICENSEE agrees to pay ASCAP the applicable license fee set forth in the Rate Schedule and Statement of Operating Policy, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. For multiple premises, LICENSEE shall complete the premises form listing the LICENSEE'S premises and their addresses and the Total Authorized Occupancy as of that date. LICENSEE warrants and represents that the information LICENSEE sets forth on the premises form and Statement of Operating Policy is true and correct as of the date hereof. (b) LICENSEE shall submit an amended premises form upon a change in the Total Authorized Occupancy and shall certify the truth and accuracy of such changes. Such amended premises form shall be used to determine the license fees for the next license period. (c) LICENSEE shall pay the annual license fee for the initial license term upon execution of this Agreement and for subsequent license terms no later than thirty (30) days after the anniversary date of this Agreement. (d) If LICENSEE pays the annual license fee in accordance with subparagraph 3(c), LICENSEE shall be entitled to a discount to the applicable license fee for such year as set forth on the Rate Schedule, pursuant to conditions set forth therein, provided that no license fees remain due and owing under this or any other prior ASCAP license. (e) LICENSEE agrees to pay ASCAP any applicable charge levied by banks or other financial institutions for each unpaid check, draft or other form of monetary instrument submitted by LICENSEE to ASCAP, but in no event less than $35. (f) In the event LICENSEE shall be delinquent in payment of license fees due hereunder by thirty (30) days or more, LICENSEE agrees to pay a finance charge on the license fees due of 1½% per month, or the maximum rate permitted by the law of the state in which the Premises licensed hereunder are located, whichever is less, from the date such license fees became due. (g) Governmental Entities (see definitions below) may impose special taxes or levies on ASCAP related to the licensing of public performances. Accordingly, in the event that LICENSEE's payment of fees under this Agreement causes ASCAP to incur a liability to pay a gross receipts, sales, use, business use, or other tax which is based on the amount of ASCAP's receipts from LICENSEE, the number of licensees of ASCAP, or any similar measure of ASCAP's activities, then LICENSEE agrees to pay to ASCAP the full amount of ...
LICENSE FEES AND PAYMENTS. (a) In consideration of the license granted herein, LICENSEE agrees to pay SOCIETY the applicable license fee set forth in the Rate Schedule annexed hereto and made a part hereof based on "LICENSEE's Operating Policy." The term "LICENSEE's Operating Policy" shall mean all of the factors which determine the license fee applicable to the premises under the Rate Schedule.
LICENSE FEES AND PAYMENTS. 5.1 The License Fee will remain fixed during the License Term unless the Customer, (i) requests to change the number of Users (ii) upgrade or downgrade RESCO Product(s), (iii) orders additional features and functionalities or RESCO Product(s), or (iv) unless Annex B of this Agreement is amended by the Parties. 5.2 RESCO will issue an advance invoice to the Customer without undue delay after its confirmation of the Order Confirmation. RESCO will issue invoice tax document before the payment, only upon the Customer’s request. Following the payment RESCO will issue regular invoice and subsequently for each Invoice Period, and other times during the License Term when License Fees are payable. All amounts invoiced are due and payable within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice, including advance invoice, unless otherwise specified in the Order Confirmation. 5.3 If the Customer does not pay the License Fees within fifteen (15) days after the notice of non-payment from RESCO, (i) RESCO may charge a late payment fee equal to 10% per annum on the unpaid License Fees, and (ii) RESCO may suspend RESCO Product(s) while any payment is unpaid. RESCO may also terminate or suspend the Customer’s access to RESCO Product(s). 5.4 All License Fees are exclusive of taxes, which RESCO will charge as applicable. Customer agrees to pay any taxes applicable to Customer’s use of the Software. If Customer is located in European Union, all fees are exclusive of any VAT and the Customer represents that is registered for VAT purposes in its member state. At RESCO’s request, the Customer will provide RESCO with the VAT registration number under which the Customer is registered in its member state. If the Customer is required to deduct or withhold any tax, the Customer must pay the amount deducted or withheld as required by law and pay RESCO an additional amount so that RESCO receives payment in full as if there were no deduction or withholding. If Customer is located outside of European Union, the Customer is obliged to inform RESCO in writing about any tax or levy applicable to Customer’s use of the Software when submitting the Order Confirmation or afterwards without undue delay. All transaction costs related to payment of the License Fee(s) to RESCO will be borne by the Customer. 5.5 The Customer hereby agrees that RESCO will issue an invoice in electronic form (“electronic invoice” or “electronic invoicing”). An electronic invoice is a credible tax document in accordance wi...
LICENSE FEES AND PAYMENTS. One Hundred (100) percent of the Annual Software Fee for the Land Use module is due thirty (30) days following CITY Acceptance of the software at the hosted site.
LICENSE FEES AND PAYMENTS. You agree to pay license fees to ASCAP as follows:
LICENSE FEES AND PAYMENTS. (a) In consideration of the license granted by this Agreement, LICENSEE agrees to pay SOCIETY for each calendar year of the term hereof a fee for each licensed marine vessel computed in accordance with the Rate Schedule attached to and made a part of this Agreement, based on "LICENSEE's Operating Policy." The term LICENSEE's Operating Policy means all of the factors which determine the license fee applicable to each licensed marine vessel under the Rate Schedule. (b) LICENSEE shall pay SOCIETY the license fee due hereunder in installments of one-third the applicable annual fee in advance on or before January 20, May 1 and September 1 of each year. (c) LICENSEE agrees to pay SOCIETY a $25 service charge for each unpaid check, draft or other form of monetary instrument submitted by LICENSEE to SOCIETY. (d) In the event LICENSEE shall be delinquent in payment of license fees due under this Agreement by thirty days or more, LICENSEE agrees to pay SOCIETY a finance charge on the license fees due at the rate of 1 1/2% per month, or the maximum rate permitted by law, whichever is less, from the date such license fees became due.