Limits on Payment of Overtime.
4.2.1 Xxxxxxx receiving a salary of over Band F Step 5 or over, will not be eligible to receive overtime payments.
Limits on Payment of Overtime. For the purposes of this clause, references to Grades and Steps are to the salary scale as prescribed in Schedule A. Overtime shall not be paid for at rates higher than appropriate to the work being performed unless payment relates to working on a public holiday. The following limits shall apply:
(a) limit on salary eligibility: An Employee receiving a salary (including higher duties allowances) that equates to Grade 7/2 or more, is not entitled to overtime payments;
(b) limit to earnings: An Employee in receipt of a salary (including higher duties allowances) that is less than the eligible limit, is able to earn the difference between that salary and Grade 7/2 as overtime payments.
Limits on Payment of Overtime. 6.2.1 An employee in receipt of salary per annum more than the top of Grade 4 or equivalent salary as per the Salary Scale in Schedule A (including higher duties allowance) is not entitled to overtime payments.
Limits on Payment of Overtime. An employee in receipt of payments, including salary, acting higher duties allowance, special allowance and overtime rates which in any one year, exceeds the salary payable at Executive / Administrative grade EA 703 is not eligible to overtime payments.
Limits on Payment of Overtime. For the purposes of this clause, references to Grades and Steps are to the Executive/Clerical occupational class salary scale as prescribed in Schedule B. Overtime shall not be paid for at rates higher than appropriate to the work being performed. The following limits shall apply:
(i) Limit on salary eligibility: An employee in receipt of the following salary (including higher duties allowance) or more, is not entitled to overtime payments: $74665.00 pa rate @ 1.11.2020