LIST OF PARTIES Data Sample Clauses

LIST OF PARTIES Data exporter(s): 1. Name: The name of the Institution as specified in the Clinical Trial Agreement. Address: The address of the Institution as specified in the Clinical Trial Agreement. Contact person’s name, position and contact details: See notice section of the Clinical Trial Agreement. Activities relevant to the data transferred under these Clauses: See Clinical Trial Agreement. Signature and date: See signature of the Clinical Trial Agreement, which these SCCs relate to. Role (controller/processor): Controller Contact information to the Data Exporter(s) DPO: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Data importer(s): 1. Name: A. Janssen Research & Development, LLC Address: 000 Xxxxx 000 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxx Xxxxxx 00000 XXX Contact person’s name, position and contact details: See notice section of the Clinical Trial Agreement. Activities relevant to the data transferred under these Clauses: See Clinical Trial Agreement. Signature and date: See signature of the Clinical Trial Agreement, to which these SCCs relate. Role (controller/processor): Controller Contact information to the Data Importer(s) DPO: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B. DESCRIPTION OF TRANSFER Categories of data subjects whose personal data is transferred The personal data transferred concern the following categories of data subjects: • Scientific and medical research subjects. • Scientific and medical research investigators and their staff, including, but not limited to, physicians and other health care professionals involved in administration of scientific research. • Other individuals involved in data exporter’s scientific and medical research (who may include consultants, representatives of service providers and business partners, government officials, and individuals who report adverse events and product quality complaints, among others). Categories of personal data transferred The personal data transferred concern the following categories of data: • For scientific and medical research subjects, personal details may include key-coded information, other relevant identifiers (e.g., patient number); gender; age or age category (e.g., adolescent, adult, elderly) or date of birth (if necessary), associated health condition(s), medical history, and relevant family history. • For health care providers, or other points of contact, scientific and medical investigators and their staff, and other individuals involved in scientific and medical research, personal details may include contact information and other related infor...
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LIST OF PARTIES Data exporter(s): 1. Name: The name of the Institution as specified in the Clinical Trial Agreement. Address: The address of the Institution as specified in the Clinical Trial Agreement. Contact person’s name, position and contact details: See notice section of the Clinical Trial Agreement. Activities relevant to the data transferred under these Clauses: See Clinical Trial Agreement. Signature and date: See signature of the Clinical Trial Agreement, which these SCCs relate to. Role (controller/processor): Controller Contact information to the Data Exporter(s) DPO: [enter info] Data importer(s): 1. Name: A. Janssen Research & Development, LLC Address: 920 Xxxxx 000 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxx Xxxxxx 00000 XXX Xontact person’s name, position and contact details: See notice section of the Clinical Trial Agreement. Activities relevant to the data transferred under these Clauses: See Clinical Trial Agreement. Signature and date: See signature of the Clinical Trial Agreement, to which these SCCs relate. Role (controller/processor): Controller této transparentnosti dosáhnout prostřednictvím jednoho dodatku. Pokud je to však nutné k zajištění dostatečné srozumitelnosti, měly by se použít samostatné dodatky. PŘÍLOHA I A.
LIST OF PARTIES Data exporter(s): 1. Name: The name of the Institution as specified in the Clinical Trial Agreement. Address: The address of the Institution as specified in the Clinical Trial Agreement. Contact person’s name, position and contact details: See notice section of the Clinical Trial Agreement. Activities relevant to the data transferred under these Clauses: See Clinical Trial Agreement. Signature and date: See signature of the Clinical Trial Agreement, which these SCCs relate to. budou řešit soudy členského státu EU. 2. Strany se dohodly, že se bude jednat o soudy země Zdravotnického zařízení uvedené ve Smlouvě o provádění klinického hodnocení, tedy o soudy České republiky. 3. Subjekt údajů může rovněž zahájit soudní řízení proti vývozci údajů a/nebo dovozci údajů před soudy členského státu, v němž má subjekt údajů obvyklé bydliště. 4. Smluvní strany se dohodly, že se příslušnosti těchto soudů podřídí. DODATEK VYSVĚTLIVKY: Musí být možné jasně rozlišit informace, které se vztahují na každé předání nebo každou kategorii předání, a v tomto ohledu určit příslušnou úlohu / příslušné úlohy stran v postavení vývozce/vývozců údajů a/nebo dovozce/dovozců údajů. To nemusí nutně vyžadovat vyplnění a podepsání samostatných dodatků pro každé předání / kategorii předání a/nebo smluvní vztah, pokud lze této transparentnosti dosáhnout prostřednictvím jednoho dodatku. Pokud je to však nutné k zajištění dostatečné srozumitelnosti, měly by se použít samostatné dodatky. PŘÍLOHA I A.
LIST OF PARTIES Data exporter(s): 1. Name: The name of the Institution as specified in the Clinical Trial Agreement. Address: The address of the Institution as specified in the Clinical Trial Agreement. Contact person’s name, position and contact details: See notice section of the Clinical Trial Agreement. poriadok krajiny, v ktorej sídli zdravotnícke zariadenie, ako sa uvádza v Zmluve o klinickom skúšaní. (uveďte členský štát). D xxxxxx 00 Xxxxx xxxx a súdnej právomoci 1. Každý spor vyplývajúci z týchto doložiek majú riešiť súdy členského štátu EÚ. 2. Zmluvné strany sa dohodli, že týmito súdmi majú byť súdy krajiny, v ktorej sídli zdravotnícke zariadenie, ako sa uvádza v Zmluve o klinickom skúšaní (uveďte členský štát). 3. Súdne konanie proti vývozcovi alebo dovozcovi údajov môže začať aj dotknutá osoba na súdoch členského štátu, v ktorom má zvyčajné miesto pobytu. 4. Zmluvné strany sa dohodli, že sa podriadia súdnej právomoci týchto súdov. DODATOK VYSVETLIVKA: Musí byť možné jasne rozlišovať informácie platné pre jednotlivé prenosy alebo kategórie prenosov a v tomto ohľade určiť úlohy jednotlivých zmluvných strán v tom zmysle, či ide vývozcov, alebo dovozcov údajov. To nevyhnutne nevyžaduje vyplnenie a podpísanie osobitných dodatkov pre každý prenos, kategóriu prenosu alebo xxxxxxx xxxxx, xx takúto transparentnosť možno dosiahnuť prostredníctvom jedného dodatku. Ak je však potrebné zabezpečiť dostatočnú zrozumiteľnosť, majú sa použiť samostatné dodatky. PRÍLOHA I A.

Related to LIST OF PARTIES Data

  • LIST OF PARTIES Data exporter(s): [Identity and contact details of the data exporter(s) and, where applicable, of its/their data protection officer and/or representative in the European Union]

  • Disclosure of Contractor Parties Litigation The Contractor shall require that all Contractor Parties, as appropriate, disclose to the Contractor, to the best of their knowledge, any Claims involving the Contractor Parties that might reasonably be expected to materially adversely affect their businesses, operations, assets, properties, financial stability, business prospects or ability to Perform fully under the Contract, no later than ten (10) Days after becoming aware or after they should have become aware of any such Claims. Disclosure shall be in writing.

  • LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX -------- General Information Relating to the Partnerships........................ A Table 1 Jurisdiction of Organization, Initial Investment by Limited Partners and Number of Limited Partners Table 2 Aggregate Merger Value Table 3 Merger Value Attributable to Partnership Interests of Limited Partners Table 4 Ownership Percentage and Merger Value Attributable to Nonmanaging General Partners Other Than Pioneer USA Table 5 Ownership Percentage and Merger Value Attributable to Pioneer USA Held in Its Capacities as General Partner, Nonmanaging General Partner and Limited Partner Table 6 Voting Percentage in Partnerships Beneficially Owned by Pioneer USA in Its Capacity as a Limited Partner Table 7 Historical Partnership Distributions Table 8 Annual Repurchase Prices and Aggregate Annual Repurchase Payments Table 9 Participation in Costs and Revenues of the Partnerships Table 10 Average Oil, Natural Gas Liquids and Gas Sales Prices and Production Costs Table 11 Proved Reserves Attributable to Pioneer USA, Other Nonmanaging General Partners and Limited Partners Table 12 Oil, Natural Gas Liquids and Gas Production Table 13 Productive Wellx xxx Developed Acreage Table 14 Recent Trades of Partnership Interests Summary Reserve Report of Willxxxxxx Xxxroleum Consultants, Inc. for the B Partnerships.......................................................... Form of Fairness Opinion of Robexx X. Xxxxxxx & Xo., Inc................

  • LIST OF EXHIBITS List below all exhibits filed as part of this Statement of Eligibility and Qualification.

  • Drug-Free Workplace Certification As required by Executive Order No. 90-5 dated April 12, 1990, issued by the Governor of Indiana, the Contractor hereby covenants and agrees to make a good faith effort to provide and maintain a drug-free workplace. The Contractor will give written notice to the State within ten (10) days after receiving actual notice that the Contractor, or an employee of the Contractor in the State of Indiana, has been convicted of a criminal drug violation occurring in the workplace. False certification or violation of this certification may result in sanctions including, but not limited to, suspension of contract payments, termination of this Contract and/or debarment of contracting opportunities with the State for up to three (3) years. In addition to the provisions of the above paragraph, if the total amount set forth in this Contract is in excess of $25,000.00, the Contractor certifies and agrees that it will provide a drug-free workplace by:

  • Minimum Site Requirements for TIPS Sales (when applicable to TIPS Sale). Cleanup: When performing work on site at a TIPS Member’s property, Vendor shall clean up and remove all debris and rubbish resulting from their work as required or directed by the TIPS Member or as agreed by the parties. Upon completion of work, the premises shall be left in good repair and an orderly, neat, clean and unobstructed condition. Preparation: Vendor shall not begin a project for which a TIPS Member has not prepared the site, unless Vendor does the preparation work at no cost, or until TIPS Member includes the cost of site preparation in the TIPS Sale Site preparation includes, but is not limited to: moving furniture, installing wiring for networks or power, and similar pre‐installation requirements. Registered Sex Offender Restrictions: For work to be performed at schools, Vendor agrees that no employee of Vendor or a subcontractor who has been adjudicated to be a registered sex offender will perform work at any time when students are, or reasonably expected to be, present unless otherwise agreed by the TIPS Member. Vendor agrees that a violation of this condition shall be considered a material breach and may result in the cancellation of the TIPS Sale at the TIPS Member’s discretion. Vendor must identify any additional costs associated with compliance of this term. If no costs are specified, compliance with this term will be provided at no additional charge. Safety Measures: Vendor shall take all reasonable precautions for the safety of employees on the worksite, and shall erect and properly maintain all necessary safeguards for protection of workers and the public. Vendor shall post warning signs against all hazards created by the operation and work in progress. Proper precautions shall be taken pursuant to state law and standard practices to protect workers, general public and existing structures from injury or damage. Smoking: Persons working under Agreement shall adhere to the TIPS Member’s or local smoking statutes, codes, ordinances, and policies.

  • Penalties for Non-compliance to Service Level Agreement Where the Supplier/Service Provider fails to deliver the Goods/Services within the agreed and accepted milestone timelines and provided that the cause of the delay was not due to a fault of Transnet, penalties shall be imposed at …………………………………………………… .

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