Low Census. In the event of a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or the level of care required by residents in the facility to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffing, the Employer shall have the option to assign low census days/hours to employees. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant to the following procedure: The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned to another unit (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus day/hour (the Employermay provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin the job class). • If there are an insufficient number of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day off. Assignments of low census days/hours shall be rotated among the staff in affected departments so that no employee in a department shall be required to take a second low census day until all employeesin thedepartment shall have takena lowcensus day. Low census assignments shall initially be made in the reverse order of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus day thentherotationwill begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day as a low census day. Nothing herein shall limit the number of low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation (except Show-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • Should an employee be called off out of turn in the rotation, his/her remedy will be to be skipped in the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. If an employee is called off due to low census, the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were scheduled to be worked count as time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hours. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employees.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. In the event Nurses who report for work as scheduled and who must leave because of a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or the level of care required by residents in the facility to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffing, the Employer shall have the option to assign low census days/hours to employees. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant to paid a minimum of four (4) hours report pay at the following procedure: straight-time rate. The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned continue its efforts to another unit provide at least two (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification2) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus day/hour (the Employermay provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin the job class). • If there are an insufficient number hours prior notice of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day off. Assignments Low census call will be voluntary whenever feasible. Procedures for insuring effective contact and communication between nurses and the hospital shall be referred to the Conference Committee. Where skill, ability, experience, competence or qualifications are not overriding factors as determined by the Employer on the basis of relevant criteria, low census days/hours shall days will be rotated equitably among all nurses, registry nurses first, then volunteers, then nurses receiving time and one-half or double time overtime/premium except those nurses working a scheduled shift, per diem staff and part time staff working an extra shift. Nurses may also be offered the staff option or may be assigned to float to areas where they are needed, qualified and recently oriented on the basis of the nurse having completed a written technical skills checklist for the area, or to be oriented to a new area, or to take an indirect patient care assignment. Floating is primarily intended to be used to address fluctuations in affected departments so that no census and employee in a department absences. No nurse shall be required to take a second float more than twice per shift. Regular full-time and part-time nurses will be given priority over casual and/or per diem nurses for filling regularly scheduled staffing needs provided the full-time or part-time nurse is available and skill, ability, experience, competence or qualification are not overriding factors as determined by the Employer on the basis of relevant criteria. Mandatory low census day until all employeesin thedepartment will be limited to no more than forty-eight (48) hours per nurse per six (6) month period. Generally low census is house wide, meaning there is only one 48 hour cap. Except that there shall have takena lowcensus daybe no such limit for nurses in a unit that has been mutually agreed by WSNA and SRH to be identified as a “closed” unit. Low census assignments shall initially Census hours will be made in tracked by the reverse order Employer but nurses who believe they have reached their cap and do not want to be low censused must notify the individual advising them of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus day thentherotationwill begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded assignment at the time the need for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day as a low census dayis being identified. Nothing herein shall limit the number The nurse may request of their manager or nursing office staff to determine accumulated low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation (except Show-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • Should an employee be called off out of turn hours and the nurse’s place in the rotation, rotation in relation to other core staff on his/her remedy will be to be skipped in the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. If an employee is called off due to low census, the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were scheduled to be worked count as time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hours. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employeesunit.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. In the event Low census shall be defined as a decline in patient care requirements or a period of low need resulting in a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or the level staff decrease. During periods of care required by residents in the facility to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffinglow census, the Employer shall have the option to assign will equitably rotate mandatory low census days/among all available employees by unit, classification and shift providing skill, competence and ability are adequate to meet patient care needs. Agency employees will be released from work prior to implementing low census providing the other regular employees remaining on the unit possess the skills, ability and experience to perform the required work and patient safety is not a factor in the judgment of the Employer. When scheduled staff exceeds patient care needs, the Employer would intend to reduce its staff in the following cut order: First Cut Employees working in any time and one-half (1 1/2) condition (excluding employees receiving rest between shift premium pay) Next Cut Requested cut (volunteers) Next Cut Per Diem Next Cut Supplemental Part-time Next Cut Part-time working above their FTE Next Cut Mandatory rotational cut to include full-time, part-time and temporary employees Cut hours will be applied in the above order by seniority within a job classification in the department providing skill, competency, and ability in a specific area are considered equal by the Employer. In an effort to employeesmaintain an equitable rotation of low census, employees subject to low census will be given the opportunity to voluntarily float to other units where the need exists, and where the employee is qualified to perform the required work in the opinion of the Employer. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant This includes voluntary floating from one Medical Center facility to another, such as from Hospice House to the following procedure: The Employer shall first consider whether employees main hospital. Employees may use this provision to voluntarily float in order to orient to a unit where they require orientation but are otherwise qualified to perform the job classification work, when it is mutually agreeable between the employee and the manager of the unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned to another unit (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification) for which the employee is qualifiedfloating, provided the employee pre-identifies the unit to which the employee wishes to orient, and receives pre-approval from his or her manager. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus day/hour (the Employermay provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin the job class). • If there are an insufficient number of volunteers have a secondary per diem position in order to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day off. Assignments voluntarily float in times of low census days/hours shall be rotated among to a different job classification may notify Human Resources of their interest in establishing a secondary per diem position. The Employer will evaluate the staff need to post a per diem position based on relevant criteria, in affected departments so that no employee in a department shall be required to take a second the opinion of the Employer. Voluntary low census day until all employeesin thedepartment shall have takena lowcensus daywill not count towards rotation cuts. Low census assignments shall initially be made in the reverse order of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus day thentherotationwill begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day as a low census day. Nothing herein shall limit the number of low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation (except Show-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • Should an employee be called off out of turn in the rotation, his/her remedy Employees experiencing reduced hours will be to be skipped given first consideration for additional hours of work provided they notify management in writing of the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes updates and shifts they are available. If an employee is called off due inadvertently cut out of turn, the mistake will be remedied on the next rotation or as soon as possible. Cut lists will be available in the staffing office for employees to low censusview on request. The Employer will give at least one and one-half (1 1/2) hours' notice in advance of the scheduled shift of pending cut hours. If the Employer does not attempt to notify the employee at least one and one-half (1 1/2) hours in advance of the shift and the employee reports to work, the employee shall will be eligible provided at management’s discretion, with four (4) hours of work, or four (4) hours of pay at straight time. If the Employer does attempt to have notify the hours which were scheduled to be worked count as time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hours. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority of deadline but fails to reach the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day periodemployee, the Employer and will not be required to pay the Union shall meet within ten four (104) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employeeshour guarantee.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. In the event of Low Census (L/C) will be first assigned on an affected unit on a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or the level of care required by residents in the facility to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffing, the Employer shall have the option to assign low census days/hours to employeesvoluntary basis. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant to the following procedure: The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned to another unit (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus day/hour (the Employermay provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin the job class). • If there are an insufficient number of volunteers to accomplish not sufficient volunteers, L/C time will be assigned on a rotational, fair and equitable basis on the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day off. Assignments of low census days/hours shall be rotated among the staff in affected departments so that no employee in a department shall be required to take a second low census day until all employeesin thedepartment shall have takena lowcensus day. Low census assignments shall initially be made in the reverse order of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus day thentherotationwill begin again unit, starting with the least senior employeenurse, shift-by-shift. An employee who volunteers The “fair and equitable” commitment will be on a shift-by-shift, day-by-day basis with skills, competence, and ability of the nurses scheduled that shift being taken into consideration by the Employer. A turn in the rotation shall occur when a nurse (1) receives a minimum of four (4) or more hours of L/C or (2) accumulates a minimum four-hour block of low census. Provided, however, if it is a full- or part-time nurse’s turn to take be LC’d on an affected unit and shift, and that full- or part-time nurse is cross trained to another unit unaffected by LC, and there is a low census day shall PRNper diem nurse without an FTE or an agency nurse scheduled for the same shift on the unaffected unit, the full- or part- time cross trained nurse may exercise his/her seniority to be regarded reassigned by nursing management to the unaffected unit for such shift, so long as the PRNper diem nurse can be LC’d without the hospital incurring Report Pay under Section 10.11 or the agency nurse can be released without the hospital being charged by the agency for the agency nurse’s shift. After a nurse has received sixteen (16) hours of L/C in the month, the nurse can request priority to work their scheduled shift over nurses on the affected unit with less seniority, subject to any skill and ability consideration. Provided, however, if it is a cross-trained nurse’s turn to be L/C’d because s/he is the least senior nurse scheduled on the affected shift and unit, and there is a less senior nurse scheduled for the same shift on an unaffected unit where the more senior nurse is cross-trained, the more senior cross-trained nurse may exercise his/her seniority [after receiving sixteen (16) hours of L/C in the current month] to be reassigned by nursing management to an unaffected unit where the least senior nurse can be L/C’d, in an effort to have all nursing areas share in L/C time. Not worked L/C on-call time will be counted toward L/C time for these calculations. The L/C-On-Call rotation list will restart with each new calendar month. In counting L/C hours for the purpose of rotation the fair and equitable distribution commitment, the following criteria shall apply:
a. Only shifts within the nurse’s established FTE status and extra shifts assigned prior to the monthly schedule being posted will be counted. Cancelled extra shifts assigned after the monthly schedule is posted will not be counted toward an individual’s fair share of L/C hours and the nurse shall not be required to be on call.
b. Requested (voluntary) L/C hours will count if they meet the criteria described in Section (a).
c. Part-time and full-time nurses will have been assigned that day as priority to work their scheduled shift over PRNrelief, per diem and agency nurses when L/C’s are being assigned, subject to any skill and ability considerations.
d. Scheduled Relief PRN nurses (on a low census day. Nothing herein regular prescheduled shift) shall limit the number of low census days have priority over unscheduled PRNper diem nurses when L/Cs are being assigned, subject to any skill and ability considerations.
e. If a nurse works an employee may acceptasavolunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation (except Show-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • Should an employee be called off out of turn extra shift earlier in the rotationwork week, histhat extra shift will not be considered for purposes of determining the assignment of L/her remedy C. Not worked On-Call time will be counted toward L/C time for these calculations. Scheduled Registered Nurses will be notified one and one-half (1 1/2) hours before their shift is to be skipped in the rotation when hisbegin that they are being placed on L/her "turn" next comes up. If an employee is called off due to low census, the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were scheduled to be worked count as time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hours. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employees.C.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Employment Agreement
Low Census. In the event Nurses who report for work as scheduled and who must leave because of a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or the level of care required by residents in the facility to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffing, the Employer shall have the option to assign low census days/hours to employees. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant to paid a minimum of four (4) hours report pay at the following procedure: straight-time rate. The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned continue its efforts to another unit provide at least two (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification2) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus day/hour (the Employermay provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin the job class). • If there are an insufficient number hours prior notice of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day off. Assignments Low census call will be voluntary whenever feasible. Procedures for insuring effective contact and communication between nurses and the hospital shall be referred to the Conference Committee. Where skill, ability, experience, competence or qualifications are not overriding factors as determined by the Employer on the basis of relevant criteria, low census days/hours shall days will be rotated equitably among all nurses, registry nurses first, then nurses receiving time and one-half or double time overtime/premium except those nurses working a scheduled shift, per diem staff and part time staff working an extra shift, then volunteers. Nurses may also be offered the staff option or may be assigned to float to areas where they are needed, qualified and recently oriented on the basis of the nurse having completed a written technical skills checklist for the area, or to be oriented to a new area, or to take an indirect patient care assignment. Floating is primarily intended to be used to address fluctuations in affected departments so that no census and employee in a department absences. No nurse shall be required to take a second float more than twice per shift. Regular full-time and part-time nurses will be given priority over casual and/or per diem nurses for filling regularly scheduled staffing needs provided the full-time or part-time nurse is available and skill, ability, experience, competence or qualification are not overriding factors as determined by the Employer on the basis of relevant criteria. Mandatory low census day until all employeesin thedepartment will be limited to no more than forty-eight (48) hours per nurse per six (6) month period. Generally low census is house wide, meaning there is only one 48 hour cap. Except that there shall have takena lowcensus daybe no such limit for nurses in a unit that has been mutually agreed by WSNA and SRH to be identified as a “closed” unit. Low census assignments shall initially Census hours will be made in tracked by the reverse order Employer but nurses who believe they have reached their cap and do not want to be low censused must notify the individual advising them of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus day thentherotationwill begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded assignment at the time the need for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day as a low census dayis being identified. Nothing herein shall limit the number The nurse may request of their manager or nursing office staff to determine accumulated low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation (except Show-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • Should an employee be called off out of turn hours and the nurse’s place in the rotation, rotation in relation to other core staff on his/her remedy will be to be skipped in the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. If an employee is called off due to low census, the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were scheduled to be worked count as time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hours. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employeesunit.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. In During temporary periods of low census, the event of a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or Hospital will determine the level of care required by residents staffing it deems necessary, and shall release staff in the facility to following order (provided skill, competence, ability and availability are not overriding factors based on the extent that there is insufficient work to require Hospital's opinion of mandatory established criteria of Hospital and unit based standards):
1. Short notice registry agency personnel;
2. Nurses working overtime who volunteer for low census;
3. Volunteers (the normal staffing, the Employer shall have the option to assign low census days/hours to employees. Low census days/hours day off shall be assigned pursuant to counted for purposes of the following procedure: The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned to another unit (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification) for which the employee is qualifiedrotations list);
4. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overridingTemporary employees;
5. Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignmentsExtended assignment agency/travel personnel; and
6. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus day/hour (the Employermay provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals Nurses working overtime who do not volunteer. If the Hospital determines it still must "sign uplow census" do not wish staff, it shall seek to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin the job class). • If there are an insufficient number of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a equitably rotate low census day offwithin a Hospital unit or functional area in this order:
1. Assignments of low census days/hours shall be rotated among the staff in affected departments so that no employee in On-call ["Recall nurses" after other on-call nurses];
2. Regular full-time and part-time nurses working extra shifts (a department shall be required to take a second low census day until all employeesin thedepartment shall have takena lowcensus day. Low census assignments shall initially be made in the reverse order of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus day thentherotationwill begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day cancelled shift is not counted as a low census day); and
3. Nothing herein shall limit the number of low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation (except ShowRegular full-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • Should an employee be called off out of turn time and part-time nurses in the rotation, his/her remedy will be to be skipped in provided skill, competence, ability, and availability are not overriding factors based on the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. If an employee is called off due to low censusHospital opinion of mandatory established criteria of Hospital and unit based standards for such on-call, the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were scheduled to be worked count as regular full-time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s or part-time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hoursnurses. It is understood that reduction in hours due at any time the Hospital may elect (subject to Section 8.5, Floating) to float staff to other units based on its assessment of need (such as patient census, skill mix and acuity). If a nurse is placed on low census is expected "out of turn" pursuant to the above guidelines, the nurse shall be "skipped" for the next applicable rotation. The current method of tracking low census rotation in a temporary statework unit (i.e., least total hour rotation, last date of low census, or percentage of low census hours to scheduled hours) shall be continued. In For rotation purposes, nurses shall report their low census hours to the event bargaining unit employees within Staffing Office in increments of four (4) hours. This method shall be reviewed periodically with Conference Committee. A sign up sheet will be available from the same job classification or department are assigned Nurse Staffing Office for those who wish to volunteer for low census time off off. Regularly scheduled nurses will notify the Nurse Staffing Office or other designated scheduling authority if they wish additional hours. Regularly scheduled nurses shall not be placed on low census if on-call nurses are working on a majority unit provided skill, competence, and ability are not overriding factors in the opinion of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer Hospital based on mandatory established criteria of Hospital and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employeesbased standards.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. Section 1. If it becomes necessary to reduce the number of employees in a particular department or unit, the reduction will be completed using the Low Census procedure as follows:
a.) Where low census reductions are needed, employees will first be assigned to float to available assignments. The exceptions to this float rule shall be OR. In this unit, employees will be offered the event opportunity to use low census hours before they are asked to float. The exception above will not apply if there is an emergency staffing situation. For the purposes of this section, “emergency” is defined as that which could not be prudently planned for by the Employer.
b.) Where low census reductions are needed on a temporary decrease shift to shift basis, voluntary low census hours or shift will be granted, if possible, following the guidelines under equitable rotation below.
c.) As assessed on a daily basis, employees in occupancy and/or a specific department or unit will be required to take mandatory low census hours or shift on an equitable rotation. Equitable rotation shall be as follows:
1.) Volunteers will be solicited in descending seniority by calls to their homes, on a rotational basis.
2.) The first person contacted who volunteers shall be given the level of care required by residents in low census hours or shift.
3.) If there are sufficient volunteers, those returning the facility call and volunteering shall be selected on a first-come basis to the extent that needed.
4.) If there is are insufficient work to require the normal staffingvolunteers, the Employer shall have the option to assign low census days/hours to employees. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant to the following procedure: The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned to another unit (and/orthen, where appropriateon a rotating basis, another job classification) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in on the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus day/hour (the Employermay provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin the job class). • If there are an insufficient number of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day off. Assignments of low census days/hours shall be rotated among the staff in affected departments so that no employee in a department unit shall be required to take a second mandatory low census hours or shift. In that event, the Nurse Manager shall not perform duties that would not ordinarily be done by him/her, if the registered nurse were not on mandatory low census hours or shifts.
5.) The scheduled charge employee shall not have the option of volunteering or being rotated, unless a suitable replacement is available.
6.) When tracking low census rotation, any time greater than 3 hours but less than the entire shift, shall count as ½ turn for the purposes of equitable rotation.
Section 2. An employee taking low census hours or shift will be given credit toward benefits (accrual of paid time off, extended sick day until all employeesin thedepartment shall have takena lowcensus dayaccrual, health insurance and pension). The maximum number of mandatory low census hours will not exceed the number of hours equal to one (1) regularly scheduled shift per pay period, up to and including six (6) shifts per year for any employee.
Section 3. Low Census of three (3) hours or less will not be counted in the tracking of time for equitable rotation. All low census requires approval of the manager or supervisor on duty.
Section 4. Low census assignments shall initially paid time off and low census without paid time off will be utilized to account for the balance of the shift. The request for paid time off must be made by the employee, otherwise the difference remains unpaid.
Section 5. There will be no low censusing that causes split shifts, unless the employee voluntarily agrees.
Section 6. Per diem, agency or temporary employees will not be assigned to work on units for which an employee who is on mandatory low census status is qualified.
Section 7. Employees will be notified a minimum of one (1) hour but not more than eight (8) hours in advance of each shift for which a mandatory low census hours or shift is assigned. In the reverse order event such notice is not given, the affected employee receives two (2) hours pay at regular rate. Should the Employer/Hospital make a bona fide attempt to notify the employee of senioritya cancellation of shift but be unsuccessful in doing so, this pay provision will not apply. After all employees in It will be the responsibility of the employee to maintain a department have takenalowcensus day thentherotationwill begin again current telephone number listed with the least senior employeeNursing Office. Failure to do so excuses the Employer/Hospital from the notification requirement. The OR, PACU, ASU, IR and Pre-Surgical Testing will be allowed to continue the practice of notifying the staff as early as the day before.
Section 8. If such employee is assigned any work, he or she will be guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours on that day. An employee who volunteers or is assigned to take work such a temporarily reduced shift at the request of the Employer/Hospital will not have a reduction in benefits.
Section 9. Any RN returning from disability, workers’ compensation or an FMLA qualified leave of absence; and newly hired RNs who have completed the probationary period, will have special consideration regarding voluntary low census. At the time the RN’s leave begins, the voluntary low census day shall turns will be regarded for frozen. When the purpose RN returns, the highest number of rotation to have been assigned that day as a voluntary low census day. Nothing herein shall limit the number of low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation (except Show-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • Should an employee be called off out of turn in the rotation, turns taken by any one RN on his/her remedy unit during the leave of absence will be added to be skipped in the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. If an employee is called off due to low censusfrozen number and a new number awarded (e.g., the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were scheduled to be worked count as time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track before disability RN “A” had four (4) voluntary low census hoursturns. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary stateDuring the leave, RN “B” had the highest number of turns, with three (3). In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority RN “A” will have an adjusted number of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employees.seven
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. In the event of a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or the level of care required by residents in the facility to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffing, the Employer shall have the option to assign low census days/hours to employees. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant to the following procedure: followingprocedure.
1. The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned to another unit (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. , Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignmenttemporaryreassignment.
2. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • :
a. Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus to volunteer to take a low census day/hour hours (the Employermay Employer may provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than ratherthan having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin to inquire of each scheduled employee within the job class). • .
b. If there are an insufficient number of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day off. Assignments of low census days/hours shall be rotated among the staff in affected departments so that no employee in a department shall be required to take a second low census day until all employeesin thedepartment employees in the department shall have takena lowcensus taken a low census day. Low census assignments shall initially be made in the reverse order of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus departmenthave taken a low census day thentherotationwill then the rotation will begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day as a low census day. Nothing herein shall limit the number of low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteeraccept as a volunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation compensation-. - (except Show-Show- Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • .
c. Should an employee be called off out of turn in the rotation, his/her remedy will be to be skipped in the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. .
d. If an employee is called off due to low census, the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were he/she was scheduled to be worked work count as time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals leaveaccruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s 's time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hours.
3. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employees.
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. In the event Nurses who report for work as scheduled and who must leave because of a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or the level of care required by residents in the facility to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffing, the Employer shall have the option to assign low census days/hours to employees. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant to paid a minimum of four (4) hours report pay at the following procedure: straight-time rate. The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned continue its efforts to another unit provide at least two (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification2) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus day/hour (the Employermay provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin the job class). • If there are an insufficient number hours prior notice of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day off. Assignments Low census call will be voluntary whenever feasible. Procedures for insuring effective contact and communication between nurses and the hospital shall be referred to the Conference Committee. Where skill, ability, experience, competence or qualifications are not overriding factors as determined by the Employer on the basis of relevant criteria, low census days will be rotated equitably among all nurses in the following order:
1. registry nurses first (up to the amount of low census daysallowed in their contract),
2. nurses receiving time and one-half or double time overtime/hours shall premium except those nurses working a scheduled shift,
3. Volunteers (continuity of patient care may be rotated among considered in the event of multiple volunteers),
4. per diem staff and part time staff working an extra shift. Nurses may also be offered the option or may be assigned to float to areas where they are needed, qualified and recently oriented on the basis of the nurse having completed a written technical skills checklist for the area, or to be oriented to a new area, or to take an indirect patient care assignment. Floating is primarily intended to be used to address fluctuations in affected departments so that no census and employee in a department absences. No nurse shall be required to take a second float more than twice per shift. Regular full-time and part-time nurses will be given priority over casual and/or per diem nurses for filling regularly scheduled staffing needs provided the full-time or part-time nurse is available and skill, ability, experience, competence or qualification are not overriding factors as determined by the Employer on the basis of relevant criteria. Mandatory low census day until all employeesin thedepartment will be limited to no more than forty-eight (48) sixty (60) hours per nurse per six (6) month period. Generally low census is house wide, meaning there is only one 48 60-hour cap. Except that there shall have takena lowcensus daybe no such limit for nurses in the following “closed” units or another unit that has been mutually agreed by WSNA and SRH in writing as a “closed” unit: Cancer Center, Family Birth Center, Kidney Dialysis, Operating Rooms. Apart from Float Pool Nurses, cross-trained nurses, or in emergent situations, nurses will not be required to float out of or into closed units. Low census assignments shall initially Census hours will be made in tracked by the reverse order Employer but nurses who believe they have reached their cap and do not want to be low censused must notify the individual advising them of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus day thentherotationwill begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded assignment at the time the need for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day as a low census dayis being identified. Nothing herein shall limit the number The nurse may request of their manager or nursing office staff to determine accumulated low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation (except Show-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • Should an employee be called off out of turn hours and the nurse’s place in the rotation, rotation in relation to other core staff on his/her remedy will be to be skipped in the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. If an employee is called off due to low census, the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were scheduled to be worked count as time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hours. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employeestheir unit.
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. In the event of Low census is defined as a decline in patient care requirements resulting in a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or staff decrease. Prior to implementing the level of care required by residents in the facility to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffinglow census procedure, the Employer shall have will float nurses to other areas of the option to assign low census days/hours to employees. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant to Hospital within floating workgroups if the following procedure: The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned to another unit (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such need exists.
7.1.1 During temporary reassignment. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus day/hour (the Employermay provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin the job class). • If there are an insufficient number periods of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day off. Assignments of low census days/hours shall be rotated among the staff in affected departments so that no employee in a department shall be required to take a second low census day until all employeesin thedepartment shall have takena lowcensus day. Low census assignments shall initially be made in the reverse order of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus day thentherotationwill begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day as a low census day. Nothing herein shall limit the number of low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation (except Show-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • Should an employee be called off out of turn in the rotation, his/her remedy will be to be skipped in the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. If an employee is called off due to low census, the Employer will use the following order to reduce staffing providing skills, competence, and ability are considered substantially equal in the opinion of the Employer:
(a) Per Diem Agency,
(b) Nurses working on overtime (including per-diem staff),
(c) Volunteers,
(d) Per diem nurses, This procedure may not apply to preceptor assignments or charge/relief charge assignments where coverage is necessary.
7.1.2 Voluntary Low Census When volunteers are sought the following guidelines will be followed: Guidelines for Implementing Voluntary Low Census. Examples of Voluntary Low Census:
A. Voluntary Low Census is given for the entire shift (applies to regularly scheduled shifts).
B. Voluntary Low Census is given for part or all of the shift with the understanding that the employee shall will report to work at the designated time (Example: 12 hr night shift, Voluntary Low Census given from 7 pm to 11 pm, then employee reports to work at 11 pm for the last 8 hours for the shift.)
C. Voluntary Low Census is given for part of the shift and stand by given for part or all of the shift (i.e. for a 12-hour night shift RN is given Voluntary Low Census for the first 4 hrs and placed on stand by and receive standby pay for the last 8 hrs). The RN has the ability to voluntarily accept or decline the request for low census/standby. If the RN declines the standby, they may be eligible requested to have work the designated hours which were scheduled and the opportunity for standby status would be given to be worked count as someone else. If the RN accepts standby and is called in the time worked is paid at time and one-half.
D. Expectation is that employee will come into work. If circumstances change & additional low census can be offered it becomes a new event & the low census rotation will be reviewed at that time to determine who should get low census. This should not occur on a regular basis. If this becomes the consistent practice, then Algorithm “C” is the best option. Once an employee goes to standby status it is for the followinghome unit only, including not for the house. Every effort will be made to notify the RN for the need for low census as early as possible prior to the start of the shift but not limited tolater than the one (1) hour prior to the start of their shift (i.e. 6 am for a 7 am start time). NOTE: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and● Staff inquiring or requesting Voluntary Low Census will contact the charge nurse on their home unit or the staffing office, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if based on the Employer’s time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hours. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority current practice of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day periodunit. ● Final communication, before granting Voluntary Low Census will come from the Employer staffing office and administrative supervisor and will be communicated to the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of charge RN before the Unionnotification time. Voluntary Low Census time is managed by the unit. ● The charge nurse may communicate the unit’s request Voluntary Low Census plan back to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employeesStaffing Office.
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. In the event of a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or the level of care required by residents in the facility to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffing, the Employer shall have the option to assign low census days/hours to employees. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant to the following procedure: followingprocedure.
1. The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned to another unit (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. , Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignmenttemporaryreassignment.
2. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • :
a. Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus to volunteer to take a low census day/hour hours (the Employermay Employer may provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than xxxxxxxxxx having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin to inquire of each scheduled employee within the job class). • .
b. If there are an insufficient number of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day off. Assignments of low census days/hours shall be rotated among the staff in affected departments so that no employee in a department shall be required to take a second low census day until all employeesin thedepartment employees in the department shall have takena lowcensus taken a low census day. Low census assignments shall initially be made in the reverse order of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus departmenthave taken a low census day thentherotationwill then the rotation will begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day as a low census day. Nothing herein shall limit the number of low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteeraccept as a volunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation compensation-. - (except Show-Show- Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • .
c. Should an employee be called off out of turn in the rotation, his/her remedy will be to be skipped in the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. .
d. If an employee is called off due to low census, the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were he/she was scheduled to be worked work count as time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals leaveaccruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s 's time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hours.
3. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. In the event 11.2.1 Nurses who report for work as scheduled and who must leave because of a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or the level of care required by residents in the facility to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffing, the Employer shall have the option to assign low census days/hours to employees. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant to paid a minimum of four (4) hours’ report pay at the following procedure: regular rate of pay. The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned continue its efforts to another unit provide at least two (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification2) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus day/hour (the Employermay provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin the job class). • If there are an insufficient number hours’ prior notice of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day off. Assignments If prior to the start of low census days/hours shall be rotated among the staff in affected departments so that no employee in a department shall be required to take nurse’s scheduled shift a second nurse is notified of a mandatory low census day until off less than two (2) hours prior to the start of that shift, the nurse shall receive four (4) hours of pay at the regular rate. Procedures for insuring effective contact and communication between nurses and the Hospital shall be referred to the Conference Committee.
11.2.2 Where skill, ability, experience, competence or qualifications are not overriding factors as determined by the Employer on the basis of relevant criteria, low census days will be rotated equitably among all employeesin thedepartment shall have takena lowcensus daynurses, volunteers being sought and considered first. Low census assignments shall initially The order will be made in the reverse order of seniorityvolunteers, agency, per diem, and when possible, those working above their assigned FTE levels (per pay period). After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus day thentherotationwill begin again with the least senior employee. An employee Nurses who volunteers to take volunteer for a low census day shall will be regarded for rotated to the purpose bottom of rotation to have been assigned that day as a low census day. Nothing herein shall limit the number of list.
11.2.3 Mandatory low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteer. Low census days shall will be without compensation (except Show-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • Should an employee be called off out of turn given only after it is determined that there is not work for the nurse to perform elsewhere in the rotation, his/her remedy building. Nurses will be offered the option to float or orient to other units but will not be skipped in expected to take a full assignment where they have not the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. If an employee ability and/or orientation to the procedures and requirements.
11.2.4 When a nurse is called off due to placed by the Hospital on low census, the employee Hospital will not assign mandatory standby duty to the nurse. However, on a case-by-case basis, the nurse and supervisor may voluntarily agree on a variable amount of standby duty hours. In all such cases, one and one-half (1-1/2) times the regular rate of pay shall apply to actual work hours when called in from such standby duty. Standby pay shall be eligible paid in addition to have the hours which were scheduled to be worked count as time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track callback pay.
11.2.5 Mandatory low census hourswill be limited to no more than forty-eight (48) hours per nurse per six (6) month period. It is understood that reduction in hours due to The purpose of establishing a “48 hour low census cap” is expected to be protect nursing staff against excessive loss of income and to provide the Nursing Department with a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department means to modify staffing levels to ensure that nurse resources are assigned low census time off on a majority of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall present to meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employeespatient care requirements.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. In During temporary periods of low census, the event of a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or Hospital will determine the level of care required by residents staffing it deems necessary, and shall release staff in the facility to following order (provided skill, competence, ability and availability are not overriding factors based on the extent that there is insufficient work to require Hospital's opinion of mandatory established criteria of Hospital and unit based standards):
1. Short notice registry agency personnel;
2. Extended assignment agency/travel personnel;
3. Nurses working overtime who volunteer for low census;
4. Volunteers (the normal staffing, the Employer shall have the option to assign low census days/hours to employees. Low census days/hours day off shall be assigned pursuant to counted for purposes of the following procedure: The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned to another unit (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification) for which the employee is qualifiedrotations list); and
5. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus day/hour (the Employermay provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals Nurses working overtime who do not volunteer. If the Hospital determines it still must "sign uplow census" do not wish staff, it shall seek to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin the job class). • If there are an insufficient number of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a equitably rotate low census day offwithin a Hospital unit or functional area in this order:
1. Assignments of low census days/hours shall be rotated among the staff in affected departments so that no employee in On-call ["Recall nurses" after other on-call nurses];
2. Regular full-time and part-time nurses working extra shifts (a department shall be required to take a second low census day until all employeesin thedepartment shall have takena lowcensus day. Low census assignments shall initially be made in the reverse order of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus day thentherotationwill begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day cancelled shift is not counted as a low census day); and
3. Nothing herein shall limit the number of low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation (except ShowRegular full-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • Should an employee be called off out of turn time and part-time nurses in the rotation, his/her remedy will be to be skipped in provided skill, competence, ability, and availability are not overriding factors based on the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. If an employee is called off due to low censusHospital opinion of mandatory established criteria of Hospital and unit based standards for such on-call, the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were scheduled to be worked count as regular full-time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s or part-time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hoursnurses. It is understood that reduction in hours due at any time the Hospital may elect (subject to Section 8.5, Floating) to float staff to other units based on its assessment of need (such as patient census, skill mix and acuity). If a nurse is placed on low census is expected "out of turn" pursuant to the above guidelines, the nurse shall be "skipped" for the next applicable rotation. The current method of tracking low census rotation in a temporary statework unit (i.e., least total hour rotation, last date of low census, or percentage of low census hours to scheduled hours) shall be continued. In For rotation purposes, nurses shall report their low census hours to the event bargaining unit employees within Staffing Office in increments of four (4) hours. This method shall be reviewed periodically with Conference Committee. A sign up sheet will be available from the same job classification or department are assigned Nurse Staffing Office for those who wish to volunteer for low census time off off. Regularly scheduled nurses will notify the Nurse Staffing Office or other designated scheduling authority if they wish additional hours. Regularly scheduled nurses shall not be placed on low census if on-call nurses are working on a majority unit provided skill, competence, and ability are not overriding factors in the opinion of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer Hospital based on mandatory established criteria of Hospital and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employeesbased standards.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. In 19. When the event of Hospital determines that a temporary decrease reduction in occupancy and/or the level of care required by residents staff is necessary for a short period or an indeterminate period that is expected to be short (referred to in the facility to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffing, the Employer shall have the option to assign this Agreement as “low census days/hours ”), the sequence for staff reduction for nurses in the classification and shift involved will be as follows, provided that the remaining nurses in the classification and shift are qualified to employeesperform the work to be done:
19.1. Low census days/hours shall Nurse(s) on an incentive shift;
19.2. Volunteers;
19.3. Temporary nurses;
19.4. Per diem nurses; and then
19.5. Remaining nurses in the classification and shift. Without altering the provisions above, the Hospital will make good faith reasonable efforts to cancel agency nurses and traveling nurses, if such cancellation can be assigned pursuant done without cost to the following procedure: The Employer shall first consider whether employees in Hospital.
19.6. Within each of the job classification and unit that is experiencing above groups, if there are more nurses than low census for time to be covered, the shift can be reassigned to another unit (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. Such reassignment shall be made to nurses with the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus day/hour (the Employermay provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin the job class). • If there are an insufficient number of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a recent low census day off. Assignments of (including by volunteering) in the same pay period will be given the low census days/hours shall be rotated among the staff in affected departments so that no employee in a department shall be required to take a second day, except if they are otherwise exempted by Article 19.7. A low census day until log will be available to all employeesin thedepartment shall have takena lowcensus daynurses.
19.7. Low Prior to placing a nurse on low census, the unit manager or Hospital Supervisor may float the nurse to units requiring the assistance of an additional RN, as determined by the supervisor assigned to managing daily staffing on the requesting unit, provided the nurse is qualified to perform the assistance required.
19.8. The Hospital may assign nurses on low census assignments shall initially days to be made on standby, and if called in to work the call back provisions in Appendix A (C) will apply.
19.9. When additional hours of work are needed in the reverse order of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus day thentherotationwill begin again with the least senior employee. An employee same classification and shift as nurses who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day as are on a low census day, the Hospital will first call qualified nurses in the classification who are on standby for the shift who were placed on standby as a result of low- census, before calling other nurses who are on standby.
19.10. Nothing herein shall limit the number of Nurses who are placed on low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteer. Low census days shall be either take the day without compensation (except Show-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees pay or may use available vacation time. • Should an employee be called off out of turn in the rotation, his/her remedy will be to be skipped in the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. If an employee is called off due to low census, the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were scheduled to be worked count as time worked for the following, including utilize accrued but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hours. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employeesunused PTO.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Professional Agreement
Low Census. In the event of a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or the level of care required by residents in the facility to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffing, the Employer shall have the option havetheoption to assign low census daysassignlow censusdays/hours to employees. Low census dayscensusdays/hours shall hoursshall be assigned pursuant to the following procedure: .
1. The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned to another unit (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. , Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment.
2. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • :
a. Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus to volunteer to take a low census day/hour hours (the Employermay Employer may provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin to inquire of each scheduled employee within the job class). • .
b. If there are an insufficient number of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day off. Assignments of low census days/hours shall be rotated among the staff in affected departments so that no employee in a department shall be required to take a second low census day until all employeesin thedepartment employees in the department shall have takena lowcensus taken a low census day. Low census assignments shall initially be made in the reverse order of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus taken a low census day thentherotationwill then the rotation will begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day as a low census day. Nothing herein shall limit the number of low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteeraccept as a volunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation compensation-. - (except Show-Show- Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • .
c. Should an employee be called off out of turn in the rotation, his/her remedy will be to be skipped in the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. .
d. If an employee is called off due to low census, the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were he/she was scheduled to be worked work count as time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals leaveaccruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s 's time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hours.
3. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. In the event of a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or the level of care required by residents in the facility to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffing, the Employer shall have the option to assign low census days/hours to employees. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant to the following procedure: .
1. The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can shall be reassigned to another unit position (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, specific documented resident care needs are overriding. Such , such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment.
2. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, specific documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • :
a. Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus to volunteer to take low census day/hour hours (the Employermay Employer may provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" for low census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin to inquire of each scheduled employee within the job class). • .
b. If there are an insufficient number of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer beginning with per diem/on call, then part- time, then full time employees to take a low census day off. Assignments of low census days/hours shall be rotated among the staff in affected departments so that no employee in a department shall be required to take a second low census day until all employeesin thedepartment employees in the department shall have takena lowcensus taken a low census day. Low census assignments shall initially be made in the reverse order of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus taken a low census day thentherotationwill then the rotation will begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day as a low census day. Nothing herein shall limit the number of low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteeraccept as a volunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation (except Show-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • PTO.
c. Should an employee be called off out of turn in the rotation, his/her remedy will be to be skipped in the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. .
d. If an employee is called off due to low census, the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were he/she was scheduled to be worked work count as time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, and sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s 's time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hours.
3. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority of the days during a forty-five thirty (4530) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Labor Agreement
Low Census. In the event Nurses who report for work as scheduled and who must leave because of a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or the level of care required by residents in the facility to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffing, the Employer shall have the option to assign low census days/hours to employees. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant to paid a minimum of four (4) hours report pay at the following procedure: straight-time rate. The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned continue its efforts to another unit provide at least two (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification2) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus day/hour (the Employermay provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin the job class). • If there are an insufficient number hours prior notice of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day off. Assignments of low Low census days/hours call will be voluntary whenever feasible. Procedures for insuring effective contact and communication between nurses and the hospital shall be rotated among referred to the staff in affected departments so that no employee in a department shall be required to take a second low census day until all employeesin thedepartment shall have takena lowcensus dayConference Committee. Low census assignments shall initially be made in Where skill, ability, experience, competence or qualifications are not overriding factors as determined by the reverse order Employer on the basis of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus day thentherotationwill begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day as a low census day. Nothing herein shall limit the number of relevant criteria, low census days will be rotated equitably among all nurses, registry nurses first, then nurses receiving time and one-half or double time overtime/premium, then volunteers, per diem staff and part time staff working an extra shift. Nurses may also be offered the option or may be assigned to float to areas where they are needed, qualified and recently oriented on the basis of the nurse having completed a written technical skills checklist for the area, or to be oriented to a new area, or to take an indirect patient care assignment. Floating is primarily intended to be used to address fluctuations in census and employee may acceptasavolunteerabsences. Regular full-time and part-time nurses will be given priority over casual and/or per diem nurses for filling regularly scheduled staffing needs provided the full-time or part-time nurse is available and skill, ability, experience, competence or qualification are not overriding factors as determined by the Employer on the basis of relevant criteria. Mandatory low census will be limited to no more than forty-eight (48) hours per nurse per six (6) month period. Generally low census is house wide, meaning there is only one 48 hour cap. Except that there shall be no such limit for nurses in a unit that has been mutually agreed by WSNA and SRH to be identified as a “closed” unit. Low Census hours will be tracked by the Employer but nurses who believe they have reached their cap and do not want to be low censused must notify the individual advising them of the low census days shall be without compensation (except Show-Up pay, if applicable)assignment at the time the need for low census is being identified. However, employees The nurse may use available vacation time. • Should an employee be called off out request of turn their manager or nursing office staff to determine accumulated low census hours and the nurse’s place in the rotation, rotation in relation to other core staff on his/her remedy will be to be skipped in the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. If an employee is called off due to low census, the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were scheduled to be worked count as time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hours. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employeesunit.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. In the event of a temporary decrease The Employer may temporarily reduce staff in occupancy and/or the level of care required by residents response to reductions in the facility patient visits, utilization or other available work.
9.11.1 Prior to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffingassigning involuntary low census, the Employer shall have seek volunteersfrom within an affected job classification on the option to assign affected shift within the administrative department or health center. If volunteers are insufficient, the Employer will next low census days/in the following order scheduled staffing or temporary agency personnel, employees working in excess of their FTE, and per diem staff on the affected shift. If those steps do not reduce staffing to the level needed in a particular job classification on a particular shift, and provided that qualifications, skills, experience and ability of the individuals who are scheduled on an affected shift are not over‐riding factors in the opinion of the manager, the Employer shall assign involuntary low census hours on a rotational basis equitably among full‐ and part‐ time staff on the affected shift within the impacted job classification in the affected administrative department or health center.
9.11.2 Unless low census needs to employees. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant mid‐shift, the Employer will endeavor to notify an affected employee of low census prior to the following procedure: The Employer shall first consider whether employees in beginning of the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned to another unit (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification) for which the employee is qualifiedscheduled shift. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. Such reassignment shall Pre‐shift notification will be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus day/hour (the Employermay provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin the job class). • If there are an insufficient employee’s phone number of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day offrecord. Assignments of low census days/hours shall be rotated among the staff in affected departments so that no employee in a department shall be required to take a second low census day until all employeesin thedepartment shall have takena lowcensus day. Low census assignments shall initially be made in the reverse order of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus day thentherotationwill begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day as a low census day. Nothing herein shall limit the number of low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation (except Show-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • Should an employee be called off out of turn in the rotation, his/her remedy will be to be skipped in the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. If When an employee is called off due to placed on low census, unless assigned on‐call duties under Section 10.7, the employee shall not be eligible to have the hours which were scheduled expected to be worked count as available to report for or return to work. Low censused full‐ or part‐time employees may at their option use accrued vacation in increments of not less than one hour provided such employees have otherwise completed the length of service which is a pre‐condition to the use of such paid time worked off.
9.11.3 A low census sheet/rotation record will be available in each department or health center to both provide a way to volunteer for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance low census and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track document assignments of involuntary low census hours. It is understood that reduction The list shall be maintained by job classification within the administrative department or health center. When an employee has been involuntarily low censused within their job classification within the department or health center, they will not be involuntarily low censused again unless all qualified employees in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned scheduled on the same shift have received as many involuntary low census time off on a majority of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employeeshours.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. In Section 1: At the event of time the schedule is posted, a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or low census calendar mirroring the level of care required by residents schedule time period shall also be posted. The Employees who volunteer for low census hours will indicate their desire on the low census calendar.
Section 2: If the Employer needs to temporarily reduce staffing on a particular shift, the Clinical Manager, or in the facility alternative, the Area Manager or Director of Operations, as applicable, shall consult the low census calendar for volunteers. Voluntary low census days shall be distributed as equitably as reasonably possible among the volunteer Employees.
Section 3: If there are insufficient volunteer Employees for low census hours, the Clinical Manager, or in the alternative, the Area Manager or Director of Operations, as applicable, will assign an Employee or Employees to be off work. Such assignment shall adhere to the extent provisions set forth in Article XIV, Section 4.
Section 4: At management discretion based on the needs of the business, Employees placed on low census, may be classified as either “low census on-call” or “low census no recall”, and shall be given reasonable advance notice based on the needs of the business while the Employees are on duty. If the Employees have not yet reported to work, they shall be given at least two (2) hours’ notice of the low census designated or pay in lieu thereof. If designated as “low census on-call”, the Employee shall be on-call for a four hour period following the time of low census and shall receive on-call pay during this period when they are on-call but not working. If recalled, the Employee must report to work within one hour, and shall receive $5.00 per hour, for every hour worked on recall. Low Census on- call will not be used to create split shifts. If designated as “low census no recall”, the Employee will not be recalled and is under no obligation to report back to work during that there shift, nor will the Employee be paid on-call pay. When both “low census on-call” and “low census no-recall” are needed, the affected Employees will be permitted to collaboratively determine which Employee will assume which designation of low census. The Employer and Employee agree that Employees will use their best and positive efforts to agree as to the determination among themselves. If it appears to the Employer that it has been made otherwise, that is insufficient work not best efforts or not positive, the Employer may make the determination regarding the low census designation and document that decision. If the Employees are unable to require the normal staffingdetermine who shall take which designation, the Employer shall have assign the option to assign low census days/hours to employees. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant to the following procedure: The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned to another unit (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus day/hour (the Employermay provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin the job class). • If there are an insufficient number of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day off. Assignments of low census days/hours shall be rotated among the staff in affected departments so that no employee in a department shall be required to take a second low census day until all employeesin thedepartment shall have takena lowcensus day. Low census assignments shall initially be made in the reverse order of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus day thentherotationwill begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day as a low census day. Nothing herein shall limit the number of low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation (except Show-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • Should an employee be called off out of turn in the rotation, his/her remedy will be to be skipped in the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. If an employee is called off due to low census, the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were scheduled to be worked count as time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • Eligibility for benefits • Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • Vacation and, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hours. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employeesrotating equitable fashion.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. In the event of a temporary decrease in occupancy and/or the level of care required by residents in the facility to the extent that there is insufficient work to require the normal staffing, the Employer shall have the option to assign low census days/hours to employees. Low census days/hours shall be assigned pursuant to the following procedure: .
1. The Employer shall first consider whether employees in the job classification and unit that is experiencing low census for the shift can be reassigned to another unit (and/or, where appropriate, another job classification) for which the employee is qualified. Unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding. , Such reassignment shall be made to the least senior employee in the job class without rotation (this only applies to low-census-driven floating assignments. Floating required to cover unexpected staff vacancies may be equitably rotated among staff based upon resident care needs). No employee shall suffer a reduction in his/her pay due to such temporary reassignment.
2. If reassignment is not appropriate, unless specific, documented resident care needs are overriding, low census call-offs shall be made in accordance to the following: • :
a. Employees shall first be asked tovolunteertotakealowcensus to volunteer to take a low census day/hour hours (the Employermay Employer may provide opportunity for employees to indicate interest in "volunteering" for low census in advance and may assume individuals who do not "sign up" do not wish to volunteer, rather than having toinquireofeachscheduled employeewithin to inquire of each scheduled employee within the job class). • .
b. If there are an insufficient number of volunteers to accomplish the necessary reduction then employees shall be designated by the Employer to take a low census day off. Assignments of low census days/hours shall be rotated among the staff in affected departments so that no employee in a department shall be required to take a second low census day until all employeesin thedepartment employees in the department shall have takena lowcensus taken a low census day. Low census assignments shall initially be made in the reverse order of seniority. After all employees in a department have takenalowcensus taken a low census day thentherotationwill then the rotation will begin again with the least senior employee. An employee who volunteers to take a low census day shall be regarded for the purpose of rotation to have been assigned that day as a low census day. Nothing herein shall limit the number of low census days an employee may acceptasavolunteeraccept as a volunteer. Low census days shall be without compensation (except Show-Up pay, if applicable). However, employees may use available vacation time. • .
c. Should an employee be called off out of turn in the rotation, his/her remedy will be to be skipped in the rotation when his/her "turn" next comes up. .
d. If an employee is called off due to low census, the employee shall be eligible to have the hours which were he/she was scheduled to be worked work count as time worked for the following, including but not limited to: • :
i. Eligibility for benefits • benefits
ii. Waiting periods under health insurance and other fringe benefit plan • plan
iii. Vacation and, sick leave accruals The employee may have to complete a form requesting such "credit" if the Employer’s 's time & attendance system is not set up to automatically track low census hours.
3. It is understood that reduction in hours due to low census is expected to be a temporary state. In the event bargaining unit employees within the same job classification or department are assigned low census time off on a majority of the days during a forty-five (45) calendar day period, the Employer and the Union shall meet within ten (10) calendar days of the Union’s request to discuss alternatives, including the feasibility of implementing the layoff provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Union may request a meeting with the Employer at any point of low census to discuss appropriate solutions, if it is determined that reduction in hours is causing significant distress and economic impact to bargaining unit employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement