EMPLOYEE EVALUATIONS. 6.1 Administrators will meet with new employees to discuss their job description within one (1) month of hire. The Administrator and new employee will sign off on the job description and it will be forwarded to the Human Resources Department for inclusion in the employee‘s personnel file. The Human Resources Department will compile and distribute a list showing each employee‘s evaluator prior to November 1st of each year. Bargaining unit job descriptions will be made available via the District‘s web site.
6.2 Evaluations will transpire as follows for employees that are receiving satisfactory ratings:
a. New hires—regular part-time (school year employees) will be evaluated at three (3) and six (6) working months.
b. New hires—full time (12 month employees) will be evaluated at three (3), six (6) and twelve (12) months.
c. After the initial year of employment, each employee shall be evaluated at least once annually by March 31st.
6.3 Criteria for evaluating bargaining unit members will be based on the performance categories outlined on the evaluation form as related to the job description of their specific position assignment.
6.4 Evaluation reports shall include feedback regarding strengths and weaknesses (if any) demonstrated by the employee. Prior to an employee receiving a rating less than “Meets Expectations,” the employee shall be advised of the performance concern and provided with a clear statement of any deficiency and a statement defining acceptable performance. This shall occur within a reasonable time prior to the final evaluation to allow the employee a chance to demonstrate improvement.
6.5 In the event an employee is evaluated overall as “Does Not Meet Expectations,” the district, in consultation with the employee and the Association, will provide the employee a written plan of improvement (See Employee Plan of Improvement form in Appendix). The plan shall clearly define all areas of deficiency, provide clear and attainable performance goals, and outline supports (if any) to be given, including any necessary training at the District’s expense. The employee will be given a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed sixty (60) working days, to meet job performance expectations. During the improvement period, feedback will be provided through a minimum of three scheduled meetings. Following the completion of the plan, the supervisor shall notify the employee in writing of the outcome. Failure to demonstrate satisfactory improvement may constitute g...
EMPLOYEE EVALUATIONS. The Lead Administrator or his/her designee shall conduct performance evaluations of the School’s employees at least annually in accordance with C.R.S. § 22-9-106, unless waived, in which case a replacement plan and rationale shall be submitted and approved in accordance with Section 4.5 of this Agreement.
EMPLOYEE EVALUATIONS. The superintendent and GASA shall form an advisory work group to examine the evaluation process. This group shall be comprised of four (4) bargaining unit members appointed by the GASA President and four
EMPLOYEE EVALUATIONS. (a) Any employee evaluation shall not affect an employee’s academic standing as a student at McMaster University or an employee’s current employment in another bargaining unit of the Local.
(b) There shall be no electronic monitoring of employees for the purpose of performance evaluation, without the employee’s written consent. It is understood that there shall be no reprisal against any member of the bargaining unit who chooses not to give such written permission.
EMPLOYEE EVALUATIONS. Any matter for which there is recourse under State or Federal statutes.
EMPLOYEE EVALUATIONS. It is recognized that evaluation is a continuing process and takes place both formally and informally. A formal evaluation of performance and competence of regular employees shall be completed at the end of the probationary period and within thirty (30) days after the end of each employment year thereafter or program year where applicable. Bargaining unit employees who perform any supervisory functions with respect to other bargaining unit employees shall fully cooperate with management in doing performance evaluations of such employees. Nothing contained in this provision shall require an evaluating employee to sign an evaluation with which he or she disagrees, nor shall he or she be required to recommend or endorse any disciplinary action. The process of evaluation shall include among other things the following elements:
1. Oral discussion between employee and supervisor up to the point where they agree that the employee's performance and competence have been thoroughly reviewed.
2. The evaluation shall be put in writing and shall include the employee's statement and signature. A copy of the evaluation is to be given to the employee.
3. In the event the employee does not agree with the evaluation he/she may file a statement of exception which shall become part of the employee’s personnel record. The employee may also request a review by the department head and if the employee does not agree with his/her decision, the employee may request a review by the appropriately designated management representative selected by the Employer, and if the employee still does not agree with the decision, the Personnel Committee of the Employer where such a committee exists for this purpose. If none agree with the employee, he/she may still file a statement of exception that shall become part of the employee's personnel record. If demotion or dismissal results from the evaluation, he/she shall have the right to invoke the grievance machinery.
4. When a supervisor or employee is on medical leave and the employee’s evaluation is due during that time the evaluation due date may be extended upon express agreement between the Employer and the employee up to 30 days from the date the supervisor or employee return from leave.
EMPLOYEE EVALUATIONS. Upon employment, the appropriate Xxxx shall give the instructor information as to their duties including a written job description, the length of the probationary period, and information concerning the performance evaluation process described below.
EMPLOYEE EVALUATIONS. 15.1 The employee anniversary date is the original date of hire.
15.2 Evaluation of permanent employees shall be done annually by May 31 unless this date is extended for good cause by Human Resources with written notification to the employee and site administrator as to the revised due date. The evaluation "due" date may change if a reclassification has been implemented. The next evaluation will be due twelve months from the new reclassification date. All classified employees will be evaluated on the approved evaluation form provided by the District.
15.3 Permanent employees will be evaluated once (1) during each twelve-month period, unless problems exist in which case evaluations would be made on an unscheduled basis.
15.4 If an employee receives an unsatisfactory evaluation, the employee shall be re- evaluated in three (3) months.
15.5 In cases where an employee believes that the overall performance rating or a particular rating received under a performance review is unfair, the employee may discuss his/her concerns with the supervisor in an attempt to reach a satisfactory resolution and enter any remarks deemed appropriate in the section provided on the performance evaluation form.
15.6 If the employee is not evaluated on the appropriate evaluation date, his/her merit increase shall be processed on the next pay period.
EMPLOYEE EVALUATIONS. Employees are required to submit to and participate in performance reviews. The Town reserves the right to determine the methodology for use in the performance review process subject to the following conditions:
A. The performance review evaluation form used by the Town shall include a section for the employee to respond to the evaluation.
B. The performance review process shall include a meeting between the employee being evaluated and the supervisor performing the evaluation for the purpose of discussing the employee's evaluation.
C. Employees shall be given a copy of their performance evaluation review.
EMPLOYEE EVALUATIONS. It is understood that the evaluation process includes assessment of the unit member's total job performance and may in part be based upon job-related conduct which has not been personally observed by the evaluator.