Low Census. When patient census and acuity create a need to reduce nurse 11 staffing after the schedule has been posted, individual nurses will be subject to low census 12 pursuant to the following procedures. In the application of the factors described below relating 13 to low census decisions, the primary considerations shall be the maintenance, at all times, of 14 safe patient care, continuity of care by the nurse currently assigned to such activities, and the 15 maintenance of adequate nursing staff to serve Hospital patients. The appropriate mix of skill 16 sets, certifications required to care for the immediate patient census and continuity of nursing 17 care will be evaluated and determined by Hospital supervisors/manager/charge nurse.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Professional Services, Professional Services, Professional Agreement
Low Census. When patient census and acuity create a need to reduce nurse 11 22 staffing after the schedule has been posted, individual nurses will be subject to low census 12 23 pursuant to the following procedures. In the application of the factors described below relating 13 24 to low census decisions, the primary considerations shall be the maintenance, at all times, of 14 25 safe patient care, continuity of care by the nurse currently assigned to such activities, and the 15 26 maintenance of adequate nursing staff to serve Hospital patients. The appropriate mix of skill 16 27 sets, certifications required to care for the immediate patient census and continuity of nursing 17 28 care will be evaluated and determined by Hospital supervisors/manager/charge nurse.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Professional Agreement, Professional Services
Low Census. When patient census and acuity create a need to reduce nurse 11 37 staffing after the schedule has been posted, individual nurses will be subject to low census 12 38 pursuant to the following procedures. In the application of the factors described below relating 13 1 to low census decisions, the primary considerations shall be the maintenance, at all times, of 14 2 safe patient care, continuity of care by the nurse currently assigned to such activities, and the 15 3 maintenance of adequate nursing staff to serve Hospital patients. The appropriate mix of skill 16 4 sets, certifications required to care for the immediate patient census and continuity of nursing 17 5 care will be evaluated and determined by Hospital supervisors/manager/charge nurse.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Low Census. When patient census and acuity create a need to reduce nurse 11 32 staffing after the schedule has been posted, individual nurses will be subject to low census 12 33 pursuant to the following procedures. In the application of the factors described below relating 13 34 to low census decisions, the primary considerations shall be the maintenance, at all times, of 14 35 safe patient care, continuity of care by the nurse currently assigned to such activities, and the 15 36 maintenance of adequate nursing staff to serve Hospital patients. The appropriate mix of skill 16 37 sets, certifications required to care for the immediate patient census and continuity of nursing 17 1 care will be evaluated and determined by Hospital supervisors/manager/charge nurse.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Professional Services
Low Census. When patient census and acuity create a need to reduce nurse 11 staffing 30 after the schedule has been posted, individual nurses Nnurses will be subject to low census 12 pursuant to 31 the following procedures. In the application of the factors described below relating 13 to low low- 32 census decisions, the primary considerations shall be the maintenance, at all times, of 14 safe 33 patient care, continuity of care by the nurse Xxxxxx currently assigned to such activities, and the 15 34 maintenance of adequate nursing staff to serve Hospital patients. The appropriate mix of skill 16 35 sets, certifications required to care for the immediate patient census and continuity of nursing 17 1 care will be evaluated and determined by Hospital supervisors/manager/charge nurse.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Employment Agreement
Low Census. When patient census and acuity create a need to reduce nurse 11 staffing 32 after the schedule has been posted, individual nurses will be subject to low census 12 pursuant to 33 the following procedures. In the application of the factors described below relating 13 to low low- 34 census decisions, the primary considerations shall be the maintenance, at all times, of 14 safe 35 patient care, continuity of care by the nurse currently assigned to such activities, and the 15 36 maintenance of adequate nursing staff to serve Hospital patients. The appropriate mix of skill 16 37 sets, certifications required to care for the immediate patient census and continuity of nursing 17 1 care will be evaluated and determined by Hospital supervisors/manager/charge nurse.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Professional Services
Low Census. When patient census and acuity create a need to reduce 17 nurse 11 staffing after the schedule has been posted, individual nurses will be subject to 18 low census 12 pursuant to the following procedures. In the application of the factors 19 described below relating 13 to low census decisions, the primary considerations shall be 20 the maintenance, at all times, of 14 safe patient care, continuity of care by the nurse 21 currently assigned to such activities, and the 15 maintenance of adequate nursing staff to 22 serve Hospital patients. The appropriate mix of skill 16 sets, certifications required to care 23 for the immediate patient census and continuity of nursing 17 care will be evaluated and 24 determined by Hospital supervisors/manager/charge nurse.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Professional Services
Low Census. When patient census and acuity create a need to reduce 6 nurse 11 staffing after the schedule has been posted, individual nurses will be subject to 7 low census 12 pursuant to the following procedures. In the application of the factors 8 described below relating 13 to low census decisions, the primary considerations shall be 9 the maintenance, at all times, of 14 safe patient care, continuity of care by the nurse 10 currently assigned to such activities, and the 15 maintenance of adequate nursing staff to 11 serve Hospital patients. The appropriate mix of skill 16 sets, certifications required to care 12 for the immediate patient census and continuity of nursing 17 care will be evaluated and 13 determined by Hospital supervisors/manager/charge nurse.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Employment Agreement
Low Census. When patient census and acuity create a need to reduce nurse 11 staffing 36 after the schedule has been posted, individual nurses will be subject to low census 12 pursuant to the following procedures37 pursuant to Legacy policy. In the application of the factors described below relating 13 to low low- 38 census decisions, the primary considerations shall be the maintenance, at all times, of 14 safe 1 patient care, continuity of care by the nurse currently assigned to such activities, and the 15 2 maintenance of adequate nursing staff to serve Hospital patients. The appropriate mix of skill 16 3 sets, certifications required to care for the immediate patient census and continuity of nursing 17 4 care will be evaluated and determined by Hospital supervisors/manager/charge nurse.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Professional Services