Maintenance Fund Sample Clauses
Maintenance Fund. Each purchaser/ flat owner shall make a payment of the advance maintenance fund (i.e., an amount equivalent to 24 (twenty-four) months’ maintenance charges) at the time of purchasing a flat in the Project (which is included in the total amount payable by each purchaser/ flat owner under this agreement. The Developer reserves the right to utilize the said advance maintenance fund in order to provide essential maintenance services in the Project till the time Association is formed. At the time of handover of the maintenance services to such Association by the Developer, the balance advance maintenance fund (if any) shall be transferred to the Association within 30 (thirty) days from the date of such handover.
Maintenance Fund. In order to maintain and improve the Lake Templene area, commencing May 1, 1973, and on May 1st of each year thereafter, the purchaser of each lot (or title holder, if title has been conveyed) shall pay forty-eight dollars ($48.00) to Lake Templene Maintenance Company, its successors or assigns. Funds so collected shall be used at the discretion of the Lake Templene Maintenance Company to maintain all dams, parks, bridle paths, beaches, regulate the lake level, pay salaries, and administrative costs and general beautification and betterment of Lake Templene. Annual payments shall be a lien on each lot; and, if not paid by July 15th of each year, may be noted by affidavit recorded with the Register of Deeds.
Maintenance Fund. 1. The School District Board shall levy an additional tax of a minimum of one-half mill for each dollar of valuation for the maintenance of Segment One of the Project, pursuant to, and in accordance with the requirements of Sections 3318.05 (B), 3318.06 (A)(2)(a) and (A)(3), and 3318.17 ORC
2. In the alternative, the School District Board may elect, pursuant to Sections 3318.05 (C), and 3318.06 (A)(2)(b), ORC, to satisfy its local maintenance requirement by earmarking from the proceeds of an existing permanent improvement tax levied under Section 5705.21, ORC an amount equivalent to the amount of the additional tax described in Section IV (A)(1) above (Exhibit A – Resolution Authorizing the School District Board to Earmark Dollars to the Maintenance Fund (Fund 034) attached).
3. In the alternative, the School District Board may elect to satisfy its local maintenance requirement by applying the proceeds of a property tax or the proceeds of an income tax, or a combination thereof, pursuant to Section 3318.052, ORC.
4. In the alternative, the School District Board may, pursuant to Section 3318.061, ORC, extend a previously approved tax of one-half mill for each dollar of valuation levied as a condition of participating in a previous state school building assistance program by a number of years so that one-half mill will be collected for at least twenty-three years from the completion of this Agreement.
5. Pursuant to Section 3318.084, ORC, the School District Board may apply any local donated contribution as an offset of all or part of a district’s obligation to levy the tax described in Section IV (A)(1) above. The School District Board shall deposit in the maintenance fund any local donated contribution to serve as an offset of all or a portion of the amount that the Commission, in consultation with the Department of Taxation, determines is likely to be generated by a tax of one-half mill for each dollar of valuation over a period of twenty-three years. In the event that School District Board chooses this option, the Commission, at the end of the twenty-three year period, shall recalculate the amount that would have been generated by the tax described in Section 3318.05 of the Revised Code if it had been levied at one-half mill. If the actual amount generated over that period is less than the amount that would have been raised by a one-half mill tax, the district shall pay into the maintenance fund the difference, pursuant to Section 3318.084 (B) of the Rev...
Maintenance Fund. 1. The School District Board shall levy an additional tax of a minimum of one-half mill for each dollar of valuation for the maintenance of the Project, pursuant to, and in accordance with the requirements of ORC Sections 3318.05 (B), 3318.06 (A)(2)(a) and (A)(3), and 3318.
2. In the alternative, the School District Board may elect, pursuant to ORC Sections 3318.05 (C), and 3318.06 (A)(2)(b) to satisfy its local maintenance requirement by earmarking from the proceeds of an existing permanent improvement tax levied under ORC Section 5705.21 an amount equivalent to the amount of the additional tax described in Section IV (A)(1) above. The tax must be of at least two xxxxx for each dollar of valuation and eligible to be used for maintenance.
3. In the alternative, the School District Board may elect to satisfy its local maintenance requirement by applying the proceeds of a property tax or the proceeds of an income tax, or a combination thereof, pursuant to ORC Section 3318.052.
4. In the alternative, the School District Board may, pursuant to ORC Section 3318.061, extend a previously approved tax of one-half mill for each dollar of valuation levied as a condition of participating in a previous state school building assistance program by a number of years so that one-half mill will be collected for at least twenty-three years from the completion of this Agreement.
5. Pursuant to ORC Section 3318.084, the School District Board may apply any local donated contribution as an offset of all or part of a school district’s obligation to levy the tax described in Section IV (A)(1) above. The School District Board shall deposit in the maintenance fund any local donated contribution to serve as an offset of all or a portion of the amount that the Commission, in consultation with the Department of Taxation, determines is likely to be generated by a tax of one-half mill for each dollar of valuation over a period of twenty-three years. Pursuant to ORC Sections 3318.08(E) and 3318.084(D)(2), the Commission may approve a stipulation by the School District Board that the Treasurer will have deposited the full amount of the maintenance fund requirement from local donated contributions by the anticipated completion date of the Project according to a schedule for deposit of such money approved by the Commission.
6. In the alternative, the School District Board may, pursuant to ORC Section 3318.36 (D) (3), elect to delay levying the maintenance fund tax, or alternatively, earmark...
Maintenance Fund. Upon the execution of the Agreement the Owner agrees to contribute and maintain a Three Hundred Dollar ($300.00) expense fund to cover miscellaneous items for repair, maintenance, advertising, cleaning, or any function as needed. The fund is to be maintained by the Broker and will be automatically replenished from either the rent received or from a direct contribution from the Owner.
Maintenance Fund. The Grantor intends to set up a maintenance fund for the Mill Lane. Should the Grantee, or its successors in title, wish to join a communal lane maintenance fund (where available), intended to spread any maintenance payments in respect of Mill Lane, then they should contact the Grantor to agree the amount and regularity of the payments save that the Grantor shall not use any funds listed in Paragraph 5, Schedule 2 of this deed for any such fund without the consent of the Grantee or its successors in title.
Maintenance Fund. Each Annual Fee shall be deposited in a joint savings account (the “Savings Account”), which shall require signatures of owners of a majority of the Lots in order to withdraw funds.
4.1 When the owners of a majority of the Lots, exercising their good faith judgment, determine that maintenance work is necessary on the Driveway, they shall obtain bids for the work in a manner to be determined among them. The decision of owners of a majority of the Lots as to the amount of work to be performed and the manner of performance shall be binding upon all of the Lot owners, and each Lot owner shall thereupon be obligated to execute a signature for withdrawal from the Savings Account to pay for the maintenance work.
4.2 If any Lot owner refuses to sign a request for withdrawal after majority authorization as set forth in paragraph 4.1, then any other Lot owner may commence an action at law or in equity to compel the signature of the refusing Lot Owner. Upon competent proof to the Court of proper majority approval of the maintenance work, the plaintiffs in such action shall be entitled to judgment in their favor, and if the Owner continues to refuse to sign for the withdrawal, the Court may issue a signature on behalf of the refusing Lot owner.
Maintenance Fund. On July 24, 2017, the City Council adopted Resolution 65-R-17, A Resolution Creating a Separate Fund entitled the ‘Xxxxxx Crown Community
Maintenance Fund. The Trustee shall establish and maintain a fund containing, in Pesos, the amounts described below (the “Maintenance Fund”). The Maintenance Fund shall be replenished with the funds from the sources and in accordance with the mechanism specified below:
(i) the amount corresponding to the Trustee’s fees for the provision of its services as established herein. For this purpose, the Trustee shall separate out, from the resources obtained as a result of the collection of the Collection Rights that are deposited in the Collection Account or from contributions made by the Trustor, the amounts necessary to pay the Trustee’s fees under the terms established herein. The respective retention shall be carried out by the Trustee with funds deposited during the month immediately preceding the date on which the respective payment must be made, on the understanding that if the amounts deposited in the Collection Account on that date are insufficient to pay the Trustee’s fees, the Trustee shall notify the Trustor and the Credit Agent, and the Trustor shall contribute the funds necessary to make said payment within no more than two Business Days of the date of said notification;
(ii) the amount corresponding to the fees payable to the Outside Auditor for the provision of his or her services as established herein, which shall be reasonable and in accordance with market terms. For this purpose, the Trustee shall separate out, from the resources obtained as a result of the collection of the Collection Rights that are deposited in the Collection Account or from contributions made by the Trustor, the amounts necessary to pay the Outside Auditor’s fees. The respective retention shall be carried out by the Trustee with funds deposited during the month immediately preceding the date on which the respective payment must be made, on the understanding that if the amounts deposited in the Collection Account on that date are insufficient to pay said fees, the Trustee shall notify the Trustor and the Credit Agent, and the Trustor shall contribute the funds necessary to make said payment within no more than two Business Days of the date of said notification. The Outside Auditor’s fees shall be paid by the Trustee for and by order of the Trustor and on the understanding that said fees must be reasonable and in accordance with market terms; [stamp:] LIC. G. XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX UNITED MEXICAN STATES NOTARY’S OFFICE NO. 000 XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX, XXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX NOTARY 131 OF THE ...
Maintenance Fund. Through a separate agreement, the City and Logjam Presents have established a maintenance fund. Mountain Baseball will participate in decisions regarding the use of the maintenance fund.