MAJOR FORCE Sample Clauses

MAJOR FORCENeither Party shall be liable for its delay or failure to perform its contractual obligations if such delay or failure is due to the occurrence of an event beyond its control, which could not reasonably be foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the Contract and the effects of which cannot be avoided by appropriate measures. Each Party shall inform the other Party, without delay and by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, of the occurrence of such an event when it considers that it is likely to compromise the performance of its contractual obligations. In the event of the occurrence of such a case of force majeure, the performance of this Contract shall be suspended until the disappearance, extinction or termination of the case of force majeure. However, if the force majeure continues beyond a period of thirty (30) days, the Parties shall meet to discuss a possible modification of the Contract. The deadlines provided for in this Contract shall be automatically postponed according to the duration of the force majeure event.
MAJOR FORCE. 8.1. Major force exonerates the parties from liability in case of improper or delayed execution of the obligations assumed by this agreement. 8.2. By force majeure it is understood an event independent of the will of the parties, unpredictable and insurmountable, occurring after the conclusion of the agreement and which prevents the parties from performing their obligations. If a certain cause of force majeure lasts more than three months, any of the parties is entitled to terminate this contract, based on a notification, communicated to the other party, at the registered office, respectively the domicile mentioned in this agreement.
MAJOR FORCE. Neither party to this Agreement shall be liable for its failure to perform any of its obligations hereunder during any period in which such performance is prevented by any cause beyond its control such as war, riots, sovereign act, civil conditions, act of God, earthquakes, epidemics, floods, fires, quarantine restrictions, accident, strike or lock out (also on part of suppliers), delays in transportation, raw material shortages or delay in the delivery of essential operating supplies or raw materials. An agreed delivery period shall be extended for the time after which such prevention continues and for a reasonable period of no more than 4 weeks.
MAJOR FORCE. 7.1. The force majeure, as is defined by the law, intervened after the entry into force of this contract, which prevents a party or parties from fulfilling one or more contractual obligations, exonerates the party who invokes it as soon as possible after occurrence presenting evidence of its existence within 5 working days from the date of termination by a certifying certificate issued by a competent authority. The fortuitous case is not a disclaimer. The exemption from liability is applicable only during the certified period of the force majeure case invoked.
MAJOR FORCE. Each of the Parties shall not be held liable and the Contract shall be suspended if its performance or the performance of any obligation incumbent on the Parties under the Contract is prevented due to an event constituting force majeure.The Party affected by the case of force majeure shall send the other Party a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within eight (8) days of the occurrence of the event, and shall be exempted from the performance of its obligations within the limit of this impediment. The other Party will then, in the same way, be exempted from the performance of its own obligations, still within the limit of the impediment. For the duration of the force majeure event, the Party invoking it shall make every effort to minimise the effects on the proper performance of the Contract. If the force majeure event continues for a period of more than 30 days, either Party may terminate the Contract by operation of law without being liable to pay any compensation, subject to sending a notification to the other Party by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The termination shall take effect 10 days after the date of dispatch of the said registered letter. The following are considered to be cases of force majeure, in addition to those usually retained by jurisprudence: blockage, disruption or congestion of telecommunication networks, poor quality of electricity, blockage of means of transport or supply for any reason whatsoever, epidemics, earthquakes, fires, storms, floods, administrative or legal restrictions, as well as legal or regulatory changes in the forms of marketing.
MAJOR FORCE. You agree and understand that in any case we or our service providers will be responsible for delays, flaws of performance, or interruption of the service that might directly or indirectly result in any cause or condition beyond our control, including but not limited to, any delay or flaw due to any unfortunate situation, civil, military or terrorist acts, civil disorder, war, strikes, or other labor dispute, fires, interruption of communication services or Internet or services that provide Internet, equipment flaw, and/or software, another catastrophe or any other incident that go beyond our control and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any dispositions left.
MAJOR FORCE. 6.1. SOTRAD WATER may not be held liable if the execution of the contract is delayed or prevented as a result of force majeure or other reasons beyond its control, or when this is caused by the customer or a third party. Major force refers specifically to events cited by Belgian case law and the Belgian courts, but it also includes total or partial strike, earthquake, fire, storm, terrorist attack, flood, epidemic, loss or interruption of telecommunications, electricity or road networks.
MAJOR FORCE. For the most commonly used force, responsibility lies with the party invoking it, subject to the communication of the other party to the force majeure intervention within 5 (five) days of production. The case of force majeure must be expressly certified by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania or another body authorized by law to give such certification. Within 15 days of the termination of force majeure, the party invoking it shall communicate this to the other party, shall make every effort to remove its effects and shall proceed without delay to the fulfillment of its obligations. In the event of non-observance of the terms of service referred to in this paragraph, a party unable to perform its obligations due to force majeure shall be held guilty and shall be bound to bear all the consequences arising from the non-execution or inappropriate performance of the obligations, could invoke force.
MAJOR FORCE. The major force releases the parties from responsibility and the other party must be informed in 7 (seven) days’ time from its apparition.

Related to MAJOR FORCE

  • EMPLOYEE WORK YEAR 9.1 The work year shall be as follows:

  • Employee Workload ‌ The Employer shall ensure that an employee’s workload is not unsafe as a result of employee absence(s). Employees may refer safety related workload concerns to the Occupational Health and Safety Committee for investigation under Article 22.3 (Occupational Health and Safety Committee).

  • Complete Work without Extra Cost Except to the extent otherwise specifically stated in this contract, the Contractor shall obtain and provide, without additional cost to the City, all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, facilities, services, permits, and licenses necessary to perform the Work.

  • Medical Appointment for Pregnant Employees 35.9.1 Up to three decimal seven five (3.75) hours of reasonable time off with pay for each appointment will be granted to pregnant employees for the purpose of attending routine medical appointments.

  • Work of the Bargaining Unit (a) In order to protect the standard of nursing care, the Employer shall not contract out the work normally performed by members of this bargaining unit except: i) For purposes of instruction, ii) In the event of an emergency situation, iii) When performing developmental or experimental work, or iv) When employees are not available due to an employee not reporting for work as scheduled or not being available for work. (b) Reassignment to other employees of work normally performed by members of the bargaining unit shall not result in the termination, layoff or reduction in hours of any member of the bargaining unit. (c) When it is decided to not fill a position following an employee’s resignation, the Home will provide the rationale in writing for this decision to the Union. The Union may request a meeting to make representations on this matter.

  • EMPLOYEE PERSONNEL FILES 24-1 It is recognized by the parties that the School District may prescribe regulations for the custody, use and preservation of the records, papers, books, documents and property pertaining to the School District. However, to the extent that any records, papers, or other documents covering Employees of the Association do not relate to pre-employment data, every Employee shall be allowed to review the personnel file at any reasonable time upon request. No Employee's request shall be deferred for more than seven (7) School Days for a central office file and no more than two (2) School Days for a site location file excluding weekends and holidays. If any Employee is involved in a grievance regarding matters in the personnel file which may be material, an Association officer or other Association Representative with the written approval of the Employee may also be granted access to the Employee's personnel file at reasonable times where such access is authorized in advance by the Employee. The District shall provide copies of all legally permissible information pertinent to the grievance. 24-2 A copy of each written report, comment, or reprimand concerning an Employee which the School District places in the Employee's personnel file shall be provided that Employee. The Employee must sign the personnel copy of the report, comment, or reprimand as directed as acknowledgment of receipt of a copy of the document. Such signature may not be construed as agreement to the contents of the document. Upon request, an Employee shall be provided, at the prevailing rate per page, a reproduction of any material, excluding any pre-employment documents, in the Employee's file. Unless requested by the Association, such a request may not be made more than one time per year. 24-3 Any written response by the Employee to any written report, comment, or reprimand will also become a part of the Employee's personnel file and will remain a part of said file as long as the report, comment, or reprimand responded to remains a part of the file. In order to insure that the response is not inadvertently overlooked, the Employee will note under his or her signature on the report, comment, or reprimand at the time the response is delivered that a response has been made and the document will be countersigned by the receiving administrator and shall be attached to the supervisor's document. If an Employee desires to make a written response to any written report, comment, or reprimand issued by the Immediate Supervisor or Appropriate Administrator, the Employee's response must be made within twenty (20) days. Upon written request of the Employee, a waiver of the time limits by the Appropriate Administrator, not to exceed twenty (20) days, may be granted, which will not be unreasonably withheld. When a copy of the Immediate Supervisor's or Appropriate Administrator's written document is forwarded to any other location, a copy of the Employee's written response must be attached. 24-4 Upon review of the personnel file, an Employee may respond to documents, comments, or reprimands contained therein that the Employee believes to be inaccurate. The Employee's response shall be directed to the Superintendent's designee. If upon investigation by the Superintendent's designee it is determined that the Employee's response is accurate, the response shall become part of the Employee's personnel file or the comment, document, or reprimand in question may be removed by the Superintendent's designee. The determination as to whether the Employee response is accurate and whether said response shall become part of the Employee's personnel file or the comment, document, or reprimand in question shall be removed are determinations that shall be grievable. The Performance Evaluation Report shall remain a permanent part of the Employee's personnel file. If it is determined that the information contained within the evaluation is not substantiated as factual, the District shall replace the evaluation with a corrected copy. 24-5 It is the School District's intention that work rules, policies, and procedures are to be interpreted and applied uniformly to all Employees under similar circumstances.

  • Work Plans Tenant shall prepare and submit to Landlord for approval schematics covering the Tenant Improvements prepared in conformity with the applicable provisions of this Work Letter (the “Draft Schematic Plans”). The Draft Schematic Plans shall contain sufficient information and detail to accurately describe the proposed design to Landlord and such other information as Landlord may reasonably request. Landlord shall notify Tenant in writing within ten (10) business days after receipt of the Draft Schematic Plans whether Landlord approves or objects to the Draft Schematic Plans and of the manner, if any, in which the Draft Schematic Plans are unacceptable. Landlord’s failure to respond within such ten (10) business day period shall be deemed approval by Landlord. If Landlord reasonably objects to the Draft Schematic Plans, then Tenant shall revise the Draft Schematic Plans and cause Landlord’s objections to be remedied in the revised Draft Schematic Plans. Tenant shall then resubmit the revised Draft Schematic Plans to Landlord for approval, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Landlord’s approval of or objection to revised Draft Schematic Plans and Tenant’s correction of the same shall be in accordance with this Section until Landlord has approved the Draft Schematic Plans in writing or been deemed to have approved them. The iteration of the Draft Schematic Plans that is approved or deemed approved by Landlord without objection shall be referred to herein as the “Approved Schematic Plans.”

  • Payment for Material Completion The Contractor may request payment of the remaining contract balance, including retainage, less amounts credited the Owner or incurred as liquidated damages, and less amounts withheld for the Punchlist by reason of Minor Items or Permitted Incomplete Work (See Paragraph Payment for Material Completion shall be made by a check payable jointly to the Contractor and Surety and shall be mailed to the Surety.

  • Contractor Key Personnel ‌ The Contractor shall assign a Corporate OASIS SB Program Manager (COPM) and Corporate OASIS SB Contract Manager (COCM) as Contractor Key Personnel to represent the Contractor as primary points-of-contact to resolve issues, perform administrative duties, and other functions that may arise relating to OASIS SB and task orders solicited and awarded under OASIS SB. Additional Key Personnel requirements may be designated by the OCO at the task order level. There is no minimum qualification requirements established for Contractor Key Personnel. Additionally, Contractor Key Personnel do not have to be full-time positions; however, the Contractor Key Personnel are expected to be fully proficient in the performance of their duties. The Contractor shall ensure that the OASIS SB CO has current point-of-contact information for both the COPM and COCM. In the event of a change to Contractor Key Personnel, the Contractor shall notify the OASIS SB CO and provide all Point of Contact information for the new Key Personnel within 5 calendar days of the change. All costs associated with Contractor Key Personnel duties shall be handled in accordance with the Contractor’s standard accounting practices; however, no costs for Contractor Key Personnel may be billed to the OASIS Program Office. Failure of Contractor Key Personnel to effectively and efficiently perform their duties will be construed as conduct detrimental to contract performance and may result in activation of Dormant Status and/or Off-Ramping (See Sections H.16. and H.17.).

  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Section 1. The Employer agrees to provide to the Union the statistical and program evaluation information provided to management concerning Employee Assistance Program(s). Section 2. No information gathered by an Employee Assistance Program may be used to discipline an employee. Section 3. Employees shall be entitled to use accrued sick leave for participation in an Employee Assistance Program. Section 4. Each university will offer training to local Union Stewards on the Employee Assistance Program available in their university, on university time, where an Employee Assistance Program is available.