Management of Intellectual Property Sample Clauses
Management of Intellectual Property. (1) By signing this Agreement the Parties hereby determine that in the moment of conclusion of this Agreement the EUCF coordinator has informed the Third party about measures for implementation of the principles set out in Points 1 and 2 of the Code of Practice annexed to Commission Recommendation on the management of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities.
(2) The Third party may use the EUCF logo and/or promote the EUCF and its results only on the grounds of prior written approval of the EUCF coordinator. Unless the EUCF coordinator would request otherwise, any communication related to the EUCF and any infrastructure, equipment and major results funded by the grant must:
(a) display the EU emblem and EUCF logo, which emblem and/or logo may be downloaded from the EUCF web site (xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx);
(b) include the following text:
(3) Any communication activity related to the EUCF must indicate that it reflects only the author´s view and that the EUCF coordinator and the Third party are not responsible for any use they may be made of the information it contains.
(4) The Third party hereby acknowledges that Investment Concept, IC Summary, the Investment Concept Deck and Financial Modelling Tool which shall be prepared by a Third party and uploaded to the EUCF website user zone in a manner and under conditions set forth by previous provisions of this Agreement, are public documents and can be potentially published in EUCF publications and communication channels by EUCF coordinator, i.e.,
Management of Intellectual Property. The Lead Center shall manage intellectual assets in connection with this CRP (which, for purposes of this PIA, shall include associated intellectual property rights) in accordance with the CGIAR Principles on the Management of Intellectual Assets approved as part of the Common Operational Framework and any other Intellectual Property Principles adopted by the Consortium under the Constitution.
Management of Intellectual Property. Intellectual property of the band shall be managed as follows: created by any band member or band members during the life of this partnership shall be owned by the partnership, and copyright registrations shall be in the name of the partnership. Songwriting credit shall be to this Partnership. OR created by any band member or band members during the life of this partnership shall be owned by the individual band members who contributed to the composition of such music and writing of such lyrics; copyright registrations shall be in the name of that individual band member or band members, and such rights shall continue in accordance with US Copyright Law irrespective of whether this partnership dissolves. Songwriting credit shall be to the respective band member or member(s). OR performance or recording by this partnership shall be agreed upon by unanimous vote of all band members prior to the performance or recording of any such song. OR [SET OUT YOUR OWN AGREED-UPON METHOD FOR DETERMINATING WHO OWNS MUSIC WRITTEN BY THE BAND OR ITS MEMBERS, AND HOW SONGWRITING CREDITS AND COPYRIGHT REGISTRATION WILL BE DECIDED.]
Management of Intellectual Property. 3.1 For University Sole inventions, University will file, prosecute and maintain patent applications/patents at its own discretion and cost, subject to the terms of any license agreement between the Parties.
3.2 For Company Sole Inventions, Company will file, prosecute and maintain patent applications/patents at its own discretion and cost.
3.3 For Joint Patent Rights, the Parties will confer to agree upon a filing, prosecution, maintenance and licensing strategy. If the parties fail to agree and a public disclosure of the Invention is imminent, University may file at its discretion and cost in order to avoid potential loss of patent rights.
3.4 University and Company will each register their solely owned copyrights according to their respective policies.
3.5 University and Company will confer to agree upon a registration and management strategy for Joint Copyright Works.
Management of Intellectual Property. (1) The Parties mutually agree and understand that the Leading beneficiary will be obliged, on cover pages of all studies and publications produced on the grounds of this Agreement, to display the European Commission logo followed by the words “With the support of the” or “Supported by the”.
(2) The Parties mutually agree and understand that the Leading beneficiary will be obliged, on inner pages of all studies and publications produced on the grounds of this Agreement, to implement a disclaimer with the following content: “The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
(3) The Leading beneficiary hereby obliges to request prior approval of Scalable Cities Secretariat at all times in respect of any communication matters, guidelines and templates produced on the grounds of this Agreement in order to ensure coherency in outreach. Moreover, the Leading beneficiary needs to inform the Scalable Cities Secretariat about any public events related to the Project and activities necessary for the development of Final report which is the subject of this Agreement and to promote it via the Scalable Cities communication channels, whereby a representative from the Scalable Cities Secretariat will be entitled to attend these public events on an ad-hoc basis. SCALABLE CITIES – Energy Cities Grant Agreement ID 303– Scalable Cities project ID 03HUN00034S
(4) If a Leading beneficiary would breach any of its obligations under this clause, the financial support which has been granted to a Leading beneficiary under this Agreement could be recovered, i.e., this Agreement could be terminated, all in manner and under terms as specified by the Article 9 of this Agreement.
Management of Intellectual Property. In a consortium agreement the partners will define specifically the rules and procedures for non- disclosure of the restricted know-how and dissemination of the other project results. The consortium agreement will be based on models provided from ICT and DESCA. Commercial utilization of the project results or the parts of the project results will be defined in a consortium contract. One of the basic premises of the project is that many of the project results (IP cores, CAD tools, etc.) will be publicly available on the project web-site and as open cores. However, every partner in the consortium will be able to select the level of availability of its own project results (as provided in table
Management of Intellectual Property. 7.1. Intellectual property made by any co-founder in the process of implementation of the Project and for the purpose of serving the Project shall be owned by the Project and not privately owned by any co-founder;
7.2. In the process of resolving dispute, the owner of the disputed intellectual property is not entitled to use or transfer to any person unless otherwise agreed by the disputing party;
7.3. The intellectual property of the Project includes: brand name , product design , invention, technology, business know-how or other valuable information;
7.4. Intellectual properties owned by the Project which means not any co-founder is allowed to arbitrarily use the intellectual property for personal purposes not serving the Project and/or cause damage or disadvantage to the Project, such co-founder shall be responsible for compensating and shall not own any proportion of the Project;
7.5. Intellectual property is stored at the place agreed by the Co-founders and ensured equal access for all Co-founders.
7.6. In case of dissolution of the Project, the intellectual property is divided to the Co-founders (if divisible) equivalent to the ownership rate or equally delivered of its copies to the Co-founders if such property is indivisible however copyable. In this case, co-owners have the right to determine their own intellectual property.
Management of Intellectual Property. (1) By signing this Agreement the Parties hereby determine that in the moment of conclusion of this Agreement the EUCF coordinator has informed the Third party about measures for implementation of the principles set out in Points 1 and 2 of the Code of Practice annexed to Commission Recommendation on the management of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities.
(2) The Third party may use the EUCF logo and/or promote the EUCF and its results only on the grounds of prior written approval of the EUCF coordinator. Unless the EUCF coordinator would request otherwise, any communication related to the EUCF and any infrastructure, equipment and major results funded by the grant must:
(a) display the EU emblem and EUCF logo, which emblem and/or logo may be downloaded from the EUCF web site (xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx);
(b) include the following text:
(3) Any communication activity related to the EUCF must indicate that it reflects only the author´s view and that the EUCF coordinator and the Third party are not responsible for any use they may be made of the information it contains.
(4) The Third party hereby acknowledges that the Investment Concept, the English Summary of the Investment Concept and a Letter of Intent which shall be prepared by a Third party and uploaded to the EUCF website user zone in a manner and under conditions set forth by previous provisions of this Agreement, are public documents and can be potentially published in EUCF publications and communication channels by EUCF coordinator, i.e., by EASME.
(5) The Parties hereby mutually agree and understand that the Investment Concept and the English Summary of Investment Concept to be prepared by a Third Party under this Agreement need to contain the EUCF and EU logo, as well as the text “The investment concept is developed with support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through the European City Facility (Grant Agreement No 864212)”.
(6) If a Third Party would breach any of its obligations under this clause, the financial support which has been granted to a Third party under this Agreement could be recovered, i.e., this Agreement could be terminated, all in manner and under terms as specified by the Article 9 of this Agreement.
(7) The EUCF coordinator may use information relating to EUCF, documents, summaries for publication and public deliverables as well as any other material such as pictures or audio-visual material received from a Third party ...
Management of Intellectual Property. All partners in the consortium are committed to making the knowledge generated during the course of the project as widely and as freely available as possible. Our intention is that all results will be of a form that should be made freely available for subsequent research and development, subject to the consortium agreement on IPR. Thus we aim to fully implement the public domain recommendation as per the Call Background notes3. For this reason all of our research papers, technical reports and software will be placed in the public domain. Where appropriate, we will license the products of our research with open-source licenses such as the GPL or LGPL licences. This supports our aim of facilitating access to the results of our research for the largest possible base of users (particularly developers of intelligent robots), whilst retaining appropriate control of IPR. We shall attempt to avoid reliance on proprietary software, and where such reliance is essential and it is possible we will design our systems so as to allow subsequent reimplementation using non-proprietary infrastructure. 3 xxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx/pub/ist/docs/cognition/fp7-challenge2-background_en.pdf References [1] X. Xxxxxxxxx. Lexically Specified Derivational Control in Combinatory Categorial Grammar. PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2002. [2] X. Xxxxxxxxx and G.-X. X. Kruijff. Multi-modal combinatory categorial grammmar. In Pro- ceedings of EACL’03, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, 0000. [3] X. Xxxxxxxx. Perceptual symbol systems. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22:577–609, 1999. [4] X. Xxxxxxxx. Goal processing in autonomous agents. PhD thesis, School of Computer Science, The University of Xxxxxxxxxx, 0000. xxxx://xxx.xx.xxxx.xx.xx/research/projects/cogaff/81- 95.html#38. [5] X. Xxxxx. How Children Learn The Meaning of Words. The MIT Press, 2002. [6] X. X. Xxxxxxx, X. Xxxxxxxxxx, X. X. Xxxxxx, and X. X. Xxxxx. Experiences with an architecture for intelligent reactive agents. In Proc. of the Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, 1995. [7] X. Xxxxxxx and X. Xxxxx. Continual planning and acting in dynamic multiagent environments. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Practical Cognitive Agents and Robots, Perth, Xxxxxxxxx, 0000. [8] X. Xxxxxxxxxx, X. Xxxxxx, X. Xxxxx, and X. Xxxxxxxxxx. Reinforcement learning of dialogue strategies with hierarchical abstract machines. In Proceedings of IEEE/ACL Spoken Language Technology 2006, 2006. [9] X. Xxxx and X. Xxxxxx. Computational inter...
Management of Intellectual Property. The Parties shall manage all intellectual assets and/or related intellectual property rights created as a result of the activities carried out under this Agreement in a way that is consistent with the CGIAR Principles on the Management of Intellectual Assets (“CGIAR IA Principles”), which is available at CGIAR Fund website1 and will apply as amended from time to time. All tangible and intangible results that arise from this Agreement shall be international public goods. All intellectual assets generated under this Agreement shall be made publically available and accessible free-of-charge.