Delivery of Gas Sample Clauses

Delivery of Gas. The Operator may (but only if the Operator chooses to do so) satisfy its obligation to enable gas to be Delivered to the Shipper by using any means other than the DBNGP, provided that the Operator otherwise meets its obligations under this Contract.
Delivery of Gas. Service Provider may at its absolute discretion satisfy its obligation to deliver Gas to User by using a Gas pipeline other than the Pipeline System, or by any other means.
Delivery of Gas. 6.1 During each Active Year NGG is entitled, by submitting an NGG Nomination in accordance with Clause 9, to require the Service Provider to deliver gas (not exceeding the Available Quantity) to NGG at the Gas Delivery Point. 6.2 Subject to Clause 16, the Service Provider shall procure that it is at all times able to comply with its obligations to deliver gas to NGG pursuant to this Clause 6. 6.3 Title and risk in gas delivered by the Service Provider to NGG pursuant to the Service shall pass to NGG at the Gas Delivery Point. 6.4 NGG will pay the Service Provider the Gas Charge (as determined in accordance with 10.1(c)) in respect of the gas delivered to NGG pursuant to an NGG Nomination. 6.5 All gas delivered to NGG pursuant to an NGG Nomination shall comply with the Gas Entry Conditions. If the Service Provider delivers Non-Compliant Gas to NGG, NGG may at its option: (a) accept or continue to accept delivery of such Non-Compliant Gas (and NGG’s rights under Clause 6.6 shall not be prejudiced by its election to accept delivery of Non- Compliant Gas (whether or not NGG is aware that such gas is Non-Compliant Gas)); or (b) give written notice to the Service Provider requiring the Service Provider to procure the discontinuance of the delivery of such Non-Compliant Gas as soon as safely practicable. If, following such discontinuance, the Service Provider notifies NGG that it is able to deliver Complaint Gas to satisfy the NGG Nomination the Service Provider may resume delivery of Compliant Gas to satisfy the NGG Nomination if notified to do so in writing by NGG. 6.6 To the extent that the Service Provider delivers Non-Compliant Gas to NGG, the Service Provider shall pay to NGG the amount which NGG (in its capacity as a User) would be liable to pay in respect of such Non-Compliant Gas in accordance with the Network Code; and NGG shall have no other claim against the Service Provider in respect of such Non-Compliant Gas. 6.7 To the extent that the Service Provider fails to deliver Compliant Gas pursuant to Clause 6.5 and NGG has not chosen to accept delivery of such Non-Compliant Gas, the Service Provider shall be taken to have failed to deliver gas to NGG for the purposes of Clause 13. 6.8 NGG shall be responsible for arranging the entry of gas delivered to it pursuant to an NGG Nomination to the NGG System, and shall make the appropriate nominations for such gas as are required under the Network Code. In the event that NGG fails to make the appropriate nomin...
Delivery of Gas. Commencing on the Effective Date — (1) Processing Customer shall discontinue all processing operations upstream from the Processing Plant, other than those on-lease facilities required to comply with Questar’s CHDP standard for ML 40 or for use in on-lease field operations. (2) Processing Customer shall meet its obligation to deliver Processing Customer’s Gas to Processor by utilizing services provided under an agreement with Questar to deliver Processing Customer’s Gas connected to ML 40 to the Plant Receipt Point for processing.
Delivery of Gas. The delivery of gases (in gas, liquid, solute or solid form) shall be made depending on the type of gas and the quantity solely in officially approved cylinders or bundles of cylinders, in cryogenic receptacles, in tanks or in special packaging, hereinafter referred to generally as "containers". The costs of delivery as well as the return of the containers shall be borne by the Customer and, where performed by the Customer, at the Customer’s risk. Following successful delivery, the Customer is solely responsible for each further use of the gas and the containers. Home-delivery of containers means delivery to a place accessible to lorries and on even ground. Should CARBAGAS be engaged by the Customer to transport and/or connect goods from the home-delivery location to another location, this shall be done at the cost and risk of the Customer. Where the gases are collected by the Customer from a depot or a CARBAGAS point of sale, such transportation shall be governed by the "Ordinance on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road" ("SDR", SR 741.621) respectively the European "European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road" ("ADR", SR 0.741.621).
Delivery of Gas. On and subject to Rate 300 and the other terms and conditions of this Agreement, including Appendix “A”, during the Term of this Agreement the Customer shall deliver gas to the Company and the Company shall deliver gas to the Customer.
Delivery of Gas. 4 3. GAS BALANCING..................................................................................... 5 4. TERM.............................................................................................. 8 5. GAS QUALITY....................................................................................... 8 6.
Delivery of Gas. The Owner may (but only if the Owner chooses to do so) satisfy its obligation to Deliver Gas to the Shipper by using a Gas pipeline other than the Ashburton Lateral, provided that: (a) the Owner meets its obligations under this Contract; and (b) there is no extra cost or risk to the Shipper in doing so.
Delivery of Gas. On and subject to Rate 125 and the other terms and conditions of this Agreement, during the Term the Customer shall deliver gas to the Company and the Company shall deliver gas to the Customer.
Delivery of Gas. In any Hour during which Seller is delivering the Electricity that has been Dispatched by Buyer to an EDP, Buyer shall deliver to Seller at the corresponding GDP (i) for each Dispatch of an EDP Block in an Houron a Day that does not immediately follow a prior Dispatch of an EDP Block in that Day for that EDP, the Associated Gas for that EDP and (ii) for all Dispatches of EDP Blocks, a quantity of Gas equal to (x) the number of EDP Blockslectricity at an EDP, a quantity of Gas (in MMBtu’s) equal to (x) the quantity of Electricity requested by Buyer at an EDP in that Hour multiplied by (y) the GDP Block amount (in MMBtu’s)Heat Rate for that EDP.