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For more information visit our privacy policy.Injured on Duty An employee prevented from completing a shift due to a bona fide injury sustained while on duty will be paid for his/her full shift at straight time rates of pay, unless the employee receives Workers' Compensation Benefits for the day of the injury in which case the employee will be paid the difference between such compensation and payment for the full shift.
INJURY ON DUTY (a) All employees shall be covered by The Workplace, Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act, RSNL 1990 Chapter W-11. (b) An employee who is unable to perform the employee’s duties because of a personal injury received in the performance of the employee’s duties shall report the matter to the employee’s Supervisor and submit an account of the accident using the prescribed form as soon as possible. An employee’s claim will not be delayed where the prescribed form is not immediately provided to the employee through the Supervisor. (c) An employee who is unable to perform the employee’s duties because of a personal injury received in the performance of the employee’s duties shall be immediately placed on Injury on Duty Leave and receive compensation in accordance with the provisions of Workplace, Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act, RSNL 1990 Chapter W-11. If the claim is subsequently denied by the Workers’ Compensation Commission, the employee may access other available benefits including sick leave and annual leave. (a) In the event that the employee dies as a result of an injury received in the performance of the employee’s duties, the employee’s estate shall receive all death benefits owing to the employee in accordance with the provisions of the Workplace, Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act, RSNL 1990 Chapter W-11, in addition to any benefits the employee would be eligible for under the Public Service Pensions Act. (b) In the event that an employee becomes permanently disabled or incurs a recurring disability as a result of an injury received during the performance of the employee’s duties the employee will receive benefits in accordance with the provisions of The Workplace, Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act, RSNL 1990 Chapter W-11. (a) An employee confirmed as being unable to perform the regular duties of his/her classification as a result of injury on duty will be employed in other work he/she can do provided a suitable vacancy is available and provided that the employee is qualified and able to perform the duties required. Where a suitable vacancy is available the rate for the new position shall apply. (b) Where a suitable vacancy is not available, the incapacitated employee retains the right to displace a less senior employee in another classification who occupies a position which the incapacitated employee is qualified and able to fill. Where an incapacitated employee advises the permanent head in writing of his/her intention to exercise his/her right to displace a less senior employee, the incapacitated employee will be deemed to have been given notice of layoff effective from the date he/she was confirmed as being unable to perform the regular duties of his/her classification. Accordingly, the right to displace a less senior employee in another classification shall be exercised as per the provisions of Article 35, Layoff, Bumping and Recall. 29.04 In the event that an employee is placed on leave under the provisions of this Article, he/she will not accrue seniority during any period when he/she would normally be laid off. 29.05 The Employer determines whether its employees will be covered directly by the Workers' Compensation Commission or indirectly through a "self-insured" arrangement. Benefits under either arrangement are to be in accordance with the provisions of The Workplace, Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act, RSNL 1990 Chapter W-11. 29.06 It is agreed and understood by the parties to this Collective Agreement that an employee who is approved for full extended earnings loss (EEL) benefits from the Workplace, Health, Safety and Compensation Commission, after the date of signing of this agreement, shall no longer accumulate benefits under this agreement but shall have his/her position with the employer protected for two (2) calendar years following the date of such approval, immediately following which his/her employment shall be terminated, subject to the Human Rights Act.
Civic Duty Whenever an employee is served with a subpoena by a court of competent jurisdiction which compels his/her presence as a witness during his/her normal working period, unless he/she is a party to the litigation or an expert witness, such employee shall be granted time off with pay in the amount of the difference between the employee's regular earnings and any amount he/she receives for such appearance. This Article is not applicable to appearances for which the employee receives compensation in excess of his/her regular earnings. A court of competent jurisdiction is defined as a court within the County in which the employee resides or if outside the county of residence, the place of appearance must be within 150 miles of the employee's residence.
Extra Duty A. All extra duty activities and responsibilities for which no additional compensation is paid, but which are normally considered a part of the school's program, shall be on a voluntary basis only. B. Any unit member receiving compensation for extra- duty activity shall consider time devoted to the activity as an addition to the regular duty day and shall assume his/her share of all nonteaching, non-compensated duties on an equitable basis assumed by the other faculty members within the duty day.
Limited Duty Illness or disability caused or contributed to by pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth, and recovery is considered a temporary condition. The Employer will make a reasonable effort to provide a limited duty assignment for the employee who cannot perform the essential functions of her job because of illness or disability caused or contributed to by pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth, or recovery. The physical demands of the assignment shall be considered along with recommendations from the employee’s health care professional.
Indemnitee Rights on Unfavorable Determination; Binding Effect If any Reviewing Party determines that Indemnitee substantively is not entitled to be indemnified hereunder in whole or in part under applicable law, Indemnitee shall have the right to commence litigation seeking an initial determination by the court or challenging any such determination by such Reviewing Party or any aspect thereof, including the legal or factual bases therefor, and, subject to the provisions of Section 15, the Company hereby consents to service of process and to appear in any such proceeding. Absent such litigation, any determination by any Reviewing Party shall be conclusive and binding on the Company and Indemnitee.
NON-TEACHING DUTIES The Board and the Association acknowledge that a teacher's primary responsibility is to teach, and that his/her energies should be utilized to this end. It is agreed that teachers will be relieved of non-teaching duties to the extent possible and practical through the use of non-teaching personnel to perform clerical-type tasks and supervise playgrounds and lunchrooms.
Witness Duty An employee required to serve on jury duty, or as a witness in a case in which the Crown is a party, or as a witness at an inquest, or as a witness in a case arising out of her employment, or as a witness at a hearing of the College of Nurses of Ontario, shall not lose regular pay because of such attendance, provided that the employee: (a) shall notify the Director of Care, as soon as possible, when required to serve under any of the above circumstances; (b) presents proof of service requiring her attendance; (c) deposits with the Employer an amount equal to the jury duty attendance fees received by the employee in any above cases but not any expenses paid by the employee and received from the authorities for necessary travel, accommodations and meals; (d) will normally come to work during those scheduled hours of the day shift that she is not required to attend court. In the event that an employee is scheduled to the afternoon shift, she shall not be required to attend court and then report for duty the same day; and (e) will not be required to work on the night shift prior to such duty. Where the employee's presence is required in court past 1700 hours, she shall not be required to attend work for her night shift commencing later that day. (f) Where the Home requires an employee to attend any meetings in preparation for a case or legal proceedings or as a result of a compliance inspection which either arises from an employee’s employment with the Home or otherwise involves the Home, the Home will make every reasonable effort to schedule such meetings at the Home during the employee’s regularly scheduled hours of work. If the employee is required to attend such meetings outside of her or his regularly scheduled hours, the employee shall be paid for all hours spent in such meetings in accordance with Articles 15 and 16.
Not an Investment Adviser; No Fiduciary Duty The Company acknowledges that you are not providing any advice hereunder as to the value of securities or regarding the advisability of purchasing or selling any securities for the Fund’s portfolio. No provision of this Agreement shall be considered as creating, nor shall any provision create, any obligation on the part of you, and you are not agreeing hereby, to: (i) furnish any advice or make any recommendations regarding the purchase or sale of portfolio securities; or (ii) render any opinions, valuations or recommendations of any kind or to perform any such similar services. Neither this Agreement nor the performance of the services contemplated hereunder shall be considered to constitute a partnership, association or joint venture between you and the Company. In addition, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to constitute you as the agent or employee of the Company or the Company as your agent or employee, and neither party shall make any representation to the contrary. It is understood that you are engaged hereunder as an independent contractor solely to provide the services described above to the Company and that you are not acting as an agent or fiduciary of, and you shall not have any duties or liability to, the current or future partners, members or equity owners of the Company or any other third party in connection with its engagement hereunder, all of which are hereby expressly waived to the extent the Company has the authority to waive such duties and liabilities. Furthermore, the Company agrees that it is solely responsible for making its own judgments in connection with the matters covered by this Agreement (irrespective of whether you have advised or are currently advising the Company on related or other matters).
Jury & Witness Duty (a) If a full-time or regular part-time nurse is required to serve as a juror in any court of law, or is required to attend as a witness in a court proceeding in which the Crown is a party, or is required by subpoena to attend a court of law in connection with a case arising from the nurse's duties at the hospital, or is required to attend a coroner’s inquest in connection with a case arising from the nurse’s duties at the hospital, the nurse shall not lose service/seniority or regular pay because of such attendance and shall not be required to work the night shift prior to, or on the day of such duty provided that the nurse: i) notifies the Hospital immediately on the nurse's notification that she or he will be required to attend court; ii) presents proof of service requiring the nurse's attendance; iii) deposits with the Hospital the full amount of compensation received excluding mileage, travelling and meal allowances and an official receipt where available. In addition, where a full-time nurse or regular part-time nurse is selected for jury duty for a period in excess of one (1) week, she or he shall be paid for all hours scheduled and not be expected to attend at work. Upon completion of the process the nurse shall be returned to that point on her or his former schedule that is considered appropriate by the Hospital. It is understood and agreed that the local parties may agree to different scheduling arrangements for the first week of jury and witness duty. (b) Where the Hospital requires a nurse to attend any meetings in preparation for a case or legal proceedings which either arises from a nurse’s employment with the Hospital or otherwise involves the Hospital, the Hospital will make every reasonable effort to schedule such meetings at the Hospital during the nurse’s regularly scheduled hours of work. If the nurse is required to attend such meetings outside of her or his regularly scheduled hours, the nurse shall be paid for all hours spent in such meetings at her or his regular straight time hourly rate of pay. Part-time nurses will be credited with seniority and service for all such hours paid as provided above while in attendance at such meetings.