Extra Duty definition

Extra Duty is defined as work hours assigned by management that are hours over and above those necessary to accomplish the Psychologist – Forensic Evaluator’s and Psychiatric Social Worker’s regular assignment and fulfill their core responsibility. “Extra duty” hours typically include covering hours/shifts not regularly assigned to any other Psychologist – Forensic Evaluator or Psychiatric Social Worker. When seeking to fill the extra duty hours, the Employer retains the right to assign any Psychologist – Forensic Evaluator or Psychiatric Social Worker who has the appropriate skills and abilities required for the extra duty. Management will ask for volunteers for the extra duty, but retains the right to select any Psychologist – Forensic Evaluator or Psychiatric Social Worker for the extra duty regardless of whether there are volunteers or not and retains the right to restrict the number of extra duty assignments that any one employee works.
Extra Duty is defined as hospital operational needs identified by the employer that require a physician to work hours that are hours over and above those necessary to accomplish the physician’s regular assignment and fulfill their core responsibility. These “extra duty” hours typically include covering hours/shifts not regularly assigned to any other physician, on-call work, covering patient loads due to vacancies or working hours that are not covered because of leave usage by the regularly assigned physician. Physicians that are interested in performing “extra duty” assignments will submit, in writing to the Chief Medical Officer their interest in performing “extra duty” assignment(s). New opportunities for the above identified “extra duty” assignments will be offered first to physician volunteers who have submitted their written interest, by seniority, as long as the physician has the skills and abilities to perform the assignment. When “extra duty” is available after volunteers have been selected, or when “extra duty” requires specific knowledge or skills, the Employer retains the right to assign any physician who has the appropriate skills and abilities required for the “extra duty.” When a physician does not volunteer for “extra duty” and is assigned an “extra duty” assignment, such assignment shall be assigned by the Employer on a rotating basis in incerse seniority order. The length of the involuntary extra duty assignment shall not be more than sixty (60) continuous days in duration unless the physician working the “extra duty” assignment agrees to extend the “extra duty” assignment beyond the sixty (60) day duration. A rotating inverse seniority list will be maintained so that no person will be required to work involuntary extra duty until all eligible physicians have worked extra duty. A physician may be excused from involuntary extra duty upon approval by the Chief Medical Officer. The employer also retains the right to restrict the number of “extra duty” assignments that any one (1) physician works. The Employer may deny any physician from performing “extra duty” if the physician has any documented performance or attendance issues, which are impacting the ability of the physician to perform their core duties. If no physician is assigned to the “extra duty” assignment, then the Employer shall be allowed to use Locum Tenens physician(s) to meet operational needs. Emergency coverage will be arranged by the Chief Medical Officer. A state employed physician ma...
Extra Duty means duty outside a normal scheduled shift at a special event or at the airport.

Examples of Extra Duty in a sentence

  • An administrative restriction or suspension from overtime, Extra Duty Employment, or a restriction or suspension from any functions outside the normal workday as defined in Article 7 Work and Work Period will not be considered discipline for the purposes of this section.

  • If Extra Duty Deposit (EDD) is being obtained in such cases the same shall be reviewed and the sequence provided in para 3.2 of the said Circular No. 05/2016.

  • The Extra-Curricular schedule is divided into categories that include the High School, the Middle School, and the Elementary activities schedules and the Non-Sport Extra Duty Schedule.

  • The negotiated committees are as follows: Calendar Review Committee; Evaluation Committee; Professional Leave Committee; Certified Sick Leave Committee; Insurance Committee; Professional Advancement Committee; Extra Duty Committee and Leadership Committee.

  • Hourly payment for Extra Duty does not apply to any of the supplemental duties as defined in Article 17.

More Definitions of Extra Duty

Extra Duty is defined as work hours that are hours over and above those necessary to accomplish the physician’s regular assignment and fulfill their core responsibility. These “extra duty” hours typically include covering hours/shifts not regularly assigned to any other physician, on-call work, covering patient loads due to vacancies or working hours that are not covered because of leave usage by the regularly assigned physician. When seeking to fill the extra duty hours, the Employer retains the right to assign any physician who has the appropriate skills and abilities required for the extra duty to create equitable distribution of work. Management will ask for volunteers for the extra duty, but retains the right to select any physician for the extra duty regardless of whether there are volunteers or not and retains the right to restrict the number of extra duty assignments that any one physician works.
Extra Duty assignments in no way grants tenure to the teacher in the “Extra Duty” assignment.
Extra Duty assignment is not subject to the continuing contract law of the State of Oklahoma. This “Extra Duty” assignment applies only for the current school year and does not provide the teacher with any assurance this assignment will continue in later school years.
Extra Duty assignments shall mean those policing functions that are required by permits issued by the City of Victoria to third parties and where the third party reimburses the Employer for the costs of providing police services.
Extra Duty as defined in Section 7.2 D will be given on an hour for hour basis at one and one- quarter (1 ¼) times their regular rate of pay for the time they are assigned to the extra duty. The physician may request exchange time in lieu of payment as compensation for the extra duty hours worked.
Extra Duty. For extra duty for all extra events scheduled by the principal, participating teachers will be paid at the rate of $8.90 per hour. Teachers will register for duty at the beginning of the year for scheduling by the Principal. Teachers who register will be considered for this extra duty before other personnel. Summer School: $25/hr Mentor Teacher: $250 annually or 1 compensatory day Lunch Duty $10 per period or one day per semester Student Council: $250 annually or 2 compensatory days annually Individuals who currently hold athletic and extra-curricular/duty positions will have their salaries for those positions frozen at the 2014-2015 amounts or the current schedule of the stipend is greater. A signed contract for each extra curricular duty to be given to advisor or coach. A copy of the signed contract will be provided to the employee within two weeks of start of position. Extra Duty Pay Consistency: A signed contract will be provided for summer school, mentor teacher comp., lunch duty, class advisor, and student council. The contract will be issued prior to the start of the position. A copy of the contract will be provided to the employee. Compensation for the above duties will be paid within two weeks of finishing the assignment.
Extra Duty shall also include policing services funded by a third party where City of Victoria permits are not required, such as but not restricted to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia road block programs.