MERGER OF BUSINESS. 32.01 In the event ownership of the Co-operative passes to another employer, the relevant sections of the Manitoba Labour Relations Act shall apply. The Co-operative will notify the Union as far in advance as is possible in connection with any change in the ownership or management of their operations.
MERGER OF BUSINESS. If the Employer merges the business with another person or employer, they shall inform the other person or employer merging with the business that there is an existing Collective Agreement in effect, and that as a condition of any such merger, the other person or employer merging with the business shall assume all responsibilities and obligations accruing by virtue of the Collective Agreement, and that the other person or employer merging with the business shall agree to continue to operate the business in the City of Winnipeg.
MERGER OF BUSINESS. 20.01 In the event ownership of the Company passes to another Company, the relevant Articles of the Manitoba Labour Relations Act shall apply.
20.02 The Company will notify the Union, in writing, as far in advance as is possible in connection with any change of ownership or management, or the closing of any of their stores.
MERGER OF BUSINESS. 19.01 In the event ownership of the Employer passes to another
19.02 The Employer will notify the Union, in writing, as far in advance as is possible in connection with any change of ownership or management, or the closing of any of their stores.
MERGER OF BUSINESS. 26.01 In the event the ownership of the Company's business passes to another Company, the relevant section of the Manitoba Labour Relations Act shall apply.
MERGER OF BUSINESS. In the event ownership of the Company passes to another Company, the relevant sections of the Ontario Labour Relations Act shall apply.
MERGER OF BUSINESS. 21.01 In the event ownership of the Employer passes to another Employer, the relevant sections of the Manitoba Labour Relations Act shall apply.
21.02 The Employer will notify the Union as far in advance as is possible, in connection with any change of ownership of its store.
21.03 In the event the business is sold it is agreed that the successor employer is bound by the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The successor employer shall continue to employ all employees, without change of status, recognizing their accrued seniority for all purposes.
MERGER OF BUSINESS. 16.01 In the event ownership of the Company passes to another Company, the relevant sections of the Ontario Labour Relations Act shall apply.
16.02 The Company will notify the Union as far in advance as is possible in connection with any change of ownership or management of any of their stores.
MERGER OF BUSINESS. The Borrower has advised the Lender that the Borrower intends to consummate the Merger with Sterling in order to, among other things, satisfy all Obligations owed to the Lender in full.
MERGER OF BUSINESS. 28 71 Minimum Call-In ................................................ 11 32