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For more information visit our privacy policy.Seniority Roster The District shall maintain an updated seniority roster, indicating employee's class seniority and hire date seniority. Such rosters shall be available to CSEA.
Seniority Rosters The Employer agrees to furnish the Union each January 31 and July 31 with rosters of all employees who accrue seniority, their current and prior classifications, and start date in each classification and University start date per Section 1. Employees who have accepted positions outside the bargaining unit do not accrue class seniority in the bargaining unit when employed in positions outside the bargaining unit, but retain prior seniority earned in the bargaining unit. When two (2) or more employees have the same classification seniority date, ties shall be broken by recognizing the employee with the greater University seniority first. If a tie still continues, the employee's seniority position shall be determined by lot.
SENIORITY, LAYOFF AND RECALL A. Upon the offer of a position as a non-probationary bargaining unit member, as set forth in Article 7 [B], and the acceptance of the offer, the employee shall be entered on the seniority list, with seniority retroactive to the first day of employment as a probationary employee. There shall be no seniority among probationary employees. B. Seniority shall be defined as the length of continuous service within a classification within the bargaining unit. Bargaining unit members, who transfer between classifications, or another bargaining unit, or to a supervisory position, will have seniority in his/her former classification frozen. Bargaining unit members simultaneously assigned to more than one (1) classification will accrue seniority in both classifications. Ties on the seniority list shall be broken by the first three digits of the bargaining unit member’s social security number with the bargaining unit member having the higher number being placed first. Seniority shall accumulate while on approved leaves and shall not be considered an interruption in continuous service. Bargaining unit members will lose seniority if the bargaining unit member quits, retires, is discharged, is absent for three (3) or more consecutive days without approval, or fails to return from recall in a timely fashion. C. Classifications for purposes of this Agreement shall mean the following: Classification I: Special Education Paraeducators: providing instructional support, behavior management, daily living needs and/or community based support services. Classification II: Overload Paraeducators: providing classroom overload support services. Classification III: Title I Paraeducator D. It is specifically recognized that it is within the sole discretion of the Board to reduce its staff. Layoff shall be defined as a reduction in the number of bargaining unit members or a reduction in the bargaining unit member’s hours. In the event it becomes necessary to lay off, the following procedures will be implemented: 1. Temporary and probationary employees within the affected classification will be laid off first, provided that the remaining bargaining unit members within the classification are qualified and available to perform the work for the positions scheduled to be retained. 2. In the event it is necessary to lay off bargaining unit members with seniority, the bargaining unit member[s] in the position being eliminated shall be laid off on the basis of seniority, provided that the remaining bargaining unit members within the classification are qualified and available to perform the work of that position. Bargaining unit members affected by a layoff shall have the right to displace the least senior bargaining unit member in that classification, if they are qualified and can perform the duties of that position. E. Attempts will be made by the Employer to keep bargaining unit members likely to be affected by layoff informally updated. Bargaining unit members scheduled to be laid off shall be given at least fifteen [15] working days written notice prior to the effective date of the layoff. Upon request, the Employer will meet with the Association President to view the layoff list prior to its implementation. F. Bargaining unit members currently working in the unit shall be eligible for a vacancy before laid-off bargaining unit members are recalled. However, bargaining unit members on layoff shall be recalled before granting any positions to external candidates. Bargaining unit members will be recalled to positions within the classification from which the bargaining unit member was laid off in the inverse order of layoff, provided the bargaining unit member is qualified and can perform the work of that position. Notice of recall will be sent by Certified mail to the bargaining unit member’s last known address on file with the Human Resources Office of the Employer. It shall be the bargaining unit member’s responsibility to keep the Employer notified as to his/her current mailing address. A copy of recall notices will be sent to the Association President. Bargaining unit members will have five (5) calendar days to return to work, except under extenuating circumstances authorized by the Superintendent. The refusal to grant an extension shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. A bargaining unit member who declines a recall for which she/he is qualified shall forfeit his seniority and employment rights under this Agreement. Recall rights shall terminate twenty-four [24] months from the effective date of the bargaining unit member’s layoff. Thereafter, a bargaining unit member shall lose his/her rights to recall. G. For purposes of layoff, displacement and recall, the requirement that a bargaining unit member be qualified and able to perform the work of a position includes the requirement of the work of instructional support, living assistance, community-based support and/or behavior management support, as may be required in the particular position in question.
SENIORITY 14.01 Employees shall retain their previous seniority status with their former employer in accordance with Article 14.06, and thereafter seniority is defined as the length of service in the bargaining unit and shall be used in determining preference or priority for promotions, transfers, demotions, layoffs and recall. Seniority shall operate on a Union-wide basis. 14.02 The Corporation shall maintain a master seniority list showing the date upon which each employee's service commenced and seniority date. The Corporation shall prepare copies of the seniority list which shall be brought up-to-date following each pay period and copies shall be posted to the Corporation’s intranet system and e-mailed to the Union. 14.03 Any newly hired full-time, part-time and casual employees shall be on probation and seniority shall become effective only after an employee has worked a total of six hundred hours (600) hours and shall then be measured from the beginning of the probationary period. During the probationary period employees shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of this Agreement, except that he shall not grieve with respect to discharge. 14.04 Seniority rights shall cease for the following reasons: (a) If the employee resigns; (b) After twenty-four (24) consecutive months on layoff; (c) If the employee is discharged and the discharge is not reversed through the grievance procedure; (d) If an employee has been absent from work in excess of five (5) working days without sufficient cause or without notifying his xxxxxxx, superintendent, or immediate supervisor, unless satisfactory reason is given; (e) If an employee is laid off and fails to return to work within five (5) working days after being notified by registered mail to his last known address, on the Corporation's records, to report for work and does not give a satisfactory reason; (f) If an employee overstays a leave of absence granted by the Corporation in writing and does not secure an extension of such leave, unless a satisfactory reason is given; (g) Seniority shall end as of the end of the month in which the employee retires (i) No employee shall be promoted to a position outside the bargaining unit without his consent. If an employee is promoted to a permanent position outside of the bargaining unit, subsequent to the signing of this agreement, he shall retain his seniority acquired at the time of leaving the bargaining unit for a period of not to exceed six (6) months. Such an employee may only return to the bargaining unit during the six (6) months probationary period for this position, if laid off, terminated from the assignment or through the posting procedure. (ii) An employee who accepts a temporary posted position outside of the bargaining unit subsequent to the signing of this agreement for reason other than replacing a person who is absent due to illness, as defined in Article 23, shall have such temporary assignment limited to a period not to exceed one (1) year unless mutually agreed otherwise by the Parties. The employee shall return to his former permanent position upon completion of the temporary assignment and shall retain his seniority without any further accumulation from the time he worked outside of the bargaining unit. (iii) An employee may be appointed to a position outside of the bargaining unit without a posting, and in such case, the following shall apply: (a) Appointments to temporary unposted non-union positions shall not exceed twenty (20) consecutive shifts, or exceed more than sixty (60) shifts in any calendar year. (b) During the period of appointment, the employee shall continue to remit union dues and will retain and continue to accumulate seniority. (c) During the period of appointment, the Parties agree the initial bargaining unit position will be back-filled by existing bargaining unit members on the basis of seniority and qualifications to perform the work involved. (d) In the event a bargaining unit member is not available to perform this work, or no member of the bargaining unit is willing to perform this work, a casual labour pool employee will be assigned in accordance with the casual labour pool policy. (e) All subsequent vacancies shall be filled in accordance with (c) and (d) above. (f) It is understood that any member of the bargaining unit appointed to a temporary unposted non-union position will not be responsible for labour relations or human resources issues involving bargaining unit members. Such matters will be referred to permanent non-union supervisors and managers. (g) It is understood the above conditions come into effect after one (1) shift when a member of the bargaining unit is appointed to a temporary unposted non-union position. 14.06 The seniority date of employees in municipalities, boards or commissions which have been or will be assumed by the Corporation and come within the jurisdiction of this Collective Agreement will be placed in their rightful chronological position on a combined list of employees forming the total seniority list. 14.07 Any regular full-time or part-time employee within the Corporation, who becomes a member of CUPE Local 1287 as the result of a permanent workplace accommodation due to a disability, shall transfer all accumulated seniority and/or credited service with the Corporation to CUPE Local 1287. 14.08 The following is the process to be used when two (2) or more employees have the same seniority date.
Seniority Unit Layoff List Selection shall next be made from the Seniority Unit Layoff List unless the vacancy is being filled by an employee with more classification seniority who has received notice of permanent layoff.
Seniority Retention Laid off employees shall retain their seniority accumulated up to the time of layoff as follows: (a) If laid off after three (3) months’ continuous employment – up to three (3) months; or (b) If laid off after twelve (12) or more months’ continuous employment – up to one (1) year.
Super Seniority For purposes of layoff and recall only, the President shall head the seniority list, provided however, that such officer must have the necessary skill and experience to perform the required work. The Sheriff agrees that this section shall not be applied in an arbitrary manner.
Seniority Accrual All paid leaves shall be treated as continuous employment for the purposes of seniority accrual. Unpaid leaves shall be treated as continuous employment for the purposes of seniority accrual for the duration of the leave, except for movement up the salary increment scale.
SENIORITY AND LAYOFF The first twelve (12) months of continuous employment starting from the date of employment shall constitute a new employee’s probationary period. At the three (3) month point in the probationary period, the DPW Director (for the DPW employees) and the Town Administrator (for the Custodian employees) will meet with the employee for an evaluation in order to inform him/her of any problems with job performance and corrections that need to be made. If the DPW Director or the Town Administrator determines that within or at the end of the twelve (12) month period that the employee is not performing their duties, then said employee can be discharged from said position without recourse from the Union (not subject to the grievance procedure). An employee shall acquire seniority after completing the twelve (12) month probationary period and his/her seniority will revert to the beginning date of employment. During the twelve (12) month probationary period said employee shall be entitled to and receive all the benefits of the Collective Bargaining Agreement as practiced in the past. An employee's full time continuous service with the Town of Pembroke ("Town-wide" seniority) shall determine the employee's seniority for purposes of layoff and recall under this article. Overall seniority will be considered in cases of transfers. Overall seniority within each Division will be considered in preference in choice of vacation periods. In the event that the DPW Director needs to transfer employees from one Division to another, the transfer notification will be posted on the Union Board. The transfer will start with the least senior employee in the Division effected unless a senior employee in the Division requests the transfer in writing. If the Town finds it necessary to lay off employees, the procedures set forth in this article will apply. The employer shall meet with the Union to discuss any impending layoffs at least thirty (30) days prior to such layoff. A "layoff" is hereby defined as a complete termination of employment for economic or other legitimate non-disciplinary reasons. If a layoff is necessary, the Town shall layoff by job classification first, then by seniority, starting with the least senior employee. In all cases, seniority shall be measured by Town-wide service as defined above and not by departmental service. If it is the Highway, Tree, Cemetery budget that is affected by the layoff, the least senior employee will have the right to bump a lesser senior employee in the Water Division. If it is the Water budget that is affected, the least senior employee will have the right to bump a lesser senior employee in the Highway, Tree or Cemetery Division. In the case of the Custodian Classification, if a layoff is necessary, the Town shall layoff in the order of starting with the least senior employee within the Custodian classification. An employee in the Custodian classification will not be permitted to bump any employee within any of the other DPW Divisions. In the event of a layoff, the Custodians shall not be eligible to bump into any other division of the DPW, meaning the Water, Highway, or Cemetery/Tree Divisions. In rehiring in any job classification the Town will offer re-employment to these former employees who have been laid off in the inverse order in which said employees were laid off. There shall be no obligation to offer re-employment to any employee who has been laid off more than three (3) years. The offer of re-employment shall be sufficient if made by certified or registered mail addressed to the laid off employee at his last address of record, as shown by the records of the town. Any such laid off employee must respond and be available for re-employment within seventeen (17) days from the date of mailing of the offer; otherwise the laid off employee shall be deemed to have refused re-employment and the Town's obligation under this article is satisfied.
SENIORITY AND LAYOFFS 11.01 Seniority of employees shall be calculated from date of hire. New employees shall be placed on the seniority list at the end of their probationary period and their respective seniority shall be dated back to the date of beginning of employment. Employees hired on the same date shall be placed on the seniority grid in reverse alphabetical order. 11.02 Seniority lists shall be maintained at all times by the Employer and shall be available to the Union to ascertain the seniority status of an employee within its jurisdiction. 11.03 Seniority rights shall cease for any employee who: a. voluntarily quits the employ of the Employer; b. is discharged and such discharge is not reversed through the grievance procedure; c. is laid off for a continuous period of more than nine (9) consecutive months; d. fails to return to work within five (5) workdays after notification to his address on record with the Employer or fails to notify the Employer within two (2) workdays of his intention to return. a. In case of layoffs, the Employer will give such recognition to the seniority standings of the employees as the continued proper performance of his work will permit. Ability to perform available work being relatively equal, the rule shall prevail that the employee having most seniority shall be laid off last and recalled first. b. Employees with less than six (6) months' seniority shall not have the right to recall. 11.05 One (1) week's notice of layoff shall be given to each employee for each year of seniority to a maximum of eight (8) weeks notice. 11.06 Any appeal in regard to a layoff must be taken up under the first step of the grievance procedure hereinafter set forth within three (3) workdays after the layoff took place. 11.07 Any employee laid off and recalled for work must return within two (2) workdays when unemployed and within five (5) workdays when employed elsewhere after being recalled, or make definite arrangements with the Employer to return.