Method of Accountability Sample Clauses

Method of Accountability. How will the contractor be monitored? Describe how the progress and performance of the contractor will be monitored during and on close of the contract period. Identify who will be responsible for supervising the contract.
Method of Accountability. Describe how the progress and performance of the consultant will be monitored. Identify who is responsible for supervising the consultant agreement. If the above information is unknown for any consultant at the time the application is submitted, the information may be submitted at a later date as a revision to the budget. In the Budget Narrative, a summary should be provided of the proposed consultants, the work to be completed, and amounts for each. Recipient must not incur costs for consultant activities until the aforementioned information is provided for each consultant and CMS approval obtained.
Method of Accountability. Describe how the progress and performance of the consultant will be monitored. Identify who is responsible for supervising the consultant agreement. All contracts require reporting the following information to HHS.
Method of Accountability. The Gulf Consortium board of directors will be responsible for monitoring consultants. At Consortium board meetings, about 5 times per year, the board reviews expenses and accomplishments of Consortium consultants.
Method of Accountability. The Gulf Consortium management will be responsible for monitoring subrecipient performance to ensure technical and financial accountability. Twice-annual financial reports and annual performance reports and check-in calls will be required for subrecipients to deliver to Gulf Consortium management. Procurement of the contractor for construction will be reviewed by Gulf Consortium management and legal for compliance.
Method of Accountability describe how the progress and performance of the consultant will be monitored. Individually list each item requested. Show the unit cost of each item, the number needed, and the total amount. Provide justification for each item and relate it to specific program objectives. Dollars requested in the travel category should be for staff memberstravel only.
Method of Accountability. Describe how the contractor will be monitored during and on close of the contract period and who will be providing the monitoring.
Method of Accountability. MPHI staff work onsite in the MDHHS TB program and submit management reports to the MDHHS and attend staff meeting on a monthly basis. Additionally, MPHI submits monthly FSRs to the program and MDHHS budget offices. The MDHHS TB Program Manager is responsible for supervising the contract. 7. MPHI Itemized Budget and Justification $12,190
Method of Accountability. Describe how the progress and performance of the consultant will be monitored. Identify who is responsible for supervising the consultant agreement. Equipment is defined as tangible, non-expendable personal property (including exempt property) that has a useful life of more than one year AND an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. All equipment requests should provide the requested information below. Provide a justification for the use of each item and relate it to specific program objectives. Maintenance or rental fees for equipment should be shown in the OTHER category. Individually list each item requested and provide a justification for the use of each item and relate it to specific program objectives. If appropriate, general office supplies may be shown by an estimated amount per month times the number of months in the budget period.
Method of Accountability. MDHHS TB program personnel meet with higher-burden health departments during cohort reviews and as needed. Accountability for the receipt of CBPC funds occurs through the MDHHS and Local Public Health Accreditation process. Quarterly FSRs are submitted to MDHHS.