Methods of Procurement Sample Clauses

Methods of Procurement. A. All public contracts with nongovernmental contractors for the purchase or lease of goods, or for the purchase of services, insurance, or construction, shall be awarded after competitive sealed bidding, or competitive negotiation as provided in this section, unless otherwise authorized by law. B. Professional services shall be procured by competitive negotiation. Qualification-based selection shall be used for design services. C. Goods, services, or insurance may be procured by competitive negotiation. D. Construction may be procured only by competitive sealed bidding, except that competitive negotiation may be used in the following instances upon a determination made in advance by the Institution and set forth in writing that competitive sealed bidding is either not practicable or not fiscally advantageous to the public, which writing shall document the basis for this determination: 1. By the Institution on a fixed price design-build basis or construction management basis under § 7; 2. By the Institution for the construction, alteration, repair, renovation, or demolition of buildings; or 3. By the Institution for the construction of highways and any draining, dredging, excavation, grading, or similar work upon real property. E. Upon a determination in writing that there is only one source practicably available for that which is to be procured, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that source without competitive sealed bidding or competitive negotiation. The writing shall document the basis for this determination. The Institution shall issue a written notice stating that only one source was determined to be practicably available, and identifying that which is being procured, the contractor selected, and the date on which the contract was or will be awarded. This notice shall be posted in a designated public area, which may be the Department of General Services' website for the Commonwealth's central electronic procurement system, or published in a newspaper of general circulation on the day the Institution awards or announces its decision to award the contract, whichever occurs first. Public notice shall also be published on the Department of General Services' website for the Commonwealth's central electronic procurement system and may be published on other appropriate websites. F. In case of emergency, a contract may be awarded without competitive sealed bidding or competitive negotiation; however, such procurement shall be made with such competi...
Methods of Procurement. PARTIES shall adhere to the procurement methods found in 2 CFR 200, Subpart D, § 200.320.
Methods of Procurement. (1) Each State and subrecipient shall use one of the following methods of procurement, as appropriate for each procurement action: (i) Small purchase procedures—simple and informal procurement methods for securing services, supplies, or other property that do not cost more than $25,000 in the aggregate. Recipients and subrecipients shall not break down one purchase into several purchases merely to be able to use small purchase proce- dures. The Governor shall establish standards for small purchase proce- dures to ensure that price or rate quotations will be documented from an adequate number of qualified sources. (ii) Sealed bids (formal advertising)— bids are publicly solicited procure- ments for which a firm-fixed-price award (lump sum or unit price) or other fixed-price arrangement is awarded to the responsible bidder whose bid, conforming with all the ma- terial terms and conditions of the invi- tation for bids, is the lowest in price. The Governor shall establish standards for sealed bids which include require- ments that invitations for bids be pub- licly advertised, and that bids be solic- ited from an adequate number of orga- nizations. (iii) Competitive proposals—normally conducted with more than one source submitting an offer and either a fixed- price or cost-reimbursement type award is made. The Governor shall es- tablish standards for competitive pro- posals which include requirements for the establishment of a documented methodology for technical evaluations and award to the responsible offeror whose proposals are most advantageous to the program with price, technical, and other factors considered.
Methods of Procurement. (2 CFR 200.320) Federal guidance defines five methods of procurement: Micro-Purchases, Small Purchases, Sealed Bids, Competitive Proposals and Non- Competitive Proposals. For each type of procurement, the information in the shaded area indicates records that must be maintained in the subrecipient’s files.
Methods of Procurement. 1. Without prejudice to the method of government procurement used in respect of any specific procurement, procuring entities shall ensure that such methods are specified in the notice of intended procurement or tender documents. 2. The Parties or the Signatory CARIFORUM States shall ensure that their laws and regulations clearly prescribe the conditions under which procuring entities may utilise limited tendering procedures. Procuring entities shall not utilise such methods for the purpose of restricting participation in the procurement process in a non-transparent manner. 3. When conducting procurement by electronic means, a procuring entity shall: (a) ensure that the procurement is conducted using generally available and interoperable information technology products and software, including those related to authentication and encryption of information; and (b) maintain mechanisms that ensure the integrity of, and prevent inappropriate access to, requests for participation and tenders.
Methods of Procurement. The Recipient shall procure services and items including, but not limited to, any equipment and materials that are necessary to complete the Project in accordance with documented procurement methods of either the Recipient or the Secretary.
Methods of Procurement. 1. Contracts up to and including $10,000 - the Grantee is required to obtain price or rate quotations from a reasonable number of sources, but no less than two, and maintain a record of the same in its files. 2. Contracts for more than $10,000 - Competitive Selection: An RFP or RFQ should be broadly publicized. Depending on the subject matter of the contract, notice should be published in local newspapers, newspapers of general circulation, relevant websites, and/or trade or professional publications, as the circumstances warrant. Grantee may also solicit bids from potential contractors directly.
Methods of Procurement. (i) Procurement By Small Purchase Procedures. Small purchase procedures are those relatively simple and informal methods for securing services, Supplies, or other property that do not cost more than $100,000. If small purchase procedures are used, price or rate quotations shall be obtained from an adequate number of qualified sources. (ii) Procurement By Sealed Bids. Sealed bids are those bids that are publicly solicited for which a firm-fixed-price Contract is awarded to the lowest bidder who meets all the terms and conditions of the invitation. The sealed bid method is the preferred method for procuring construction, if the conditions of sub-clause (10)(iii) apply. (iii) The following conditions shall apply to sealed bidding: (1) a complete, adequate, and realistic specification or purchase description must be available; (2) two or more responsible bidders must be willing and able to compete effectively and for the business; (3) the procurement must lend itself to a firm fixed price contract; and (4) the selection of the successful bidder can be made principally on the basis of price. (iv) The following requirements shall apply if sealed bids are used: (1) the invitation for bids shall be publicly advertised, solicited from an adequate number of known suppliers, and provide bidders with sufficient time to respond; (2) the invitation shall include any specifications and pertinent attachments, and define the items or services to allow the bidder to properly respond; (3) all bids shall be publicly opened at the time and place prescribed in the invitation for bids; and (4) a firm fixed-price Contract award shall be made in writing to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Any or all bids may be rejected if there is a sound documented reason.
Methods of Procurement. 1. Without prejudice to the method of government procurement used in respect of any specific procurement, procuring entities shall ensure that such methods are specified in the notice of intended procurement or tender documents. 2. The Parties or the Signatory CARIFORUM States shall ensure that their laws and regulations clearly prescribe the conditions under which procuring entities may utilise limited tendering procedures. Procuring entities shall not utilise such methods for the purpose of restricting participation in the procurement process in a non-transparent manner. 3. When conducting procurement by electronic means, a procuring entity shall: (a) ensure that the procurement is conducted using generally available and interoperable information technology products and software, including those related to authentication and encryption of information; and (b) maintain mechanisms that ensure the integrity of, and prevent inappropriate access to, requests for participation and tenders. Selective tendering 1. Whenever selective tendering procedures are employed, procuring entities shall: (a) Publish a notice of intended procurement; (b) In the notice of intended procurement invite eligible suppliers to submit a request for participation; (c) Select the suppliers to participate in the selective tendering procedure in a fair manner; and (d) Indicate the time limit for submitting requests for participation. 2. Procuring Entities shall recognise as qualified suppliers all suppliers which meet the conditions for participation in a particular procurement, unless the procuring entity states in the notice or, where publicly available, in the tender documentation, any limitation on the number of suppliers that will be permitted to tender and the objective criteria for such limitation. 3. Where the tender documentation is not made publicly available from the date of publication of the notice referred to in paragraph 1, procuring entities shall ensure that those documents are made available at the same time to all the qualified suppliers selected.
Methods of Procurement. 1. Up to and including $1,000 - the Grantee is required to obtain price or rate quotations from a reasonable number of sources, but no less than two, and maintain a record of the same in its files. 2. More than $1,000 - The Grantee is required to maintain records in its files to document how the procurement decision was made. The following methods apply in order of preference of use: a. Competitive Selection: Proposals and or qualifications should be requested from a number of sources and the RFP or RFQ should be broadly publicized. Depending on the subject matter of the contract, notice should be published in local newspapers, newspapers of general circulation, relevant websites, and/or trade or professional publications, as the circumstances warrant. 1. Proposals/qualifications shall be solicited from an adequate number of qualified sources to permit reasonable competition consistent with the nature and requirements of the procurement. 2. RFP/RFQ shall identify the scope of services, the procedural and substantive requirements of the bidding process, the key elements of the contract to be signed by the vendor winning the bid, and all significant evaluation criteria, including their relative importance in the selection process. 3. If the Grantee utilized the services of a consultant to prepare its grant application the Town must make the application available to prospective bidders as part of the RFP/RFQ process to ensure a fair and open competition among vendors. 4. The Grantee shall prepare and document the method it uses to objectively evaluate the proposals and to make its final selection. Such documentation shall be maintained in Xxxxxxx’s official records. 5. The award shall be given to the bidder whose proposal is most responsive to the RFP/RFQ evaluation criteria taking into consideration price and other relevant factors.