CONTRACTS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES. Consistent with Program Obligations, to the extent that Borrower obtain, or cause to be obtained, contracts for goods, materials, supplies, and services (“Goods and Services”), it shall do so at costs, amounts, and terms that do not exceed reasonable and necessary levels and those customarily paid in the vicinity of the Land for Goods and Services received. The purchase price of Goods and Services shall be based on quality, durability and scope of work. Reasonable Operating Expenses do not include amounts paid for betterments as defined in the Property Jurisdiction or the Improvements unless determined by HUD to be prudent and appropriate. If the Borrower is acquiring goods and services whose costs exceed five percent (5.00%) of the Healthcare Facility’s gross annual revenue, Borrower shall solicit written cost estimates. Borrower shall keep copies of all written cost estimates and contracts or other instruments relating to the Project, all or any of which may be subject to inspection and examination by HUD at the Project or other mutually agreeable location.
CONTRACTS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES a. Unless the Global Fund agrees otherwise in writing, the Principal Recipient shall disclose to the Global Fund the policies and practices that it will use to contract for goods and services under this Agreement. At a minimum, such policies and practices shall conform to requirements 1 through 5 listed below. (1) Contracts shall be awarded, to the extent practical, on a competitive basis. (2) Solicitations for goods and services shall be based upon a clear and accurate description of the goods or services to be acquired. (3) Contracts shall be awarded only to responsible contractors that possess the potential ability to successfully perform the contracts. (4) No more than a reasonable price (as determined, for example, by a comparison of price quotations and market prices) shall be paid to obtain goods and services. (5) The Principal Recipient shall maintain records regarding the receipt and use of goods and services acquired under the Agreement by the Principal Recipient, the nature and extent of solicitations of prospective suppliers of goods and services acquired by the Principal Recipient, and the basis of award of Principal Recipient contracts and orders. b. Title to goods or other property financed under this Agreement shall be in the name of the Principal Recipient or such other entity as the Principal Recipient may designate and shall be disposed of by the Principal Recipient during the life of the Program or at its completion in accordance with Article 19 below. c. From time to time, the Global Fund will issue Implementation Letters to further advise the Principal Recipient regarding policies applicable to contracts for goods and services using Grant funds.
CONTRACTS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES. Consistent with Program Obligations, Borrower shall obtain, or cause to be obtained, contracts for goods, materials, supplies, and services (“Goods and Services”) at costs, amounts, and terms that do not exceed reasonable and necessary levels and those customarily paid in the vicinity of the Land for Goods and Services received. The purchase price of Goods and Services shall be based on quality, durability and scope of work and shall be made upon the most advantageous terms to the Project operation. Reasonable Operating Expenses do not include amounts paid for betterments as defined in the Property Jurisdiction or Improvements unless determined by HUD to be prudent and appropriate. If the Borrower is acquiring goods and services whose usual costs are expected to exceed the greater of $10,000 or five (5) percent of the Borrower’s gross annual revenue, Borrower shall solicit written cost estimates to ensure that prices paid by Borrower for Goods and Services, including the preparation of the annual audit, are competitive with prices paid in the area for Goods and Services of similar quality. Borrower shall keep copies of all written contracts or other instruments relating to the Project, all or any of which may be subject to inspection and examination by HUD at the Project or other mutually agreeable location.
CONTRACTS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES. Consistent with Program Obligations, to the extent that Borrower obtain, or cause to be obtained, contracts for goods, materials, supplies, and services (“Goods and Services”) at costs, amounts, and terms that do not exceed reasonable and necessary levels and those customarily paid in the vicinity of the Land for Goods and Services received. The purchase price of Goods and Services shall be based on quality, durability and scope of work. Reasonable Operating Expenses do not include amounts paid for betterments as defined in the Property Jurisdiction or the Improvements unless determined by HUD to be prudent and appropriate. If the Borrower is acquiring goods and services whose costs exceed five percent (5.00%) of the Healthcare Facility’s gross annual revenue, Borrower shall solicit written cost estimates. Borrower shall keep copies of all written cost estimates and contracts or other instruments relating to the Project, all or any of which may be subject to inspection and examination by HUD at the Project or other mutually agreeable location.
CONTRACTS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES. 1. Subgrantee may contract for services purchased in whole or in part with funds provided under this Agreement, but only when the specialized skills, knowledge and resources to be provided by a vendor are not available within Subgrantee’s organization or if the work required by this Agreement cannot be performed in a reasonable time with Subgrantee’s staff. 2. This vendor must be of recognized professional expertise, certification, license, registration, or stature in a field. Vendor shall further be registered to do business in the State of Oregon, xxxx:// 3. Subgrantee shall develop and maintain policies and procedures for procuring, by purchase, rental or otherwise, any equipment, supplies, or other goods and services in a manner consistent with 2 CFR, Part 215 – Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Learning, Hospitals, and other Non-profit Organizations; and/or 2 CFR, Part 230 – Cost Principles for Non-profit Organizations, Office of Budget and Management Circular A-102, and any applicable federal agency codifications of The Grants Management Common Rule and the following guidelines for selection of contractors: a. For Small Procurements of $5,000 or less: i. Encourage competition to the extent possible; ii. Document the process as described in subsection (b)(iii) below; and iii. Use best efforts to select small businesses, minority-owned firms, and women’s business enterprises whenever possible consistent with section 2. iv. As these procurements involve such small expenditures that they do not justify a significant investment of public resources in a more formal procurement process, therefore Subgrantee is prohibited from artificially dividing or fragmenting a procurement to bring the procurement amount below the $5,000 threshold. To comply with this provision, Subgrantee should base the sizing of its procurements on the Subgrantee’s realistic purchasing requirements or rational business practices. b. For Procurements of more than $5,000; i. Solicit a minimum of 3 responses; ii. Every prospective bidder must be notified in the same way and receive the same information; iii. Document the process – name of firm and person contacted, when, how, responses or bids, and name of person making contact. This documentation must be kept with the resulting contract; and iv. Use best efforts to select small businesses, minority-owned firms, and women’s busines...
CONTRACTS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES. Consistent with Program Obligations, Borrower shall obtain, or cause to be obtained, contracts for goods, materials, supplies, and services (“Goods and Services”) at costs, amounts, and terms that do not exceed reasonable and necessary levels and those customarily paid in the vicinity of the Land for Goods and Services received. The purchase price of Goods and Services shall be based on quality, durability and scope of work and shall be made upon the most advantageous terms to the Project operation. Reasonable Operating Expenses do not include amounts paid for betterments as defined in the Property Jurisdiction or Improvements unless determined by HUD to be prudent and appropriate. Borrower shall keep copies of all written contracts or other instruments relating to the Project, all or any of which may be subject to inspection and examination by HUD at the Project or other mutually agreeable location.
CONTRACTS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES. All services or goods for which the General Partner or any of its Affiliates is to receive compensation which are not otherwise described in this Agreement or the Origination & Servicing Agreement shall be embodied in a written contract which precisely describes the services to be rendered and all compensation to be paid. Other than contracts specifically authorized under this Agreement, including without limitation the Origination & Servicing Agreement, the contract may only be modified by a Majority vote of the Limited Partners, and the contract shall contain a clause allowing termination without penalty by Majority vote of the Limited Partners on 60 days notice to the Limited Partners.
CONTRACTS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES a. Unless the Global Fund agrees otherwise in writing, (1) The Principal Recipient shall disclose to the Global Fund the policies and practices that it will use to contract for goods and services under this Agreement. At a minimum, such policies and practices shall conform to the requirements (a) through (e) listed below. (a) Contracts shall be awarded, to the extent practical, on a competitive basis. (b) Solicitations for goods and services shall be based upon a clear and accurate description of the goods or services to be acquired. (c) Contracts shall be awarded only to responsible contractors that possess the potential ability to successfully perform the contracts. (d) No more than a reasonable price (as determined, for example, by a comparison of price quotations and market prices) shall be paid to obtain goods and services. (e) The Principal Recipient shall maintain records regarding the receipt and use of goods and services acquired under the Agreement by the Principal Recipient, the nature and extent of solicitations of prospective suppliers of goods and services acquired by the Principal Recipient, and the basis of award of Principal Recipient contracts and orders. (2) Title to goods or other property financed by the Global Fund under this Agreement shall be in the name of the Principal Recipient or a Sub-recipient or other entity approved by the Principal Recipient. b. From time to time, the Global Fund may issue Implementation Letters to further advise the Principal Recipient regarding policies applicable to the contracts for goods (including pharmaceutical products) and services using Grant funds.
CONTRACTS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES. All services or goods for which the General Partner or any of its Affiliates are to receive compensation that are not otherwise described or specifically authorized in this Agreement or the Origination and Servicing Agreement shall be subject to the following provisions: