Direct Contracting Goods and works which the Association agrees meet the requirements for Direct Contracting may be procured in accordance with the provisions of said procurement method.
Input Control The possibility to subsequently verify and determine whether, and by whom, personal data was entered into, changed or removed from data processing systems must be ensured. • Definition of entry authorisation • Logging of logins
Independent Contractor Relationship Both parties hereto, in the performance of this Contract, shall act in an individual capacity and not as agents, employees, partners, joint ventures or associates of one another. The employees or agents of one party shall not be deemed or construed to be the employees or agents of the other party for any purposes whatsoever.
Program Development NWESD agrees that priority in the development of new applications services by XXXXX shall be in accordance with the expressed direction of the XXXXX Board of Directors operating under their bylaws.
Developing Educator Plan shall mean a plan developed by the Educator and the Evaluator for one school year or less for an Educator without Professional Teacher Status (PTS); or, at the discretion of an Evaluator, for an Educator with PTS in a new assignment.
Data Input Control It will be possible to retrospectively examine and establish whether and by whom Personal Data have been entered, modified or removed from SAP data processing systems.
Independent Contractor Status The Sub-Adviser shall for all purposes hereof be deemed to be an independent contractor and shall, unless otherwise provided or authorized, have no authority to act for or represent the Trust or the Adviser in any way or otherwise be deemed an agent of the Fund or the Adviser.
PAYMENT FOR GOODS AND SERVICES a. DIR Customer shall comply with Chapter 2251, Texas Government Code, or applicable local law, in making payments to the Vendor. Payment under a DIR Contract shall not foreclose the right to recover wrongful payments. b. Payments must be made in accordance with laws and procedures applicable to DIR Customer. c. DIR Customer agrees to pay the rates and/or prices set by DIR with its vendors. DIR Customer understands these rates and/or prices include a DIR administrative fee. d. All purchases executed under a DIR Contract will require a DIR Customer purchase order.
Independent Contractor; Authority Notwithstanding the Services provided by the Administrator pursuant to this Agreement, the Administrator shall be deemed to be an independent contractor with respect to the Services. The management, policies and operations of the Parties (including the ultimate approval of the making or disposition of the Painting by the Issuer or Masterworks Cayman, and the terms and conditions thereof) shall be the responsibility of the Parties other than the Administrator.
INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR; NO AGENCY Nothing in this Agreement will in any way be construed to render Influencer to be or to be construed as an agent, employee or representative of Brand. Influencer is and will perform the Services hereunder as an independent contractor. Influencer acknowledges and agrees that Influencer will not be eligible for any employee benefits (nor do they desire any of them) and expressly waives any entitlement to such benefits. Influencer further agrees to indemnify Brand and hold it harmless to the extent of any obligation imposed on Brand resulting from Influencer’s being determined not to be an independent contractor.