Detention Sample Clauses
Detention. Teachers and other certificated employees shall have the authority to detain students under their supervision for up to forty (40) minutes after the regular student dismissal time. Detention will not extend beyond the time of departure of the bus upon which the student can ride unless prior arrangements have been made with the student’s parents or guardian.
Detention. 1. Detention applies when Carrier is delayed or detained on the premises of Shipper or consignee for loading or unloading. Xxxxxxx agrees to be responsible for detention charges, provided that Xxxxxxx arrives at the location of loading or unloading prior to or at the Carrier’s scheduled appointment time. Xxxxxxx will not be entitled to detention charges when Xxxxxxx arrives at the location of loading or unloading after the scheduled appointment time.
2. When Xxxxxxx arrives at the location of loading or unloading prior to or at the scheduled appointment time, Xxxxxxx may charge Xxxxxxx for detention at the rate of $1.00 per minute after the first two hours of time incurred after the scheduled appointment time while waiting for loading or unloading. Charges for detention may not exceed $360.00 per occurrence. The driver, power unit (tractor) and trailer must be on the premises of Shipper facility or consignee facility in order to qualify for detention charges to be approved by Shipper.
3. Shipper reserves the right to audit Carrier’s check in and out information and may deny or seek repayment for detention charges pursuant to inaccuracies in audit.
4. In order for Carrier to seek detention charges Carrier must provide a statement of record that demonstrates the time Carrier checked in and checked out of Shipper’s facility. This statement of record depending on facility will either be (1) a 214 status update or (2) a signed BOL annotating the times checked in and out.
Detention. Referral to a counselor, law enforcement official or state agency.
Detention. The holding by a con- xxxxxx or consignee of a trailer, with or without power unit and driver, beyond the free time allocated for the ship- ment, under circumstances not attrib- utable to the performance of the car- xxxx. [44 FR 4681, Jan. 23, 1979, as amended at 49 FR 47850, Dec. 7, 1984; 62 FR 15424, Apr. 1, 1997] Other than through the interchange of equipment as set forth in § 376.31, and under the exemptions set forth in subpart C of these regulations, the au- thorized carrier may perform author- ized transportation in equipment it does not own only under the following conditions:
Detention. The learner understands that the consequences for breaking the school rules will result in the receiving of demerits which may result in detention. The reason, duration and timing of the detention will be indicated on the Detention Slip and in the learner's Homework Book
Detention. Before or after-school detentions of an hour or less or Saturday detentions may be assigned either by the teacher or administrator. The parent/legal guardian is notified by means of a detention notice at least one (1) day before the detention is to be served. Two (2) copies of the detention notice will be sent home with the student. One (1) copy is to be retained by the parent/legal guardian. One (1) copy should be signed by the parent/legal guardian and returned to school before the detention is to be served. The parent/legal guardian can legally refuse to allow the student to serve detentions. However, the student will be subject to suspension from school.
Detention. In the present study, while race does not have a statistical significant main effect with detention outcomes, there is once again the presence of an interaction effect involving race and being charged with a person offense. White youth charged with a person offense is inverse and statistically significant. Black youth charged with a person offense is positive and statistically significant. In fact,
Detention. At the beginning of the school year, each building principal shall submit to each bargaining unit member a copy of that building's procedure for detention of a student after school-day dismissal.
Detention. 1. Detention applies when Carrier is delayed or detained on the premises of Shipper or consignee for loading or unloading. Xxxxxxx agrees to be responsible for detention charges, provided that Xxxxxxx arrives at the location of loading or unloading prior to or at the Carrier’s scheduled appointment time. Xxxxxxx will not be entitled to detention charges when Xxxxxxx arrives at the location of loading or unloading after the scheduled appointment time.
2. Detention charges are defined as $53.33 per every half hour. (where applicable) for a maximum detention charge of $480. Free Time is defined as less than 2,500 LBS- 30 Minutes,2,500- 4,999 LBS- 60 Minutes, 5,000-9,999 LBS- 90 minutes, 9,999 and above- 120 minutes.
3. In order for Carrier to seek detention charges Carrier must provide a statement of record that demonstrates the time Carrier checked in and checked out of Shipper’s facility. This statement of record depending on facility will either be (1) a 214 status update or (2) a signed BOL annotating the times checked in and out.
Detention. In the event the vessel is prevented from or delayed in berthing or sailing at/from the loading port as a result of SELLERS failure to complete all formalities and process necessary documentation, SELLER will be responsible for the costs associated with the detention of the vessel over and above demurrage.