Minimization of Impacts Sample Clauses

Minimization of Impacts. In the event an SRO needs to question a student, the SRO shall endeavor to do so in a manner and at a time that minimizes the impact on the students’ schooling except any such accommodations shall not be required if it may inhibit the effectiveness of an investigation.
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Minimization of Impacts. During maintenance activities an approved biological monitor will be present during all ground disturbing activities. The monitor will survey the project area for special‐status species and signs of their presence (e.g. active xxxxxxx, nests or dens) each day before the onset of activities and would be present on site during all ground disturbing activities. The biological monitor would have the authority to stop activities in the event that a special‐status species is observed. The trench will either be covered overnight or an escape ramp placed in the trench to provide means of escape for wildlife or livestock that have any potential to enter the area. To reduce the potential for attracting sensitive wildlife species and their predators to the area, all trash would be properly contained and removed from the property area and disposed of regularly. All construction debris and trash would be removed from the site when work activities are complete. In the event that a special‐status species is encountered in the action area during preconstruction surveys or during construction, work activities in the project area would be halted immediately and the appropriate agency (i.e., USFWS, CDFW) would be contacted to discuss ways to proceed with the proposed action and avoid take. No handling or relocation of special‐status species is proposed as part of the proposed action. After the maintenance activities are completed, the trench will be backfilled with the material originally excavated from the trench. The backhoe/excavator will be used to fill the trench by replacing the dirt and topsoil and any vegetation. To the extent possible, the placement will be done in layers and strips that approximate their pre‐construction orientation. After proper backfilling, the upper 4 inches of topsoil will be replaced and spread evenly over the trench. Spreading of topsoil will occur immediately following grading. Topsoil will not be mixed with subsoil or used to fill the trench. Landform contours and slopes at the sites and along the access routes will be returned as close as possible to pre‐disturbance conditions. The work area will be returned to approximate pre‐ construction grade such that the grade does not interrupt or alter the flow of surface hydrology. Erosion control procedures will be implemented to prevent discharge of soil and backfill material into adjacent waterways or wetlands. These measures may include, but not be limited to silt fences and straw wattles, as ...

Related to Minimization of Impacts

  • Protection of Improvements So far as practicable, Purchaser shall protect Specified Roads and other improvements (such as roads, trails, telephone lines, ditches, and fences):

  • Examination of Implementation 1. Without prejudice to the procedures set out in Article 188 (Compensation), once the period of time set out in paragraph 3 of Article 186 (Implementation of the Report) has expired, and there is disagreement between the disputing Parties as to the existence or consistency of the measures taken to comply with the Panel report, such dispute shall be referred to the original Panel wherever possible. If not possible, the procedure pursuant to Article 179 (Panel Selection) shall be followed to appoint a new Panel, in which event the periods set out thereof shall be reduced by half (22). 2. This Panel shall issue its report on the matter within 60 days after the date of the referral of the matter to it. When the Panel considers that it cannot provide its report within this timeframe, it shall inform the Parties in writing of the reasons for the delay together with an estimate of the period within which it will submit its report. Any delay shall not exceed a further period of 30 days unless the Parties otherwise agree.

  • CONDITION OF IMPROVEMENTS The risk of destruction or substantial damage by fire or Act of God prior to delivery of deed is assumed by Seller. Xxxxxx agrees that on possession, the Real Estate shall be in the same condition as it is on the date of this contract, except for ordinary wear and tear. If the Real Estate should be damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty and if, prior to Closing, the real Estate shall not be repaired or restored by and at the Sellers expense, to a condition as good as it was prior to the damage or destruction, then Purchaser, at his option, may terminate this contract by written notice to Seller and the Down Payment Shall be returned to Purchaser. While this contract is pending, Sellers shall not change any existing lease or enter into any new lease, nor make any substantial alterations or repairs without the consent of the Purchaser. In addition, the Purchaser also has an insurable interest in the property from date of this contract. Purchaser is hereby notified that insurance should be placed upon the property immediately to protect Purchasers’ interest.

  • Notification of Illness Nurses should notify the Medical Center of absence from work because of illness as far in advance as possible, but at least three and one-half (3 ½) hours before the start of the nurse’s shift. Repeated failure to give such minimum notification will result in reduction of otherwise payable sick leave for that shift by two (2) hours. Repeated failure as used in this section means more than twice every two years.

  • Completion of Improvements Within 90 days of completion of any construction herein permitted, Company will cause to be prepared and delivered to Authority record documents as required under the Tenant Work Permit process, including but not limited to as-builts, legal descriptions, boundary surveys, and certified final cost of construction. The submission of record document electronic media will be in accordance with Authority’s Standard Procedure for computer aided design and drafting and drawings, as may be revised from time to time.

  • Notification of Incidents If Contractor becomes aware of or has reasonable suspicion of a privacy incident or security incident regarding any State data, Contractor must report such incident to the State and the State Chief Information Security Officer as soon as possible, but no later than twenty-four (24) hours after such incident. The decision to notify the affected data subjects and the form of such notice following report of a privacy incident or security incident are the responsibility of the State. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Contract, Contractor will indemnify, hold harmless and defend the State and its officers, and employees for and against any claims, damages, costs and expenses related to any privacy incident or security incident involving any State data. For purposes of clarification, the foregoing sentence shall in no way limit or diminish Contractor’s obligation(s) to indemnify, save, hold harmless, or defend the State under any other term of this Contract. Contractor will reasonably mitigate any harmful effects resulting from any privacy incident or security incident involving any State data.

  • Verification of Illness Written verification by an approved licensed medical practitioner or other satisfactory proof of illness or family illness may be required at the discretion of the department head.

  • Construction of Improvements (A) Lessee warrants and agrees that the Building will be constructed on the Leased Premises, and all other improvements to the land, including the parking lot, approaches, and service areas, will be constructed in all material respects by Lessee substantially in accordance with the plot, plans, and specifications heretofore submitted to Lessor.

  • Rehabilitation of Injured Workers The parties to this Agreement shall ensure that any employee who sustains a work related injury, illness or disease will be afforded every assistance in utilising a rehabilitation program aimed at returning that employee to meaningful employment within the Industry. APPENDIX A

  • Maintenance/Cancellation of Insurance There will be no cancellation or reduction of coverage of any required insurance without thirty (30) days’ written notice to the Contractor. Such notice may be sent by the Subcontractor’s insurance carrier, insurance broker, or the Subcontractor.

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