Miscellaneous 16 Sample Clauses

Miscellaneous 16CUSTODY AGREEMENT This agreement made as of this 21st day of March, 2003, between UMB Bank, n.a., a national banking association with its principal place of business located at Kansas City, Missouri (hereinafter "Custodian"), and each of the Funds listed on Appendix B hereof, together with such additional Funds which shall be made parties to this Agreement by the execution of Appendix B hereto (individually, a "Fund" and collectively, the "Funds").
Miscellaneous 16CUSTODY AGREEMENT This agreement made as of this 1st day of January, 1995, as amended September 24, 1998, between UMB Bank, n.a., a national banking association with its principal place of business located in Kansas City, Missouri (hereinafter "Custodian"), and each of the Funds which have executed the signature page hereof together with such additional Funds which shall be made parties to this Agreement by the execution of a separate signature page hereto (individually, a "Fund" and collectively, the "Funds").
Miscellaneous 16. This Microsoft Academic Select Plus Agreement is entered into between the entities identified on the signature form. This agreement consists of (1) the terms and conditions of this agreement and the signature form, (2) the Product List, (3) the Product Use Rights applicable to Products licensed under this agreement, (4) any Affiliate registration entered into under this agreement, and (5) any Order submitted under this agreement. The parties agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement.
Miscellaneous 16Інші положення (a) If any specific provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable, that determination shall not affect the validity of any other provision of this Agreement, and all such provision shall be interpreted to be enforceable to the fullest extent under Applicable Law. а) Якщо будь-яке певне положення Договору вважається таким, що не має законної сили, це не впливає на чинність будь-якого іншого положення цього Договору, і всі такі положення слід тлумачити як такі, що мають законну силу в максимальному обсязі відповідно до Застосовного законодавства. (b) You may not assign this Agreement in part or in whole to any person. Citibank may, in its sole discretion, assign this Agreement to any person or entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Citibank, or any entity that acquires substantially all of Citibank’s business assets. б) Ви не маєте права частково або повністю передавати права за цим Договором жодній стороні. Citibank може на власний розсуд відступити цей Договір будь-якій фізичній або юридичній особі, яка контролює, контролюється або перебуває під спільним контролем із Citibank, або будь-якій юридичній особі, яка придбала практично всі активи Citibank. (c) All notices required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered: (i) in the case of notices to you, through the System; or (ii) through any method of communication using an electronic or telecommunications system or network, other than verbal communication between individuals, and including e-mail communication; or (iii) by hand (against receipt), by registered or certified mail, or by overnight air carrier, to such person and address as the parties shall identify in writing and other communications required or в) Усі повідомлення, необхідні або дозволені за цим Договором, мають бути оформлені в письмовій формі та доставлені: i) у випадку надсилання Вам повідомлень — через Систему; ii) за допомогою будь-якого способу зв’язку з використанням електронної або телекомунікаційної системи або мережі, крім усного спілкування між людьми, включно з електронними повідомленнями; iii) особисто в руки (за підписом), рекомендованим листом або за допомогою служби експрес-доставки, такій особі permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered by hand, certified or registered mail with postage prepaid, or by recognized overnight courier, to such person and address as the parties shall identify in writing. та на адресу,...
Miscellaneous 16. 雜項 16.1 Where there are more than a single individual named as the Customer, the obligations and liabilities of such individuals under this Agreement shall be joint and several, and the beneficial ownership of the Investments held under this Agreement shall be joint property subject to survivorship. 16.1 若有多於單一人士列為客戶,本協議所載有關人士的義務及責任,應屬共同及各別義務及責任,而根據本協議所持有的投資專案的實益擁有權,應屬受限於尚存者取得權的共同財產。 16.2 In the event of the death of any of the individuals named as the Customer, title to the Investments held at the Customer’s Bank Account under this Agreement shall vest in the surviving individuals. 16.2 若列為客戶的任何人士去世,根據本協議客戶銀行帳戶持有的投資專案的所有權,應歸屬尚存人士所有。 16.3 This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors in title, assigns, heirs and estates as the case may be of the parties and neither party may assign its rights, benefits and interests under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. 16.3 本協議對各方的各自所有權繼承人、承讓人、繼承人及遺產按適用情況而定均具約束力,而任何一方均不可未獲他方事前書面同意而轉讓本協議所載該方的權利、利益及權益。 16.4 Any term of this Agreement which is or becomes prohibited or unenforceable for any reason in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability and such prohibition or unenforceability shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of the Agreement or affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions. 16.4 若本協議的任何條款基於任何原因在任何司法管轄區屬於或成為受禁或不可強制執行,則有關條款須於該司法管轄區內按有關禁止或不可強制執行情況而失效,而有關禁止或不可強制執行情況並不致使本協議的其餘條文失效,亦不影響其餘條文的有效性或可強制執行性。 16.5 No exercise or failure to exercise on the part of any party or delay in exercising, any right power or remedy vested in any party under or pursuant to this Agreement shall constitute a waiver by that party of that or any other right power or remedy. No single or partial exercise of any right or remedy shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy. The rights and remedies provided in this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law. 16.5 若任何一方行使或不行使或延遲行使按照或根據本協議歸屬該方的任何權利、權力或補償,並不構成該方放棄有關或任何其他權利、權力或補償。任何單項或局部行使任何權利或補償,並不禁止另行或進一步行使有關權利或補償,或行使任何其他權利或補償。本協議規定的權利及補償均可累積,並不豁除法律規定的任何權利或補償。 16.6 In the event that there is any inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of the Agreement, the English version shall prevail. 16.7 Time is of the essence in this Agreement. 16.6 如本協議的英文版本與中文版本存在任何歧義,則以英文版本為準。 16.7 在本協議中,時間至關重要。 16.8 This Agreement may be executed in any number...
Miscellaneous 16. This agreement is entered into between the entities identified on the signature form. This agreement consists of (1) these terms and conditions and the signature form, (2) the Product List, (3) the Product use rights, (4) any Enrollment entered into under this agreement, (5) any order submitted under this agreement, and (6) the eligibility criteria for Campus and School Agreement at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx/licensing/contracts as of the effective date of this agreement. Please note: Documents referenced in this agreement but not attached to the signature form may be found at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx/licensing/contracts and are incorporated by reference, including the Product List, Product use rights and the Qualified Educational User definition. These documents may contain additional terms and conditions for Products licensed under this agreement and may be changed from time to time. Institution should review such documents carefully, both at the time of signing and periodically, to ensure a full understanding of all terms and conditions applicable to Products licensed.
Miscellaneous 16. This Microsoft Academic Select Plus Agreement is entered into between the entities identified on the signature form. Effective date. The effective date of this agreement is the effective date of the first Affiliate Registration Form or the date Microsoft accepts this agreement, whichever is earlier. This agreement consists of (1) the terms and conditions of this agreement and the signature form, (2) the Product List, (3) the Product Use Rights applicable to Products licensed under this agreement, (4) any Affiliate registration entered into under this agreement, and (5) any Order submitted under this agreement. The parties agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement.
Miscellaneous 16. 1 In the event that any provision, term, condition or object of this Sub-License Agreement may be in conflict with any law, measure, ruling, court judgment (by consent or otherwise), or regulation of the government of China or of any political subdivision thereof, and the legal counsel of either party shall advise that in their considered opinion such conflict, or a reasonable possibility of such conflict exists, then either party may propose to the other appropriate modifications of the allegedly offending provision, term, condition or object to avoid such conflict. In such case, if an agreement or modification is not reached within sixty (60) days, the offending provision, term, condition or object shall be cancelled, but the remaining part of this Sub-License Agreement shall be preserved to the fullest possible extent, if this can be done without frustration of the purpose of this Sub-License Agreement, giving due consideration to all lawful provisions, terms conditions and objects of this Sub-License Agreement.
Miscellaneous 16Section 11.1 Parties Obligated and Benefited 16 Section 11.2 Publicity 16 Section 11.3 Notices 16 Section 11.4 Attorney’s Fees 17 Section 11.5 Headings 17 Section 11.6 Choice of Law 17 Section 11.7 Rights Cumulative 17 Section 11.8 Further Actions 18 Section 11.9 Counterparts 18 Section 11.10 Entire Agreement 18 Section 11.11 Survival of Representations 18 THIS SHARE EXCHANGE AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF REORGANIZATION, dated as of November 19, 2012 (the “Agreement”), by and among Oraco Resources, Inc., a Nevada corporation (“ORACO”), Oracom, Inc., a Nevada corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of ORACO (“ORACOM”), and iAlarm, Inc., a Utah corporation (“IALARM”). Together, ORACO, ORACOM and IALARM are referred to collectively as the “Parties.”
Miscellaneous 16Section 5.1 Amendments, Etc. 16