School Agreement Sample Clauses

School Agreement. ● To use the Chromebooks in ways that will enhance learning for our students. ● To offer technical support for students Chromebooks where applicable. ● To ensure the classroom environment adheres to keeping students safe online. ● To support parents in engaging with student work. The following student, parent(s) and school have recognised the terms in this document and have agreed to partner together to ensure all elements of this document will be upheld during the user’s time at Stratford Primary School. Student name: Year level: Stratford Primary School Date: (Student) (Parent)
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School Agreement. The entire school staff will share the responsibility for improved student achievement; therefore, we will do the following: *Hold parent/teacher conferences *Send reports to parents on their child’s progress *Provide opportunities for parents to volunteer and participate in their child’s school activities *Provide an environment conducive to learning *Respect the student, their parents and the diverse culture of the school Administrator/Staff/ Teacher Signature Date This pledge is a voluntary agreement designed to promote a partnership between the home and the school. The Parent-Student-Teacher Compact meets the requirement of the Title I Federal Guidelines. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the school at (000) 000-0000.
School Agreement. At Consett Infant School we believe that a strong partnership between school and parents is essential if we are to try to maximise the potential of every child in our care. We would therefore ask you to enter into the following Agreement of Partnership with us: AGREEMENTS Parents / Guardians We shall try to:  encourage and enable the children to achieve their academic and personal potential.  encourage children to take care of their surroundings and other people around them.  inform parents of the children's progress.  inform parents about what the teachers aim to teach the children each half term. Teacher's signature .......................................................... I / We shall try to:  see that my / our child goes to school - regularly, aiming for above 95.5% attendance each year. - on time (arriving for 8.55 am) - properly equipped, with personal items clearly labelled. I will try to: The Pupils  inform school of the reasons for absence, by telephone or by letter.  support the school's values, code of conduct and rules by encouraging a positive attitude towards school  assist my / our child with homework  attend parents' meetings and bring any concerns promptly to the school's attention.  ensure that my / our child goes to bed at sensible times during the school week.  inform the school about any factors, including medical information, which might affect my child's work, welfare or behaviour.  inform the school of an emergency contact phone number. Parent's signature(s) ................................................................................  attend regularly, arrive on time and bring all the things I need for each day.  behave well and follow the school rules.  respect other people and their property, and take good care of my own things.  look after the school buildings and grounds and keep them tidy.  try hard and show pride in all my work, including homework.  go to bed at sensible times during the school week.  tell the teacher if anything is worrying me.
School Agreement. As a school we will do our best to:  Provide a safe, well-ordered and caring environment.  Value and respect your child as an individual.  Record and reward good performance, effort and progress.  Ensure that your child achieves his/her full potential as a valued member of the school community.  Provide a balanced and challenging curriculum, which meets the individual needs of your child and encourages high aspirations for the future. (see A-Z for more information).  Encourage high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility.  Provide induction support when your child joins the school and continuing Form Tutor support and advice throughout your child’s education at the school.  Keep you informed about general school matters.  Keep you informed of your child’s progress via their planner and assessment grades and comments on work. We offer communication systems such as School Comms and XXXx Learning Gateway.  Provide interim assessments and one Parents’ Evening per year.  Be open and welcoming and offer opportunities for parents to become involved in the life of the school. Signature: Assistant Headteacher: Achievement, Care and Transition PARENT/GUARDIAN AGREEMENT As a Parent/Guardian I will do my best to:  See that my child attends school regularly, punctually, properly equipped and in full school uniform.  Encourage my child to have a positive attitude towards school.  Support my child in the completion of homework and revision.  Make my child’s Form Tutor aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s learning or behaviour.  Support the school’s policies and guidelines as fully as possible. (This may require arranging alternative transport if an after-school detention is given.)  Attend Parents’ Evenings.  Ensure that my child keeps an up-to-date and tidy planner.  Support the school in its aim to be a Happy, Hardworking and Courteous community. We ask that you also:  Keep us informed of changes to personal details, in particular emergency telephone numbers and email addresses.  Telephone the school on the first day of any unexpected absence your child may have and follow this up with a note on the first day he/she returns.  Ensure that all school documents are returned promptly.  Refrain from taking holidays during term time, as all absence from school has a detrimental effect on my child’s learning.  Make use of Lesson Monitor and School Comms infor...
School Agreement. WEC staff will: ❖ choose instructional goals and materials which meet student needs ❖ inform parents/guardians of student progress on a regular basis through means such as phone calls, conferences, assessment results and/or report cards ❖ notify parents in writing of students recommended for in-school remediation ❖ schedule at least one parent/teacher conference per school year (in person, phone call, or virtual) and others as needed ❖ be available to respond to parental/guardian concerns ❖ inform parents/guardians of workshop opportunities at WEC or other locations through announcements and the school website ❖ communicate with families using online platforms, meeting in person, through phone calls, or virtual meetings Parent/Guardian Agreement: I will encourage my child to do his or her best by: ❖ seeing that my child attends school regularly and is on time ❖ monitoring my child’s assignments through student weekly folders and/or online platforms for information about progress and general information from the school ❖ working with my child as needed to complete assignments on a regular basis ❖ attending workshops/events at WEC or other locations as I am able ❖ monitoring my child’s “non-instructional screen time”, including television Student Agreement: I know it is important that I do my best, so I will: ❖ let my family and teacher know if I need help with something ❖ complete assignments daily ❖ be a responsible messenger between school and home ❖ use my “screen time” wisely
School Agreement. The school will aim to: • provide a safe, happy and caring environment which reflects the Catholic ethos of the school. • value each student as a member of the school community. • develop the full potential of all students spiritually, morally, culturally and socially. • provide a curriculum that not only meets the statutory requirements but also considers the individual needs of the student. • expect and maintain high standards for both teaching and learning. • build effective relationships which promote good behaviour and a sense of responsibility across the school community. • inform parents regularly of their daughter’s progress and attainment. • let parents know of any concerns or problems that affect their daughter’s work or behaviour. • set, mark and monitor homework and provide facilities for students to study outside of school hours. • offer opportunities for parents/guardians to become involved in the daily life of the school. The parents/guardians: I/We will: • ensure that my daughter attends school regularly, arrives before 8.40am and has the necessary books and equipment with her. • check planner at least once a week. • inform the school of any concerns which may affect my daughter’s work or behaviour. • support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour and uniform. • encourage and support my daughter in her home study. • attend parents’ meetings and any discussions about the progress of my daughter. • encourage my daughter to get involved in the wider life of the school. The pupil: I shall try to: • attend school regularly, arrive before 8.40am and bring the necessary equipment with me. • conduct myself in a way that will command the respect of others in my school community • wear the correct school uniform and observe rules concerning make-up and jewellery. • complete my class work and homework to the best of my ability • contribute to the wider life of the school and uphold its values - use my talents to the full • take pride in and protect the school environment Student Name (please print name) SIGNED:- ……………………….. ………………………………. ……………………………… Parent Student School Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx Catholic High School APPENDIX A BEHAVIOUR FOR LEARNING POLICY (REWARDS & SANCTIONS) GOOD DISCIPLINE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ALL STAFF. It is maintained through shared expectations and consistently high standards of courtesy, behaviour, effort, punctuality and presentation of work and self.
School Agreement. Learning VISION STATEMENT Homewood School & Sixth Form Centre aims to provide a vibrant world class learning experience. We work as a team, learning in partnership with each other and the wider community. We provide flexible learning opportunities and have high aspirations for all. Respect
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School Agreement. As a parent, I will: • Take an active interest in all aspects of my child’s school life; • See that my child attends school regularly, on time and properly equipped; • Communicate to the school all relevant information which may affect my child’s work or behaviour. • Notify the school, if for any reason, my child cannot attend; • Encourage my child to follow the school’s behaviour policy and support associated action taken by the school. • Support the school’s policy on homework, provide suitable facilities at home, and encourage my child to make the required effort; • Attend parents’ evenings and other meetings at which my presence is requested. Signed Date
School Agreement. It is important that students achieve and become leaders. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following: ● Provide a high-quality curriculum and instruction, a supportive and effective learning environment that enables children to meet the State’s academic achievement standards. ● Provide homework assignments for students that will reinforce classroom instruction. ● Provide necessary assistance to parents so that they can help students learn. ● Be responsive to students and parents for at-home instructional support. ● Encourage students and parents by providing student progress reports. ● Use special activities in the classroom or virtually to make learning enjoyable. ● Schedule parent/teacher conferences to accommodate the parent's schedule. ● Provide an environment that allows for positive communication between the teacher, parent, and student.
School Agreement. As staff members, we are a part of the Ignite Achievement Academy “village,” and commit to the following: • We will operate the school to carry out its mission and vision. • We will provide high expectations and an extended day. • We will come to work prepared and ready to ensure the success of your scholar. • We will provide an accelerated curriculum aligned to Indiana State and Common Core Standards. • We will enforce the school rules and scholar expectations with fairness and integrity. • We welcome feedback and will provide an open door policy. • We will continually carry out the 4 Pillars of Achievement: Acceleration, Engagement, Character Education and Community Involvement. • We will effectively communicate with families in a timely fashion. Parent Name (Please Print): Parent/Guardian Signature:
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