Mission-Specific Goals Sample Clauses

Mission-Specific Goals. The operational portion of the Comprehensive Performance Framework incorporated as Exhibit A, holds the Charter School accountable for the following mission-specific goals: i. During each year of the charter term, 100% of students will complete a service-learning project. ii. During each year of the charter term, Houses will meet no less than once per week. iii. During each year of the charter term, the Charter School will increase the percentage of students absent 5 or fewer days per year by 2% each year over its baseline rate.
Mission-Specific Goals. The operational portion of the CPF incorporated as Exhibit A, holds the Charter School accountable for the following mission-specific goals:
Mission-Specific Goals. During each year of the charter term: i. 100% of employees shall participate in at least one training presentation on the school's Mission, Vision, and Organizational Values; ii. At least 80% of parents shall participate in at least one school-wide event; iii. 100% of classroom teachers shall receive feedback from a principal's observation within the first 9 weeks of the school year; iv. At least 75% of students shall participate in a school-wide service project to benefit the surrounding community.
Mission-Specific Goals. The operational portion of the CPF incorporated as Exhibit A, holds the Charter School accountable for the following mission-specific goals: i. During each year of the Charter School’s first five-year charter term, the Charter School shall be designated as “beating the odds” as determined by the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (XXXX) and the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE). ii. During year 2 of the charter term, the Charter School shall score equal to or better than both the State and local district on the grade-level band grades for the State College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI). iii. During years 3 through 5 of the charter term, the Charter School shall score better than both the State and the local district on the grade-level
Mission-Specific Goals. The operational portion of the Comprehensive Performance Framework incorporated as Exhibit A, holds the Charter School accountable for the following mission-specific goals: i. For every year of the charter term, Cherokee Charter Academy will implement strategies to increase achievement of 8th grade students who take the End of Course tests in Physical Science, Algebra, and 9th grade Literature. ii. For every year of the charter term, 100% of Cherokee Charter Academy’s students will develop and utilize a Personal Learning Plan that monitors progress and achievement growth. iii. For every year of the charter term, 100% of Cherokee Charter Academy’s students will participate in at least one STEM related project based learning to improve student achievement in science, technology, engineering, and math.
Mission-Specific Goals. The operational portion of the CPF incorporated as Exhibit A, holds the Charter School accountable for the following mission-specific goals: a. GOAL I. Increase the percentage of courses completed by Charter School students by .05 % each year of the Charter Term b. GOAL II. Increase the four-year cohort graduation rate of Charter School students by .05 % annually over the course of the Charter Term. c. GOAL III. Maintain an 80% or higher agree/strongly agree level to each indicator within one or more categories within either the student, parent, or staff climate survey.
Mission-Specific Goals. Is the school providing a culture in which elementary students feel both challenged and supported academically? Result Points Possible Points Earned Exceeds Standard: Students in grades 3 - 6 reported that TCPCS provides them with highly challenging academics and supportive teaching practices as reflected in the school's median score of 4.25 to 5.0 on the CSCI Dimension #4 Support for Learning. 105 Meets Standard: Students in grades 3 - 6 reported that TCPCS provides them with highly challenging academics and supportive teaching practices as reflected in the school's median score of 3.65 to 4.24 on the CSCI Dimension #4 Support for Learning. 84 Does Not Meet Standard: Students in grades 3 - 6 reported that TCPCS provides them with highly challenging academics and supportive teaching practices as reflected in the school's median score of 3.0 to 3.64 on the CSCI Dimension #4 Support for Learning. 42 Falls Far Below Standard: Students in grades 3 - 6 reported that TCPCS provides them with highly challenging academics and supportive teaching practices as reflected in the school's median score of less than 3.0 on the CSCI Dimension #4 Support for Learning. 0 0.00 Notes The Comprehensive School Climate Inventory (CSCI) Dimension #4 addresses Support For Learning. The school will administer the survey in March each year. Ranges included in the measure were created using Spring 2014 baseline data. Results will be reported to the PCSC by October 1 of each year.
Mission-Specific Goals. The operational portion of the CPF incorporated as Exhibit A, holds the Charter School accountable for the following mission-specific goals: i. Goal 1: During each year of the charter term, ninety percent (90%) of the Charter School’s students will participate in at least two grade-level cultural events focused on cultural experiences relevant to Japan and Japanese people. ii. Goal 2: During each year of the charter term, seventy percent (70%) of the Charter School’s students who have completed one year at the Charter School will obtain a Novice-Mid rating or higher in listening comprehensive in Japanese as measured by ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) proficiency guidelines. iii. Goal 3: During each year of the charter term, seventy percent (70%) of the Charter School’s students who have completed one year at the Charter School will obtain a Novice-Mid rating or higher in speaking in Japanese as measured by ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Mission-Specific Goals. The operational portion of the Comprehensive Performance Framework incorporated as Exhibit A, holds the Charter School accountable for the following mission-specific goals: i. During each year of the charter term, the Charter School will increase the percentage of students participating in a student-to-student tutoring program by 1% over its baseline average or the Charter School will have at least 7% of its students participating in a student- to-student tutoring program. ii. During each year of the charter term, 100% of Charter School’s students will participate in at least one service learning project. iii. During each year of the charter term, 100% of Charter School’s students will utilize a personalized learning plan that incorporates progress monitoring and achievement growth. iv. During each year of the charter term, 100% of Charter School’s students completing the Twelfth Grade will complete a career portfolio. v. At least eighty percent (80%) of respondents who complete an annual student survey assessing Charter School’s environment will rate the school as being a friendly place where they feel welcomed. This survey will be conducted in accordance with generally accepted survey practices and will be reported to the Board of Directors and all stakeholders annually.
Mission-Specific Goals. The operational portion of the CPF incorporated as Exhibit A, holds the Charter School accountable for the following mission-specific goals: i. Goal 1: Develop staff on how to effectively use data to adjust instruction. a. Measure 1: During the charter term, 100% of the Charter School’s core curriculum and instructional support staff will participate in staff development on how to use data effectively to adjust instruction, as measured by training sign-in sheets. b. Measure