Goal 3 definition

Goal 3. Participation in the program will encourage youth to continue their involvement in community service.
Goal 3. To assure that students feel valued in your classroom. PURPOSE OF GOAL: Improve student/teacher relationship. TEACHER PLAN: As the teacher you are directed to do the following: ♦ Address students by their name. ♦ Do not single out students when correcting the behaviors of all students. ♦ Do not discuss an individual student's problems with other students. ♦ Do not discuss any class problems with another class. ♦ Never ask any student to be a part of any disciplinary action involving other students. ♦ Avoid put-down statements that a student doesn't belong in "this" class. ♦ Speak privately to students when you need to correct them verbally. ♦ Use praise with the class as a whole and with individuals on an individual basis. ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT: From the administrator you may expect the following assistance: ♦ Provide student name lists in a timely manner. ♦ Arrange for in-service training on building student self-esteem. ♦ Arrange one-on-one meetings outside of the classroom for you and any student failing to respond individually to your rules. ♦ Be available for you for consultation and support help. ♦ Follow-up to see that you are on track with your plan. GOAL 4: To communicate to students clear expectations for their performance. PURPOSE OF GOAL: Help students achieve academic success. ♦ Communicate class requirements. ♦ Communicate behavioral expectations and their importance to student academic success. ♦ Give students deadlines that are known in advance. ♦ Evaluate carefully that ALL students will be able to meet the class expectations. ♦ Be available to discuss expectations with teacher. ♦ Provide building discipline plan - what is acceptable behavior in the classroom/building. ♦ Provide insights as to what the student success rate should be in an academic class.
Goal 3. The School District of Xxxxx X. Xxxxxx will engage in installation of systems connected external and community-based resources to enhance the Multi-tiered System of Student Support to ensure that all students have access to necessary Social Emotional, Nutritional and Health supports that allow access to learning. Xxxxx X Xxxxxx will engage in the continuous implementation of components of our Student Support System, in conjunction with installing portions of the Blueprint’s Instructional Framework to: • Create vision Facilitate understanding of high-yield and high-quality non-academic student support. • Diagnostically assess students' current levels of need. foundational components. • Create a process for collecting data student data to inform non-academic support using Ml-Star as student data base system to house student data. • Meeting Monthly to review and make decisions regarding how to best support students' behavioral needs, particularly those who are demonstrating chronic behavioral challenges. • Solicit a part-time School Social Worker or Student Support Interventionist to-Target individual Tier Ill student needs and connect families to additional supports outside of beyond the school student growth. All signatories have read, understood and agree to comply with and be bound by the terms of the conditions set forth in this Amendment to the Agreement.

Examples of Goal 3 in a sentence

  • Strategic ImplicationsThis matter relates to Goal 3 “Environmental Management” identified within the Council’s Strategic Plan.

  • Goal 3 is expressed in the following terms: To effectively manage, enhance and maintain the City’s unique natural and built environment.

  • Goal 3 requires agricultural land to be zoned exclusive farm use.

  • Applicable provisions of ORS chapter 215 and OAR 660, division 33, enacted or adopted pursuant to Goal 3, generally prohibit the establishment of a lot or parcel less than 80 acres in size in an EFU zone, and regulate the establishment of dwellings on new or existing lots or parcels.

  • Goal 3: Wellness• All students will have an equitable opportunity to learn in a culturally responsive, physically/ and emotionally healthy and safe environment.

More Definitions of Goal 3

Goal 3. To increase the respect and understanding of language, culture, governance and history of Stó:lo and Aboriginal people for all students in order to create a better sense of school and community belonging.
Goal 3. The need for teachers to take an active role in the improvement of their instructional performance. To this end, teachers will strive to share ideas, strategies, and resources that enhance the instructional performance of their colleagues. Goal 4: The importance of devoting resources to professional development activities (for teachers) with the ultimate goals of improved instructional performance and student achievement. Goal 5: Discussing instructional performance can be a stressful and emotional experience for all parties. It shall be the common goal of all parties to maintain an open, constructive, and professional dialogue about instruction and student achievement.
Goal 3. Improve Member Understanding of Service Coordination 100% of new members with a Face to Face assessment occurring between 9-1-07 and 7-31-08 will receive a newly developed Service Coordination information/pamphlet. 100% of all members NOT receiving Service Coordination are mailed an informational pamphlet about service coordination availability each quarter.
Goal 3. The Charter School shall achieve and maintain a School Climate Star Rating of 4 or more stars during its Charter term.
Goal 3. Adult Ally staff will engage, monitor and coach adult allies in effectively mentoring Youth Commissioners. Objective 1: Staff will engage Adult Allies in a minimum of four (4) check-ins to assess potential coaching and technical assistance opportunities. Objective 2: At least eighty-five percent (85%) of Youth Commissioners will report a satisfactory mentorship experience with an Adult Ally on a Board or Commission, as indicated by surveys completed at the end of the Youth Commission term.
Goal 3 means, for any applicable Performance Period, EBIT of $10,000,000 earned during such Performance Period.
Goal 3. All students will experience Aboriginal content in all subject areas and at all grade levels. GOAL 4: All partners will work together to xxxxxx success for Aboriginal students through relationship building and partnerships with parents, families and communities.