Model Contract Sample Clauses
Model Contract. Section K The following Representations, Certifications and Other Statements documents, which constitute Section K of the Model Contract, shall be completed by the Offeror and delivered as part of the Model Contract:
Model Contract. Sections A through J In order to facilitate the possibility of award without discussions, Offerors shall submit two (2) original, signed copies of the completed Contract and two (2) electronic copies on USB to be fully consistent with its Proposal. The following items are parts of the Contract that the Offeror is required to complete:
1. Cover Sheet (Solicitation, Offer and Award), Blocks 10 through 14, including signature 2. B.1(a), Phase-In (Section J – Attachment 08 to the Model Contract) 3. B.4, Task Order Pricing Table (Section J – Attachment 06 to the Model Contract) (Note: Labor rates serve as not-to-exceed rates (“NTE”) for Task Order Proposals) 4. I.23(f), Notice Representatives (Section J – Attachment 07 to the Model Contract)
Model Contract. Table of Contents… 2 Recitals 5 Definitions 5
Model Contract. The Application is based on the Passenger Track Access Model Contract (version published February 2015), with the addition of the following Schedules: • Schedule 11: Schedule 4 and Schedule 8 Modifications Reopener • Schedule 12: Use of Railways Infrastructure Reopener • Schedule 13: ERTMS Reopener • The Effective Date is stated as being the Principal Change Date 2017 • The incorrect address for Network Rail has been given in Schedule 1 We note that The Applicant has not used the most recent version of the XXX model contract. As a result we have noted the following differences in wording: • The definition of Journey Time has been added to Schedule 4 • The SPD Cost Thresholds in Schedule 4 are different to those in the model contract The wording within Clauses 2.9, 7, 8 and 13.1 of Schedule 4 is different to that in the model contract Clause 3.8 the Investment Conditions, seems to request the same amount to be invested by both 01/09/19 and 01/09/23. And the Expiry Date if these conditions aren’t met is not until SCD 2024. Network Rail’s view is that this date is too late, as potentially it could mean that unused capacity will have been sold for 5 years, or that the Specified Equipment could be operating without upgrade for 5 years. Network Rail would be concerned if this were the case, and seeks clarification from The Applicant and XXX on this point. Network Rail welcomes the stated aims of The Applicant to deliver significant passenger benefits in terms of competition, more direct London to Blackpool services and new journey opportunities as stated in the Form P. Network Rail will continue to work with The Applicant in developing its timetable to deliver the aforementioned benefits. Network Rail’s view of the deliverability of the quantum of passenger train slots sought by The Applicant in Table 2.1 of Schedule 5 is included in the Capacity section below. Calling Patterns Network Rail cannot currently support the sale of the calling patterns specified by The Applicant in Table 4.1 of Schedule 5 until the capacity study has been concluded (see Capacity section below).
Model Contract. This Agreement incorporates the pertinent obligations under the Medicaid Contract, including but not limited to the Medicaid Managed Care and/or the Family Health Plus contract, and/or the Managed Long Term Care Plan contract, between the MCO and DOH as if set forth fully herein.
Model Contract. This area identifies the most appropriate contract vehicle and whether attachments/amendments to the ERP Project model contract are required. The goal is to evaluate how the contract might be a source of mitigation for some of the risks identified during the risk assessment. TABLE 2-8: DEVELOP RFP AND MODEL CONTRACT TASKS Conduct Interviews and Group Sessions with ERP Project and Purchasing staff Prepare for and conduct interviews and/or group sessions Participate in interviews and/or group sessions No formal deliverable Document and compile RFP Sections Draft the procurement document sections ERP Project SMEs and management available to answer questions as needed No formal deliverable Conduct RFP Review and Approval Deliver draft document Prepare for and conduct review and approval process Update document and deliver final version Attend document walkthrough sessions Review draft document Provide consolidated feedback Participate in feedback session(s) Review and approve final deliverable Deliverable 3: Procurement Documents Review Model Contract Review the City’s Model Contract Recommend changes if warranted for this project Participate in contract discussions No formal deliverable
Model Contract concluded in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 (1) (1)of the of the Public Procurement Law of 11 September 2019 concluded in Katowice, between: represented by: hereinafter referred to as the Awarding Entity, and hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, reading as follows:
Model Contract. Sections A through J In order to facilitate the possibility of award without discussions, Offerors shall submit two (2) original, signed copies of the completed Contract and two (2) electronic copies on USB to be fully consistent with its Proposal. The following items are parts of the Contract that the Offeror is required to complete:
Model Contract. A statement that the bidder has carefully reviewed the Model Contract and its Annexes and is in agreement with all its terms and conditions.