Morocco. Upon enablement of the withdrawal functionality to a Moroccan bank account with the bank partner of PayPal, you will be required to comply with Moroccan laws and regulations. This means notably that if you receive amounts into your PayPal balance from a PayPal user, you must withdraw the amounts in your PayPal balance to your Moroccan bank account* within 30 Days of receipt of funds. * The bank partner of PayPal for the withdrawal functionality charges a fee for each withdrawal. Upon enablement of the receive and withdraw functionalities, PayPal will provide you with additional information. If you are using a service ("Third Party Service") offered by a PayPal partner bank, licensed foreign-exchange service provider, remittance agent or e-money issuer (a "Service Provider"), please see the terms and conditions of the Service Provider for additional information relating to that service. In case of any disputes, demands, actions, proceedings ("Disputes") between you and a Service Provider on account of any delay or non-payment of any funds due to you, you hereby indemnify PayPal, PayPal's affiliates and its employees from any damages, claims, charges, expenses and/or losses arising out of such Disputes. You further agree that PayPal shall not be liable to you in relation to any funds which have already been transferred from your PayPal account to a Service Provider. You acknowledge and agree that PayPal may share information provided by you in accordance with PayPal's Privacy Policy and the terms of the agreement between you and PayPal with the Service Provider in order to enable the Service Provider to conduct the requisite due diligence in accordance with Service Provider's Know-your-customer (KYC) obligations. PayPal shall not be responsible for any loss or damage incurred or suffered by you on account of any (i) failure, interruption, defect, or negligent or willful misuse of a Third Party Service; or (ii) consequences arising out of any delay or non-receipt of funds withdrawn through a Third Party Service. Except to the extent amended by these terms and conditions, all other provisions of the user agreement shall remain in full force and effect. You are required to comply with South African exchange control regulations. This means that:
Morocco. Notifications
Morocco. There are no country-specific provisions.
Morocco. Your counterparty to this Agreement is Citibank Maghreb S.A. and you hereby further undertake the following:
Morocco. Upon enablement of the withdrawal functionality to a Moroccan bank account with the bank partner of PayPal, you will be required to comply with Moroccan laws and regulations. This means notably that if you receive amounts into your PayPal balance from a PayPal user, you must withdraw the amounts in your PayPal balance to your Moroccan bank account* within 30 Days of receipt of funds. * The bank partner of PayPal for the withdrawal functionality charges a fee for each withdrawal. Upon enablement of the receive and withdraw functionalities, PayPal will provide you with additional information.
Morocco. Université Internationale de Rabat English B2.1 B2.2 2 Master Total 2
Morocco. The BIPAs incorporate national treatment, for foreign investment and MEN treatment for foreign investments and investors, free repatriation/transfer of returns on investment, recourse to domestic dispute resolution and international arbitration for investor — State and State-State disputes, nationalization! expropriation against compensation only in public interest on a non discriminatory basis. The third compendium of the BIPAs signed and entered into force are being published with the objective of providing comfort and confidence to the prospective investors of those countries, an agreed basis for resolution of any conflict of interest, as well as prescribing the broad parameters which shall guide their investment on a reciprocal basis. The Government of the Republic of India and the Government of Malaysia, hereinafter referred to as the “Contracting Parties;” Desiring to expand and strengthen economic and industrial cooperation on a long term basis, and in particular, to create favourable conditions for investments by investors of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party; Recognising the need to protect investments by investors of both Contracting Parties and to stimulate the flow of investments and individual business initiative with a view to promoting the economic prosperity of both Contracting Parties; Have agreed as follows:
Morocco. Hungary renounces, so far as she is concerned, all rights, titles and privileges conferred on her by the General Act of Algeciras of April 7, 1906, and by the Franco-German Agreements of February 9, I909, and November 4, I911. All treaties, agreements, arrangements and contracts concluded by the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy with the Sherifian Empire are regarded as abrogated as from August 12, 1914. In no case can Hungary avail herself of these acts and she undertakes not to intervene in any way in negotiations relating to Morocco which may take place between France and the other Powers.
Morocco. 1. Does an APA procedure exist in your jurisdiction? If so, are the APAs which can be concluded on a unilateral, bilateral or multilateral basis? What is the legal force of an APA?
2. What are the main steps of the procedure? What is the average time required to negotiate and conclude an APA?
3. Is it possible to first contact the tax authorities on an anonymous basis? Yes. In practice, the authorities may be contacted on an anonymous basis, which may then be completed by providing personal information and supporting documents. The authorities may issue written replies or carry out specific cases studies, which create the authorities’ doctrine that can be compared to replies to taxpayers outside of the scope of any specific proceedings.
4. What documents must be produced by the company upon the official filing of the APA request?
5. Are the documents produced to the tax authorities kept confidential? What is the situation with regard to other authorities and third parties? Are the tax authorities which are responsible for auditing companies informed regarding APA requests and the conclusion of APAs?
6. Can the tax authorities widen the scope of the request filed by the taxpayer?
7. What is the first financial year which can be covered by an APA? What is the term of validity of an APA? Can an APA be adopted with retroactive effect?
8. What obligations are incumbent on a company which has obtained an APA?
9. Is it possible to renew an APA? If so, what are the conditions relating to such renewal?
10. Is the filing of an APA request subject to a fee?
11. What department is in charge of APAs? What are its contact details?
12. Do the tax authorities publish reports on their APA programme? Do the tax authorities encourage APAs? Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xx Xxxxx Netherlands Advanced Pricing Agreements (“APA”)
1. Does an APA procedure exist in your jurisdiction? If so, are the APAs which can be concluded on a unilateral, bilateral or multilateral basis? What is the legal force of an APA?
2. What are the main steps of the procedure? What is the average time required to negotiate and conclude an APA?
3. Is it possible to first contact the tax authorities on an anonymous basis?
4. What documents must be produced by the company upon the official filing of the APA request?
5. Are the documents produced to the tax authorities kept confidential? What is the situation with regard to other authorities and third parties? Are the tax authorities which are responsible for audit...
Morocco. Xxxxxxxx XX Polytechnic University of Benguerir Faculté de Gouvernance, Sciences Economiques et Sociales Campus in Rabat English B2.1 B2.2 or French B2 4 Bachelor and Master Very limited English course offerings.