New or Revised Job Classification and Levels Sample Clauses

New or Revised Job Classification and Levels. ‌ If, after the effective date of this Agreement, the Company or the Union determines that no existing job classification or level appropriately covers a new or reorganized work assignment, either party may initiate a request for evaluation and review. The Union, with the assistance of one (1) employee from the affected job classification, will participate as a voting member on the Company’s team in the identification, evaluation, and review of all proposed changes to job classification and levels for classifications listed in Attachment B. The Company’s team shall include one human resources official, the applicable company director, and one Union official, each of whom may receive input from other interested parties. The Company will implement changes by (1) revising or deleting an existing job classification or level; or by (2) developing a new job classification, with supporting descriptions, which will be incorporated into Attachment B through the issuance of an installation memo; or (3) the Company will establish a Temporary Job Classification in accordance with Section 19.3(a). 19.3(a) Temporary Job Classification or Level. A temporary job classification or level may be established by the Company for new or revised work for which no current job classification or level is applicable and which requires a period of time to stabilize job duties. This period will not exceed ninety (90) days unless extended by mutual agreement. The Union will be notified of the effective date and approximate duration. Employees will be assigned to such new work at not less than their current levels until the job classification and level is made permanent. If the temporary job classification or level is made permanent at a higher level than the levels of the assigned employees, these employees will be paid within the range of the higher level for the time assigned to the work covered by the permanent job classification or level. Effective upon and after the Company’s determination that a temporary job classification and/or level has become permanent, the provisions of Section 19.4 shall apply.
New or Revised Job Classification and Levels. If, after the effective date of this Agreement, the Company or the Union determines that no existing job classification or level appropriately covers a new or reorganized work assignment, either party may initiate a request for evaluation and review. The Union, with the assistance of one (1) employee from the affected job classification, will participate as a voting member on the Company’s team in the identification, evaluation, and review of all proposed changes to job classification and levels for classifications listed in Attachment B. The Company’s team shall include one human resources official, the applicable company director, and one Union official, each of whom may receive input from other interested parties. The Company will implement changes by (1) revising or deleting an existing job classification or level; or by (2) developing a new job classification, with supporting descriptions, which will be incorporated into Attachment B through the issuance of an installation memo; or (3) the Company will establish a Temporary Job Classification in accordance with Section 19.3(a). 19.3(a) Temporary Job Classification or Level
New or Revised Job Classification and Levels. If, after the effective 40 date of this Agreement, the Company or the Union determines that no existing job 41 classification or level appropriately covers a new or reorganized work assignment, 42 either party may initiate a request for evaluation and review. The Union, with the 43 assistance of one (1) employee from the affected job classification, will participate 44 as a voting member on the Company’s team in the identification, evaluation, and 45 review of all proposed changes to job classification and levels for classifications 46 listed in Attachment B. The Company’s team shall include one human resources 47 official, the applicable company director, and one Union official, each of whom may 48 receive input from other interested parties. The Company will implement changes 49 by (1) revising or deleting an existing job classification or level; or by (2) developing a 50 new job classification, with supporting descriptions, which will be incorporated into 51 Attachment B through the issuance of an installation memo; or (3) the Company will 52 establish a Temporary Job Classification in accordance with Section 19.3(a). 53

Related to New or Revised Job Classification and Levels

  • Mileage Measurement Where required, the mileage measurement for LIS rate elements is determined in the same manner as the mileage measurement for V&H methodology as outlined in NECA Tariff No. 4.

  • New Job Classifications When a new classification (which is covered by the terms of this collective agreement) is established by the Hospital, the Hospital shall determine the rate of pay for such new classification and notify the local Union of the same. If the local Union challenges the rate, it shall have the right to request a meeting with the Hospital to endeavour to negotiate a mutually satisfactory rate. Such request will be made within ten (10) days after the receipt of notice from the Hospital of such new occupational classification and rate. Any change mutually agreed to resulting from such meeting shall be retroactive to the date that notice of the new rate was given by the Hospital. If the parties are unable to agree, the dispute concerning the new rate may be submitted to arbitration as provided in the agreement within fifteen (15) days of such meeting. The decision of the arbitrator (or board of arbitration as the case may be) shall be based on the relationship established by comparison with the rates for other classifications in the bargaining unit having regard to the requirements of such classification. When the Hospital makes a substantial change in the job content of an existing classification which in reality causes such classification to become a new classification, the Hospital agrees to meet with the Union if requested to permit the Union to make representation with respect to the appropriate rate of pay. If the matter is not resolved following the meeting with the Union, the matter may be referred to arbitration as provided in the agreement within fifteen (15) days of such meeting. The decision of the arbitrator (or board of arbitration as the case may be) shall be based on the relationship established by comparison with the rates for other classifications in the bargaining unit having regard to the requirements of such classifications. The parties further agree that any change mutually agreed to or awarded as a result of arbitration shall be retroactive only to the date that the Union raised the issue with the Hospital. The parties further agree that the above process as provided herein shall constitute the process for Pay Equity Maintenance as required by the Pay Equity Act.

  • Job Classification Full-Time and Part-Time (a) When a new classification (which is covered by the terms of this Collective Agreement) is established by the Hospital, the Hospital shall determine the rate of pay for such new classification and notify the Local Union of the same within seven (7) days. If the local challenges the rate, it shall have the right to request a meeting with the Hospital to endeavor to negotiate a mutually satisfactory rate. Such request will be made within ten (10) days after the receipt of notice from the Hospital of such new occupational classification and rate. Any change mutually agreed to resulting from such meeting shall be retroactive to the date that notice of the new rate was given by the Hospital. If the parties are unable to agree, the dispute concerning the new rate may be submitted to arbitration as provided in the Agreement within fifteen (15) days of such meeting. The decision of the Board of Arbitration (or Arbitrator as the case may be) shall be based on the relationship established by comparison with the rates for other classifications in the bargaining unit having regard to the requirements of such classification. (b) When the Hospital makes a substantial change during the term of this agreement in the job content of an existing classification which in reality causes such classification to become a new classification, the Hospital agrees to meet with the Union, to permit the Union to make representation with respect to the appropriate rate of pay. (c) If the matter is not resolved following the meeting with the Union the matter may be referred to arbitration as provided in the Agreement within fifteen (15) days of such meeting. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be based on the relationship established by comparison with the rates for other classifications in the bargaining unit having regard to the requirements of such classifications. (d) The parties further agree that any change mutually agreed to or awarded as a result of arbitration shall be retroactive only to the date that the Union raised the issue with the Hospital.

  • New Classification Should a new position or new classification be created within the Bargaining Unit during the term of this Agreement, the Employer and the Union will decide the rate of pay. Nothing herein prevents the Employer from filling such positions and having Nurses working in such positions during such negotiations. The salary when determined will be retroactive to the date on which the successful candidate commenced work in that classification.

  • Client Classification 7.1. We shall not have an obligation to treat our clients in different classes depending on their knowledge and expertise.

  • Staffing Levels To the extent legislative appropriations and PIN authorizations allow, safe staffing levels will be maintained in all institutions where employees have patient, client, inmate or student care responsibilities. In July of each year, the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of each agency will, upon request, meet with the Union, to hear the employees’ views regarding staffing levels. In August of each year, the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Budget and Management will, upon request, meet with the Union to hear the employees’ views regarding the Governor’s budget request.

  • Switching System Hierarchy and Trunking Requirements For purposes of routing PNG traffic to Verizon, the subtending arrangements between Verizon Tandem Switches and Verizon End Office Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangements Verizon maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers’ traffic (i.e., traffic will be routed to the appropriate Verizon Tandem subtended by the terminating End Office serving the Verizon Customer). For purposes of routing Verizon traffic to PNG, the subtending arrangements between PNG Tandem Switches and PNG End Office Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangements that PNG maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers’ traffic.

  • Unusual Job Requirements of Short Duration ‌ The nature of health care is such that at times it may be necessary for an employee to perform work not normally required in his/her job for the safety, health or comfort of a client or resident. It is understood that an employee shall not be expected to perform a task for which he/she is not adequately trained.

  • System for Award Management (XXX) Requirement Alongside a signed copy of this Agreement, Grantee will provide Florida Housing with a proof of registration and Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) number. Grantee will continue to maintain an active XXX registration with current information at all times during which it has an active award under this Agreement.

  • Recognition of Union Stewards and Grievance Committee In order to provide an orderly and speedy procedure for the settling of grievances, the Employer acknowledges the rights and duties of the Union Stewards. The Xxxxxxx shall assist any Employee, which the Xxxxxxx represents, in preparing and presenting her grievance in accordance with the grievance procedure.