Evaluation and Review. The Board will appraise the performance of the Superintendent as Superintendent and provide him with a written evaluation in accordance with the evaluation process that has been mutually developed.
Evaluation and Review. The Parties agree to input into the NDIS evaluation and jointly monitor its progress, results and outcomes to inform arrangements for full scheme.
Evaluation and Review. 6.1 Representatives from all parties will annually from the date of signing evaluate and review the effectiveness and suitability of this MOU. This review will conducted as a scheduled agenda item within the FNQ NAMAC
6.2 A regional database containing details of transactions of resource sharing will be accessible to all signatories and updated in time with each FNQ NAMAC cycle.
Evaluation and Review a. Individuals and committees who evaluate leave requests shall give consideration to:
1) The quality of the proposal, its probable value to the professional development of the individual, and the contribution to the University and students;
2) Potential value of the completed project to the University, the applicant’s college, professional area, and students;
3) Evidence which exhibits sound preliminary planning of the project and ability to complete the project;
4) Past record of service to the University, research, teaching, and other scholarly and creative activity;
5) The final report and any subsequent outcomes of the most recent sabbatical leave;
6) Years of service applicable toward the leave; and
7) Impact on departmental programs.
Evaluation and Review. The Commonwealth and the States will conduct evaluations and reviews of outcomes and outputs delivered under this Agreement, as noted in Part 6 – Governance Arrangements. Additionally, the States will support evaluation of the implementation of the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework outside of this Agreement. This will occur with reference to the activities delivered under this Agreement, and in accordance with monitoring, evaluation and learning arrangements agreed and reviewed annually by the Australia‑New Zealand Emergency Management Committee, and administered and fully funded by the Commonwealth. Part 1 — Formalities Parties to this Agreement This Agreement is between the Commonwealth of Australia (the Commonwealth) and the States and Territories (the States). Term of the Agreement This Agreement will commence as soon as the Commonwealth and one other Party sign it and will expire on 30 June 2024, or on completion of the project, including final performance reporting and processing of final payments against performance milestones. The Agreement may be terminated earlier or extended as agreed in writing by the Parties.
Evaluation and Review. 1. The Commission shall carry out an evaluation of this Directive by … [six years after the end-date for transposition of this Directive]. The evaluation shall be based on the information available in accordance with Article 13. Member States shall provide the Commission with any additional information necessary for the purposes of the evaluation and the preparation of the report referred to in paragraph 2.
2. ▌Commission shall submit a report on the main findings of the evaluation carried out in accordance with paragraph 1 to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee. The report shall be accompanied by a legislative proposal, if appropriate. That proposal shall, if appropriate, set binding quantitative consumption reduction targets and set binding collection rates for fishing gear. PE632.990v01-00 52/65 AG\1174364EN.docx
3. The report shall include:
(a) an assessment of the need to review the Annex listing single-use plastic products, including regarding caps and lids made of plastics used for glass and metal beverage containers;
(b) a study of the feasibility of establishing binding collection rates for fishing gear and binding quantitative Union targets for the consumption reduction of, in particular, single-use plastic products listed in Part A of the Annex, taking into account consumption levels and already achieved reductions in Member States;
(c) an assessment of the change in materials used in the single-use plastic products covered by this Directive as well as of new consumption patterns and business models based on reusable alternatives; this shall wherever possible include an overall life-cycle analysis to assess the environmental impact of such products and their alternatives;
(d) an assessment of the scientific and technical progress concerning criteria or a standard for biodegradability in the marine environment applicable to single- use plastic products within the scope of this directive and their single-use substitutes which ensure full decomposition into carbon dioxide (CO2), biomass and water within a timescale short enough for the plastics not to be harmful for marine life and not lead to an accumulation of plastics in the environment.
4. As part of the evaluation pursuant to paragraph 1, the Commission shall review the measures taken under this Directive on single-use plastic products listed in the Annex part E point 3 and shall submit a report on the main findings. The report shall also conside...
Evaluation and Review. The Project Lead and Buyer Success Manager shall periodically (not less frequently than semi-annually) communicate for the purpose of conducting a review and evaluation of Buyer’s use of the Software and activities under this Agreement (the “Evaluation”). As part of the Evaluation, Clinical Architecture and Buyer shall endeavour to assess performance against Xxxxx’s goals and discuss any changes thereto. The Evaluation provides an opportunity for Buyer to discuss with Clinical Architecture the use and functioning of the Software in order to discuss potential improvements, workflow modifications, or expansion of the mix of modules included within the Software.
Evaluation and Review. In order to provide a vehicle for on-going evaluation, review, and discussion of operational issues, both parties agree to communicate on a regular basis to discuss issues related to the implementation of this agreement.
Evaluation and Review. 16.1. Following the entering into force, the NSAs shall review this agreement yearly and evaluate the effectiveness of its implementation against the objectives set therein. If necessary, the NSAs will conduct ad-hoc evaluation.
16.2. Either NSA may request consultations on the interpretation and implementation or a modification of this Agreement under the auspices of the NSA Board.
16.3. The NSAs involved will respond appropriately and in a coordinated manner, taking into account also the applicable national legislation and procedures, to any changes arising from decisions and/or actions by the State, that require an amendment to this Agreement, following consultation with all parties affected and/or involved.
Evaluation and Review a. Advisor will be evaluated against its investment objectives. The Company believes that ongoing qualitative evaluation of the portfolio management is important in the protection of assets and in the achievement of our objectives in the future years. Therefore evaluation of Advisor’s performance may include measurements based on both quantitative and qualitative standards.
b. The Company will hold discussions at least quarterly to review the following with the Advisor:
i. Current portfolio structure and asset allocation policy.
ii. Investment results in context with the goals, objectives and policies.
c. The company reserves the right to change Advisors at any time. Evaluation criteria the Company wishes to focus on are the following:
i. Consistency of approach - having a visible philosophy and adhering to a stated investment strategy.
ii. Adherence to risk tolerance and investment guidelines.
iii. Performance relative to the appropriate benchmarks.
d. Any large deviation from expected results or performance guidelines may require the consideration to alter and amend the investment policies. The Company will encourage Advisor to present recommendations in writing as to changes they believe will be prudently beneficial.