Number of Pays. All DEA employees will be on twenty-six (26) pays.
Number of Pays. Less than twelve (12) month employees shall choose either twenty-six
Number of Pays. Teachers will be given the option of receiving paychecks over the duration of the school year or twenty-six (26) paychecks over fifty-two (52) weeks.
Number of Pays. The annual contractual salary shall be paid in periodic increments according to the district established pay dates. The established pay dates will be either bi-weekly or semi-monthly. If the district chooses the semi-monthly pay schedule, the district will have an initial conversation with the HEA regarding the implementation process.
Number of Pays. 5 3 List of Deductions........................................................................... 6 3
Number of Pays. Members of the bargaining unit are to be paid every two (2) weeks, on Friday, except in cases of emergency.
Number of Pays. All employees shall be paid twenty four (24) pays per year. Pay days shall be on the tenth (10th) and twenty-fifth (25th) day of the month. (If the payday falls on Saturday payday will be on Friday and if payday falls on Sunday pay will occur on Monday.)
Number of Pays. Less than twelve (12) month employees shall choose either twenty-six (26) pays or twenty-two (22) pays (these may vary depending on the calendar) and will include the anticipated paid days for that year. Employees must notify the Payroll Office of their choice of pay option by 5:00 P.M. of the Friday of the second week of employment. There shall be no deviation from this policy following the above stated time for notification, nor shall payment of money accumulated for the summer checks for those choosing twenty-six (26) pays be made. Employees who have not made their selection by the above deadline shall be placed on twenty-six (26) pays. Individuals who wish to change their pay option may do so by written notice to the Payroll Office by July 1 for the following school year.
Number of Pays. All NLSSP employees shall be paid over twenty-four (24) equal pays in a year on the 15th and last day of each month with a two-week holdover.
Number of Pays. The payrolls for certificated employees shall be paid in two-week intervals, twenty-six times per year. Exceptions will be made for school recesses and holidays for convenience purposes.